Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 426: Ming Zun vs Sword Fairy

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a young girl in a light green shirt standing not far away, glaring at Ming Zun with an angry look, obviously very dissatisfied with what he just said.

"Smelly girl, what are you talking about?" Being robbed of white by a teenage girl, as Mingzun's status, his face naturally couldn't hold back.

The girl in the light green cyan shirt stretched out her finger and shaved her face: "I said Bah Bah Bah, you are really shameless, are you deaf?"

Seeing the girl's innocence and asking Mingzun if Mingzun was deaf, Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but laughed. Although Song Qingshu also thought it was funny, they still said worriedly: "Little girl, get out of here. It's dangerous here."

The girl in the light green shirt turned her head and looked at Song Qingshu, her eyes curled like crescent moons: "You are a good-hearted person. You buried Xiaobai for me before, and now she's almost dead and still caring about me."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Who is Xiaobai?"

The girl in the light green cyan shirt looked sad: "That's the poor Aries."

"That's just a matter of effort." Song Qingshu looked speechless, but didn't know what to say.

"Hey, I remember your eldest brother, your martial arts is very good. Why is it that you are half-dead and beaten by this shameless person?" The girl in light green and blue shirt suddenly pointed to Mingzun and asked suspiciously.

Song Qingshu forced a smile and nodded: "Yes."

The girl in the light green shirt looked at Ming Zun: "It seems that your martial arts is very high."

Mingzun's face was already pale: "Dead girl, nonsense is deadly."

Song Qingshu rarely agreed: "Little sister, go away, this old monster is not a good thing, be careful that he kills you."

"Kill me?" The girl in the light green and blue shirt was taken aback and said with a smile, "I'm not afraid of him."

Ming Zun snorted coldly, and could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He pointed his hand to the girl, and a holy fire order shot away. However, Ming Zun saw that she was just a pretty girl, and it was inevitable that she was moved by the heart of Lianxiangxiyu. The Holy Fire Ling did not attack her soon, only intending to teach her a lesson.

"Little...heart." Before Song Qingshu finished speaking, his mouth almost couldn't close, because he saw the girl grabbing casually, and actually caught the holy flame.

The girl put the sacred fire order in her hand, knocked it with the green bamboo gang that was driving the sheep, and she heard a loud and crisp sound, and exclaimed in surprise: "Hey, what is this thing made of? It's quite hard."

Mingzun's heart was also shocked. Although he only used three points of his strength, how can ordinary people catch the holy fire? The sleeves flicked, and the holy flame in the girl's hand flew back into Mingzun's sleeve as if he heard the call.

"Little girl, who are you anyway?" Mingzun looked at her with trepidation.

"Are you asking my name? My name is A Qing." The girl replied unsuspectingly.

"A Qing?" Mingzun thought for a while, and couldn't remember the daughter of a hermit master named A Qing.

On the other side, Song Qingshu's expression is wonderful. A Qing, the girl who raises sheep, is it the one in the Yuenv Sword?

The number one master in Jin Yong’s novel system discussed on the Internet in the previous life, some talk about sweeping monks, some say that Dugu seeks defeat... Publicly speaking, the public is reasonable, the mother is reasonable, and the struggle is hard to live, but everyone tacitly excludes one person. , Because in everyone's opinion, that man's martial arts is far beyond Jin Yong's system, it is completely a bug.

That person was the Yue girl Aqing, and an ordinary green bamboo stick beat the 3,000 soldiers of the Yue country who had dominated the Spring and Autumn Period. The whole process was relaxed and free, creating the myth of one person dealing with an army.

Stronger than Xiao Feng, in the Liao rebels to stop the rebel leader Yelu Chongyuan also took advantage of the other side's carelessness, so he still risked his life and death to let him do it again, I am afraid that there is no possibility of success.

How mighty the Huashan Wujue is, Wang Chongyang, the number one in the world, was helpless against the Jin army. In the late stage of the sculpture, Zhou Botong, Yideng, Huang Yaoshi, these five outstanding figures, led Huang Rong and Cheng Ying as world-class masters, and were surrounded by hundreds of Mongolian soldiers Almost wiped out...

This shows how unbelievable Ah Qing's 1vs3000 record is.

"Why is your expression so strange?" Zhao Min paid attention to Song Qingshu from time to time, and couldn't help but ask when he saw the smile on his face.

Song Qingshu took a deep breath: "I want to say, maybe we don't have to be the same mandarin duck tonight."

"Bah, who wants to be a mandarin duck with you?" Zhao Min's face turned red and couldn't help taking a sip.

Zhou Zhiruo cared more about that girl's martial arts, because she fought against Mingzun, and knew that although Mingzun was careless just now, she was never as easy as that girl to receive Mingzun's holy fire order.

When Song Qingshu said this, Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but interjected and asked, "Do you know that Ah Qing?"

"It's more than just acquaintance, her name is just like thunder." Song Qingshu said with emotion.

Zhou Zhiruo was startled and asked subconsciously: "Is she so famous? It seems that she has never heard of this person in the world."

