Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 414: Blue confidant

Wang Yuyan couldn't help but sipped: "What nonsense!"

Song Qingshu leaned against the railing behind him and smiled relaxedly: "Seeing you cry so sad, just tease you."

Wang Yuyan raised the back of her hand, gently wiped the teardrops from her cheeks, and asked hesitantly: "Did you hear our conversation just now?"

"I heard it." Song Qingshu smiled faintly.

"I'm sorry." Wang Yuyan apologized.

Song Qingshu waved his hand: "What are you sorry for? You are not Murong Fu, but just a cousin."

Although Wang Yuyan was still angry with Murong Fu just now, she knew that Song Qingshu had discovered all this, she still subconsciously wanted to explain for her cousin: "Song son, my cousin doesn't want to be like this, but this opportunity is too important for him."

Song Qingshu smiled indifferently: "Miss Wang, you don't have to defend him. Actually, I don't blame him in my heart. On the contrary, I understand him very well. If I change places, I will probably make the same choice."

A strange expression appeared on Wang Yuyan's white cheeks, and finally sighed faintly: "I didn't expect you to speak for him instead."

"How can I set off my broad mind in front of Miss Wang if I don't speak for him." Song Qingshu laughed, with a calm look.

Wang Yuyan glanced at him unexpectedly. He didn't expect him to be so frank, but Wang Yuyan could feel from Song Qingshu's tone and demeanor that the other party never said that to cater to his own favor. Although he has been babbled, his eyes are very clear. Obviously, he didn't have any intentions against himself as he said.

Among the men Wang Yuyan met in reviewing his life, whether it was a cold and hot cousin, or the son of Duan who was deeply affectionate for him, none was as supernatural as Song Qingshu, as if he was just an ordinary friend in his heart. Casually, I don’t care if I hate it, if I like it...

"You're not really comparing the advantages and disadvantages of my cousin and me." Seeing Wang Yuyan's dazed expression, Song Qingshu couldn't help but waved in front of her.

"Where..." Wang Yuyan lowered her head, a flush flashed across her cheeks.

Song Qingshu didn't care, and asked casually: "Since Miss Wang is here, the Dali son of Dali should be nearby too, right?"

Wang Yuyan couldn't help but snorted: "Song Gongzi is going to talk nonsense, I am innocent and Duan Gongzi..."

Song Qingshu smiled noncommitantly: "That kid Duan Yu has a deep affection for you, calling you a fairy sister, I don't believe you really don't know his thoughts."

Wang Yuyan sighed softly: "I have been single-minded to my cousin, so I have to live up to Master Duan's goodwill."

"Don't you feel anything about that kid Duan Yu?" Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile.

Wang Yuyan's cheeks blushed, and she sighed suddenly: "Song Gongzi, a man of seven feet, is like a woman and a Taoist man, so he came to inquire about his daughter's thoughts?"

"Everyone has the heart of gossip, so what kind of **** is there?" Song Qingshu didn't have the slightest shame on his face. "If Miss Wang doesn't dislike me, she can treat me as a blue-faced confidant. Maybe I can help you share the sorrow. ."

Wang Yuyan was startled: "What is a confidant?"

Song Qing said: "Women can be men's confidantes, and men can also be women's confidantes. Ms. Wang reads many books, it should be easy to understand."

Wang Yuyan said shyly: "Who wants you to be someone's... Lan Yan confidant?"

Song Qingshu's expression changed: "I can achieve today's achievements, to a large extent, thanks to the girl's guidance that day, so that I can renew my meridians, and have always been grateful to the girl. So just now I saw the girl being bullied by my cousin. When I meet, I just want to help you as much as possible, so that you can recognize your heart as soon as possible."

"My heart?" Seeing Song Qingshu's sudden serious cheeks, and don't know why, Wang Yuyan subconsciously believed his words.

"I have things to do later, so I can only make a long story short, and you can understand it yourself." Song Qingshu gave a light cough and said slowly, "It can be seen that Miss Wang has always liked your cousin, but Master Murong did it for the sake of Your great cause has never responded to your love. At this time, a young man with outstanding appearance and family character appeared to you, and he was very courteous. Although you may not fall in love with him, you must be right in your heart. He also has a good opinion, and enjoys the feeling of being spoiled, so although you have always been cold to him, but you have not explicitly rejected it, and take the initiative to distinguish between him."

"The girl's cousin, how do you say... It's the kind of typical face-saving, narrow-minded but generous person. Although he doesn't say it, he will definitely be very upset when he sees all this. Over time, he It will inevitably anger you, thinking that you are a daughter’s family, but you don’t know how reserved and self-love, and have an ambiguous relationship with other men...

Seeing Wang Yuyan's pretty face gradually turning pale, Song Qingshu continued: "So I advise the girl to understand her heart as soon as possible. If you really make up your mind to live with Murong for the rest of your life, you will have a relationship with Duan Yuhua as soon as possible. Clear boundaries; if you like Duan Yu's kid more, accept his love as soon as possible, so as not to get rid of the bamboo basket in the end."

Thinking of how her cousin had been cold and hot after meeting Duan Yu, Wang Yuyan was shocked. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Song Qingshu's analysis made sense. But Young Master Duan was so good to him, how could he be so heartless and hurt his heart...

"Then who do you think I should choose more?" Wang Yuyan muttered to herself, she was shocked as soon as she spoke. How could you ask such a question? Isn't it that I am not so confident in choosing my cousin? Is it?

Song Qingshu glanced at her with a smile, without piercing her mind, and replied: "Miss Wang and Mr Murong's childhood sweethearts, plus Mr. Murong's literary and martial talents, are also quite famous in the martial arts. She was originally a girl-husband. My son-in-law is the best choice, but..."

"It's just what?" Seeing him pause on purpose, Wang Yuyan was suddenly anxious.

"It's just that Mr. Murong is full of dreams of recovering Dayan, and he doesn't want to have a love for his children." Song Qingshu threw a blockbuster.

Wang Yuyan only felt cold all over. The Murong family’s family motto for resuming the country has always been extremely confidential. At that time, only a few people knew this secret. How could Song Qingshu know?

Seeing her look terrified, Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "The girl can rest assured, I will never reveal this secret to the outside world, and I have no intention of threatening Young Master Murong... Now you should believe what I said to understand his choice. Right?"


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