Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 400: Leader is the matchmaker, Jiangshan is the hire

"So, Situ Burei just betrothed Girl Zeng to me because of you?"

Song Qingshu recalled the situation just now, as well as Situ Burei's ambiguous words, and finally realized it.

"I've seen a girl Zeng, she is charming and lovely, and has a gentle personality, don't you like it?" Zhu Yuxuan looked at him in a puzzled manner.

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just... it's just..." Song Qingshu paused for a long time without thinking about how to say it.

"Does it feel like a deal?" Zhu Yu said with a pursed smile.

"Yeah." Song Qingshu nodded depressed.

"For so many years, Situ Burei has been loyal to Daming, and I have to make him look forward to it, so I thought about the marriage strategy. Of course, I can't marry his son, so I have to sacrifice you," Zhu Yuhui smiled narrowly. Said, "What's more, Miss Zeng admires you. It's not a secret in the Wangwu School. Situ Burei naturally agreed after hearing what I said."

Song Qingshu pretended to be angrily: "You just sold me like this?"

Zhu Yu said in a bad mood: "People will give you power, and they will give you a beautiful family, and they will prepare a dowry for you. Where can I find such a good thing."

Song Qingshu was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "This dowry is not enough."

"Not enough?" Zhu Yuxuan looked at him in surprise, "Wang Wu sent thousands of elite Guan Ning cavalry, is this kind of dowry not enough?"

"As a girl Zeng's dowry, of course it is enough," Song Qingshu deliberately paused for a moment, seeing Zhu Yuxu's heart a little flustered, "But Jiu, where's your dowry?"

Zhu Yu's face turned red all of a sudden, and she stood there too embarrassed. After a while, she murmured: "No one asked you for a betrothal..."

Song Qingshu laughed loudly and stretched out his hand to take Zhu Yuxuan to the bedside: "I have a ready-made dowry here to ensure your satisfaction."

Seeing Song Qingshu pulling herself to the bed, Zhu Yu was awkward. Recalling the charming atmosphere in the tent that day, her whole body was a little soft, and she said sadly: "You are clearly bullying others, why? What kind of bride price is it."

Zhu Yuxuan subconsciously thought that Song Qingshu had passed half of his skills during the double cultivation, thinking that he would pass his skills through that method now.

Seeing Zhu Yu's eyes full of peach blossoms, Song Qingshu was taken aback for a while, and realized that she was thinking about something wrong, and explained dumbfoundedly: "The betrothal gift I'm talking about is not what you think."

"Oh, ah?" Zhu Yuxu raised his head to see Song Qingshu's serious look, and realized that he was thinking about it, and he was immediately embarrassed.

"Ajiu, what is your biggest wish?" Song Qingshu sat on the bed, patted her side and motioned for her to sit over.

Zhu Yuxuan hesitated for a while, and sat down, but deliberately separated from Song Qingshu a certain distance, "Naturally overthrow the Manchu Qing and restore my Daming country..."

Zhu Yu said the first sentence with a loud voice, and when he said the latter sentence, her voice lowered subconsciously. After so many years of traveling around the world, why didn't she understand that Daming's energy was exhausted...

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "Ajiu, have you heard about my assassination of Kangxi not long ago?"

"Well," Zhu Yuxu nodded, and then sighed with regret, "If I was by your side at that time, with the power of you and me, the dog emperor of Kangxi would definitely be doomed."

Song Qingshu suppressed a smile and snorted, "Who told you to leave me cruelly in the first place."

Zhu Yuhui's cheeks were reddish, and she said softly: "In that situation, you suddenly did something to me... Although I know you are trying to save me, why are you embarrassed to let a daughter stay and face you? "

"Are you embarrassed now?" Song Qingshu looked at her directly.

"Do you have to make people so embarrassed?" Zhu Yu glanced at him wryly.

Song Qingshu quickly told Rao: "Okay, I won't tease you... I'll tell you a secret. Kangxi... actually killed me during that assassination."

"Ah!" Zhu Yuxuan exclaimed and looked at him directly, "What did you say?"

"With your skill, how could you not hear clearly?" Song Qingshu shrugged helplessly.

"How is this possible?" Zhu Yuxuan finally came over, "Isn't Kangxi still sitting in the Forbidden City, this time he also used his army to encircle and suppress the Golden Snake Camp."

Song Qingshu suddenly hesitated and looked at her and asked, "Ajiu, can I really trust you?" It's not to blame him for being cautious. This matter is too much related. If a little bit of information is leaked out, all his plans are finished. , Now the seriously injured Dongfang Muxue will be life-threatening.

In the end, he and Zhu Yuyi only rolled once...Oh no, the sheets of the night, although they admired each other before, there was no emotional foundation. This time she suddenly appeared in a posture of a non-jun not marrying. , So that Song Qingshu fell into a dream, trance and a sense of unreality.

In the final analysis, this is the "cheap" in Song Qingshu's subconscious mind. He is used to making great efforts to compete for women, but he is not at ease about sending them to the door...

"What do you mean?" Zhu Yuxu trembled all over, and his face became extremely pale.

