Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 406: Sheep girl

"Ms. Water... is from the south of the Yangtze River again, isn't it Shui Sheng?" Song Qingshu's expression was immediately brilliant. The Shui surname was originally rare, not to mention the relationship with the ancestor of the blood knife...

Song Qing's book belly is slander: The butterfly effect is quite big. Di Yun was rescued from the prison in advance by himself, and then he was taken to the sticky pole in Yanjing City. Naturally, he had no chance to touch the water sheng, triggering the Tibetan side in the original book. The plot of Snow Valley. However, the historical error correction ability is really strong. Without the snow valley in Tibet, Shui Sheng was still robbed by the blood knife ancestor.

Thinking of the savage and wayward girl at the time, Song Qingshu showed a sorrowful smile. At any rate, she was predestined. She couldn't really let her be ruined by the blood knife ancestors. He quickly asked: "When was the water girl kidnapped by the blood knife ancestors? Thing?"

Facing Song Qingshu, the soldier was not so impatient with Zhu Yu. When he thought that he was the fairy man, he couldn't help showing an envy, and said with jealousy: "It's been midnight last night, it's been more than a dozen hours now. ."

After asking the direction Shuijian they were pursuing, Song Qingshu took Zhu Yuxuan to the side and whispered, "Ajiu, in this situation, I will help Shuijian and them to rescue his niece. Afterwards, he should be embarrassed. Don't agree to our request."

"It's been so long, is it too late?" Zhu Yu pouted and couldn't help but complain. "It's all to blame. Just now I said to come to them early. You must be holding me... Hu Tian Hu, this Didn't you miss the business."

"I didn't know that such a thing would happen," Song Qingshu said grimly, "but with my light work, it is not impossible to catch up with them. Jiu, you go back first, and when Qingqing comes back, you will deal with the things here. She said, I will come back as soon as possible."

"Okay, then you should be careful." Zhu Yuxu intentionally went with him, but when he moved a little, there was a tingling sensation between her legs, and her body was a little tired. She couldn't bear to think of someone who was the culprit. She gave Song Qingshu a fierce look.

"Don't worry, it's just an ancestor of the blood knife," Song Qingshu smiled confidently, "Then I go first?"

"Yeah." Zhu Yuxu nodded lightly, watching Song Qingshu take a step at random, and he appeared dozens of meters away, and he couldn't help but spit out his tongue, "I didn't expect Song Lang's light work to reach its peak."

Zhu Yuxuan's magical behavior with the Iron Sword Gate has changed, and he has always been self-conscious. Now that he has seen the huge gap between the two, he feels a little lost and a little proud.

Song Qingshu was speeding elegantly while searching for the trail of the blood knife ancestor and his party, secretly calculating: Shui Sheng had just been robbed by the blood knife ancestor, Shui Jian and the others chased it out. It seems that the blood knife ancestor has not had time to spoil Shui Sheng. , Shui Sheng should be safe in a short time, but if they change their direction in the middle of chasing and fleeing, wouldn't they be empty?

Thinking of this, Song Qingshu couldn't help but think of Li Qiushui's voice search for souls in "The Eight Parts of the Dragon". If he knew this stuff, it would be so convenient to find someone now.

So far, Song Qingshu can only choose the most stupid method, and estimate the horse's foot strength in his heart. During this period of time, where they can go as far as they can go, if he can't catch up before that, then it proves that the direction is wrong, and start in another direction. A sector search.

A car travels at 45 kilometers per hour and sets off one hour earlier, and another vehicle travels at 60 kilometers per hour. How long does it take to catch up with the previous car, and how far are the two cars from the starting point when it catches up?

The calculation problems he learned in elementary school suddenly appeared in his mind, and Song Qingshu suddenly looked depressed. He did not expect that he would not be able to escape the life of doing homework after crossing. Huang Tian paid his attention. After Song Qingshu racked his brains to make accurate calculations, he finally found the blood knife ancestors in a valley.

"You are not a human... You are a demon... You kill me..." A young girl cried in despair in the wind and snow.

Song Qingshu felt cold in his heart: "Is it too late?" I saw a group of fire from a distance, surrounded by two figures, one is the long-lost blood knife ancestor, the other is a thin old man with a goatee on his chin. , There was a young girl lying on the ground with tears in her eyes, who was it if she wasn't Shui Sheng?

"How can I be willing to kill you, such a delicate beauty? When my ancestor finishes this roasted whole lamb, I will come and serve you well." The blood knife ancestor Xiongzheng smiled, and deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word Serving. , The tone is full of obscene meaning.

"Niece Shui, you have to be an ancestor. Don't know what is good or what is wrong. The ancestors of the ancestors have supernatural powers. With one enemy four, you really beat your uncles and uncles to the bottom of the world. Where can such heroes look to the world? Looking for it?" The goatee old man looked flattering.

"Bah, the surname Hua, you have to be shameless. You and my father, Uncle Liu, have the same name, but they are just a shameless person who is greedy for life and fear of death." Shui Sheng sipped fiercely, her small chest rising and falling sharply. Obviously, I was extremely excited.

Seeing the goatee old man with a look of shame, the blood knife old ancestor laughed: "Mr. Flower, what does a little girl know about her family? As the saying goes, good birds choose trees and live in them. Now my great Mongolia is in order to dominate the world. A talented person, thanks to Mr. Hua's martial arts and his reputation in Jiangnan martial arts, coupled with the ancestor's recommendation in front of the prince Ali Buge, the husband will be reused. Wouldn't it be better to be a martial arts idler in the future? "

"Yes, yes, what the ancestor said." The goatee old man nodded and bowed, his face swept away, replaced by a desire for power.

"It looks like this goatee is the Huatiegan from the Nansiqi's'Luohua Liushui'. Listening to their conversation, could it be the case of Snow Valley on the Tibetan side in the original book? Luo Hua Liushui died one by one, only Hua Tiegan wagged his tail to the blood knife ancestor. , Only saved his life. But according to the gatekeeper, in addition to Nan Siqi, the black and white double swords, Shui Jian, and another mysterious master were chased. Could it be that they were all killed by the blood knife ancestor? how can that be!"

Song Qingshu was secretly frightened, and was about to jump out to save Shui Sheng, when suddenly he heard a crisp scolding:

"Great monk, did you kill my sheep?"

Song Qingshu followed his reputation, and saw a young girl in a light green shirt looking angrily at the two blood knife ancestors. Her heart was suddenly strange. When did this girl appear there, why didn't I notice it at all?

The blood knife ancestor also looked up and down the green shirt girl, with a melon-seeded face, long eyelashes, fair skin, and a very beautiful appearance. He smiled triumphantly: "My ancestor, I recently had a peach blossom luck. Pretty girl, it seems that I will eat more mutton to make up for myself later.

Looking at the squeaky sheep being roasted on the campfire, the girl was even more angry: "Why are you killing my sheep?"

The ancestor of the blood knife smiled and didn't answer. He picked up the knife and approached the girl step by step. The tip of the knife cut her belt silently.

Seeing her slender figure, weak and slender, Song Qingshu didn't notice the appearance of innocence on her body, and quickly jumped to her side, holding her slender waist and retreating several feet, avoiding the incomparable subtlety of the ancestor of the blood knife. One knife: "Be careful girl, this big monk is not a good person, he doesn't blink at killing people, let alone your sheep."


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