Zhao Min nodded in agreement. Since Ruyang Palace's intelligence network had never heard of this girl, she naturally didn't understand why Song Qingshu was so emboldened.

"You'll know after reading it." Song Qingshu smiled unpredictably.

Although Ming Zun was a little afraid of the identity behind this young girl, he couldn't let her leave alive in order not to reveal the secret of seizing her house.

As a great master of martial arts, although the young girl in front of her behaved a bit abnormally, she really didn't look at Mingzun.

"Little girl, see if you can still catch the holy fire order of this seat this time." Ming Zun snorted coldly and waved his hand. The holy fire order shot at Ah Qing at a speed several times faster than before. Tsing Mingzun never left his hand anymore. Not only did the sacred fire order carry a terrifying aura of destruction, it also hit Ah Qing's deadly hole.

Ah Qing's expression tightened, obviously no longer the easy freehand brushwork she had just now, carefully staring at the trajectory of the torch's flight, once again stretched out her weak and white hand.

Just as her hand was about to grasp the holy fire order, the holy fire order made a sound of dragon chants, and suddenly broke into six pieces, rotating to the side of Ah Qing, hitting key points behind her back.

"Ming Zun is really shameless enough to combine the six sacred fire orders and pretend to shoot only one in the past." Song Qingshu couldn't help cursing. According to his speculation, Ming Zun should not know Ah Qing. Identity, dealing with a 28-year-old girl, there is no need to make an all-out effort.

"Oh!" A Qing exclaimed, and when he bent, a vertical leap jumped out of the circle of attack of the Holy Fire Order. However, the Holy Fire Ling seemed to be remotely controlled, following Ah Qing like a tarsal maggot.


A Qingjiao groaned, picked up the green bamboo stick and went to the rotating holy fire order. There were two crisp dings, and in the blink of an eye, she had already set off two holy fire orders.

As the two sacred flames fell to the ground, an abnormal flush flashed across Ming Zun’s face, apparently suffering from a serious internal injury, and he couldn’t help but stare at the nearby girl in shock and anger like a nine-day goddess. Young girl.

When another piece of the holy fire order was shot down by A Qing, Ming Zun could no longer sit still, and his whole body rushed towards A Qing who was evading the siege of the holy fire order with a roar like a cannonball.

"Be careful!" Although he had confidence in A Qing, Ming Zun was also an old and immortal monster. Song Qing Shusheng was afraid that she might have some mistakes, so he transported the remaining true energy and shot the wooden sword at Ming Zun, hoping for a while. Stop him.

As soon as Mu Jian was shot, Song Qingshu couldn't stop vomiting a big mouthful of blood. Obviously, the strong luck and true energy affected the injuries in his body.

Hearing the sound of the wooden sword breaking through the air, Ming Zun let out a cold snort, and flicked the wooden sword aside with a flick of his sleeves. Although he was a little surprised that he could not break a wooden long sword with a full swipe, Ming Zun is now Attention was all on Ah Qing, and he quickly recovered, pressing a palm against Ah Qing's delicate body.

"You are not a good person!"

A Qingjiao scolded, she was a little embarrassed by the sacred flame that was suddenly divided into six, and now she saw Ming Zun sneaking in, she couldn't help feeling a little angry, and waved the green bamboo stick to greet her.

A cyan sword aura exploded rapidly centering on Ah Qing, and the holy fire that was flying all over the sky hit the cyan sword aura, as if wailing in pain, fell to the side one after another.

Ming Zun’s pupils shrank sharply, and he hurriedly urged the universe to move with all his strength. Before the cyan sword aura struck, a substantial black air mass blocked Ming Zun’s body.

As soon as the black air mass touched the cyan sword energy, it quickly melted as if Chunxue met the scorching sun. Ming Zun made a strange cry, and with a move on his sleeve, he took back the holy fire order scattered on the ground, and his figure fled away like a black smoke.

"It's boring to flee if you can't beat it." A Qing just leaned out of his feet, not knowing what he thought of, but gave up and continued chasing.

"That's how Mingzun was defeated?" Zhao Min was lost for a moment, muttering in his mouth. Although Zhou Zhiruo on the side didn't say anything, the eyes of the girl A Qing were full of awe.

"Big brother, thank you for helping me just now." A Qing casually hung the green bamboo stick around her waist and jumped to Song Qingshu's side.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Even without my help, he can't hurt you."

A Qing shook his head: "That's not necessarily true. This person's martial arts is very high. I didn't know what martial arts I used just now, but it can dissolve 70% of my sword energy..."

The girl was lost in thought, but she quickly raised her head and smiled: "I don't want to, anyway, 30% of my sword energy invaded my body, which is enough for him."

"That should be the great shift of Mingjiao." Song Qingshu recalled the situation analysis just now.

A Qing could make the sword energy substantive, and it didn't surprise Song Qingshu, on the contrary, it was that Ming Zun could actually make the universe move and substantiate, which really made his heart startled.

"Is only 30% of the sword qi invaded the old monster?" Zhao Min couldn't help showing a trace of regret.


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