"I have to try it to be sure..." Song Qingshu reached out and hooked her smooth chin, and slowly moved her lips together.

Zhu Yu looked at him quietly, until the two were about to touch, he turned away, leaving only a side face for him. Song Qingshu didn't care about it, and with a slight force in his hand, he pulled her head back, this time he didn't give her a chance again, and kissed it all at once.

Zhu Yuxu struggled desperately, but with Song Qingshu's current skill, where could she make it? There was a whining sound in his mouth helplessly.

"Hiss~" Song Qingshu shrank back like lightning, touched his tongue, and said depressedly, "Wow, are you a dog?"

Zhu Yu snorted coldly, turned her head to the side, and did not want to answer him, but her heart was extremely miserable: He had traveled all the way back to the Central Plains, and had already decided to entrust him for life, but he despised himself like this...

Seeing Zhu Yan's face with frost and heartbroken expression, Song Qingshu laughed instead: "It's this familiar feeling." In his heart, he couldn't help but cursed himself "bad bones" and quickly apologized to Zhu Yan.

"Ajiu, the main thing is that everything came too suddenly. I can still get your favor. I still feel in a dream. And that matter is too much involved. If it leaks out, I will die without a place to be buried."

Seeing Song Qingshu said so seriously, Zhu Yuxu finally turned around and looked at him suspiciously.

After Song Qingshu assassinated Kangxi himself, Li Daitao was dead, and then encircled and suppressed Shandong, intending to take the opportunity to enter the Golden Snake Camp and talk to her roughly.

Hearing all this, Zhu Yuxuan seemed to be stupid, and she was stunned. It was not until Song Qingshu finished speaking that she came back to her senses. She grabbed his arm in surprise and joy: "Big Brother Song, what you said is true. Is it?"

"If I wanted to lie to you, would I use such absurd lies to lie to you?" Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

Zhu Yuxuan subconsciously believed it, because Song Qingshu really wanted to lie to herself, and would never use such absurd, flawed lies... She stood up all at once, trembling all over, obviously excited in her heart, and her beautiful eyes looked at it hotly. With Song Qingshu.

"I assassinated Emperor Tarzi, and will soon overthrow the Manchu dynasty. I don't know if this is enough to be the betrothal gift of the Ninth Princess?" Song Qingshu looked at her playfully.

Zhu Yuxuan's blush was fleeting, and he sat down next to him again, and said like a mosquito, "It's more than enough..."

Song Qingshu hugged her slender waist and said in her ear: "Then I can ask now, what is your dowry?"

"Where can I find the corresponding dowry..." Zhu Yu's voice was full of crying, but her heart was full of sweetness: Father, the daughter's future husband-in-law avenged Daming...

Song Qingshu originally wanted to tease her, but he didn't know how to smell the fragrance of her daughter coming from her so close. He couldn't help but feel like a heartache and kissed her on the cheek.

Feeling his movements, Zhu Yu's body trembled, but there was no thought of rejection. He tightly pinched the skirt with his hands, sat there shyly, and let the man next to him act on him.

But when Song Qingshu's hand stretched towards her belt, the reservedness of his daughter's family made Zhu Yuxuan subconsciously grabbed his hand, but then she thought that she was already his own, hesitated for a moment and opened her hand lightly.

After this interruption, Song Qingshu suddenly woke up and scolded herself as a bastard. Now Xia Qingqing is outside fearing for herself, but she enjoys the gentle town here...

Feeling Song Qingshu's movements suddenly stopped, Zhu Yuxu opened his eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly: "There is another companion who went up the mountain with me just now. She is probably worried now."

Zhu Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "Big Brother Song's companion should be a girl, right?"

Song Qingshu was even more embarrassed, and nodded: "Actually you know it too."

"I know?" Zhu Yuxuan couldn't help being surprised, "Who is it?"

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside, and Situ Burei's voice soon rang outside the courtyard: "Princess, Song Gongzi’s companion has been waiting for him for a long time. He has to come here to check and talk to me. The men hit him."

Song Qingshu secretly squeezed a cold sweat. Xia Qingqing was really sturdy, but she was extremely touched in her heart. She clearly told her to go first when the situation was wrong, but she did not expect that she would come to find herself regardless of the danger.

Zhu Yu gave him a weird look, and quickly said in a clear voice: "General Situ, you let the girl in."

"Yes!" Although Daming is dead, Situ Burei still observes the courtesy of serving as a minister.

Song Qingshu couldn't help it anymore. After a pause, he flashed out and joined Xia Qingqing who had rushed over.

"Big Brother Song, you're all right!" Xia Qingqing took his arm in surprise and looked up and down.

"Your Brother Song is so good in martial arts, how could something happen? But you, didn't you tell you that something really happened, did you take the opportunity to go down the mountain first? You are so dangerous!" Song Qingshu couldn't help but glared at Xia Qingqing.

"Is they worried about you." Xia Qingqing laughed and couldn't help but coquettishly. "By the way, who is that mysterious person?"

"You know that person too, go and see for yourself." Song Qingshu said with a weird expression.


Turtle speed update, actually wrote 400 chapters

I finally believe that in the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise can outperform the hare


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