Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 433: It's not that the enemy doesn't meet

In the next two days, Song Qingshu concentrated on retreating, consciously adjusted his state to the peak, and finally waited for the convening of the Golden Snake Conference.

The Golden Snake Conference was held in a school grounds at the main peak of the Golden Snake Camp. A platform of square meters was set up in the middle. It is estimated that this will be the place where the candidates will compete next.

There is a circle of seats far around the platform, which is used to accommodate many martial arts and martial arts people who come to observe the ceremony. The distance between the seats and the platform is not too close, which can prevent the guests on the seats from being accidentally injured by the competition in the ring. , It also prevented these martial arts people from influencing the competition in the ring.

Jianghu has always been a place for ranking the seniors. The first theme is naturally reserved for the famous sects of Shaolin Wudang Beggar to help the Chongyang Palace. I don’t know why, Xia Qingqing deliberately arranged Song Qingshu’s position among these themes. in.

Xia Qingqing, as the nominal helm of the Golden Snake Camp, is naturally inconvenient to have a double-up with Song Qingshu because of the status of the widow of the former Golden Snake King. However, she is unwilling to be too far apart from Song Qingshu. Also arranged in this main account.

The masters of the other hills knew that Song Qingshu was a figure nominated by Xia Qingqing, so naturally they opened one eye and closed one eye, and they even had the thought of waiting for Song Qingshu to be embarrassed in their hearts. After all, a stranger stuck among the Shaolin Wudang envoys was really an eye-catcher.

Song Qingshu came very early, and there were sparse people sitting in the field, and most of the martial arts players were still entering the field one after another.

As the former princess of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuxuan's identity is quite sensitive, so she has a thin veil on her face, revealing only a pair of beautiful eyes that seem to be talking. Everywhere she passed, everyone wondered what this fairy-like character was. origin.

Seeing Zeng Rou Yibu also tending to follow Zhu Yuxu, with a cautious look, Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "Rou'er, don't be so restrained, Jiu is not an outsider. You look respectful and respectful as if you are serving your own master. "

The girl's mind was so worried about gains and losses, Song Qingshu was worried that a Zeng girl would be too childish, causing others to feel sad.

Noting the change in his name, Zeng Rou's face blushed slightly, and she smiled embarrassedly: "The nine princesses are high in martial arts, so how can there be disciples with ordinary qualifications like me."

Zhu Yuxu took her hand and said: "I am not a princess anymore, let alone we will be a family in the future, and we shall be called sisters from now on."

Zeng Rou lowered her head and gave a hmm, obviously feeling a little excited in her heart.

"Speaking of disciples, I really have a disciple as young as Sister Rou." Zhu Yuxu suddenly remembered something and smiled.

"Isn't that a few years younger than your age? Who is so stupid who wants to defeat you as a teacher... Well, it wouldn't be a man." Song Qingshu's face was a bit ugly. In his opinion, the only explanation was a man. She fell in love with Ah Jiu, and then got close to her when she was apprentice...

"Where did you think of it, of course it's a woman," Zhu Yuxu's face flushed, "I can't help but it's a woman, she's still a beautiful beauty, next time I see her, I will introduce her to you."

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Why do I listen to such panic? When did you become a pimping bustard."

"You are the old bustard," Zhu Yuxu couldn't help but face each other, "I am a special apprentice, I really can't like it..."

An inspiration flashed in Song Qingshu's mind, and he blurted out: "Your apprentice won't be Ake, right?"

"How do you know?" Now Zhu Yuxuan was surprised.

It turned out that Zhu Yu was so angry that Wu Sangui betrayed his master and asked for glory and turned traitorous behavior, so he sneaked into the Pingxi Palace in Shanhaiguan to assassinate the opponent.

However, Wu Sangui knew that he was the public enemy of the Han people in the world, and the defense in the mansion was like an iron bucket. Zhu Yuxuan really couldn't find an opportunity to take advantage of it. When he was about to retreat, he inadvertently ran into a little girl with powder makeup and jade in the palace.

Ah Jiu had seen Chen Yuanyuan, who was so beautiful in the world, and this little girl and Chen Yuanyuan were carved out of the same mold. She knew without asking that this person must be Wu Sangui's daughter.

A Ke, who has been locked up in the palace since she was a child, has always longed for the outside world and martial arts. Seeing A Jiu in white clothes fluttering down from the sky, he was shocked as a heavenly man, and immediately entangled to worship A Jiu as his teacher.

Ah Jiu, who was about to hold her down, couldn't laugh or cry. Seeing the little girl's innocent appearance, he couldn't help but act, and finally became her master in confusion.

However, after waking up, Ah Jiu remembered her parents' identity, and couldn't do anything to Akko and Yan Yue. After so-so teaching her a little three-legged cat kung fu, he drifted away.

Because Ah Jiu's light work is outstanding, Akke has always been tight-lipped. Apart from the two people knowing this relationship, even the people in the Pingxi Palace did not know about it. Ah Jiu naturally wondered why Song Qingshu knew about it.

After a while, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile awkwardly. He couldn't fool her with Bai Xiaosheng again. It was impossible for Bai Xiaosheng to know about such extremely private matters.

"Actually I know A Ke, she told me."

"Do you know?" Song Qingshu could feel A Jiuyi's face weird despite having a veil covering his expression, "There is that beautiful woman in the world that you don't know?"

"Yes, such as the one over there." Song Qingshu smiled and pointed to a young girl with a cheerful expression not far away.

Ah Jiu followed his gaze and saw a young girl wearing a pale red robe with a string of pearls hanging from her neck. Her face was extremely white and tender, like cream, she seemed to drip with water, her eyes flowing, and her eyebrows slender. She is arrogant and has to admit that this girl is beautiful and she is not under her.

Song Qingshu was surprised that these first seats were not the messengers of the famous sect, or the candidates recommended by the heads of the Golden Snake Camp. This little girl was only a teenager, so how could she be here?

There seemed to be a familiar feeling between the girl's eyebrows, where did I seem to have seen her? But it's obviously impossible, my memory won't be so bad, how can people who have seen it not remember it?

As if paying attention to Dao Song Qingshu's gaze, the girl turned her head and glared at him, and couldn't help but snorted, but she couldn't help being stunned when she noticed the two women beside him.

Following the girl's cold snort, the two teenagers around her seemed to be signaled, and they whispered: "Where is the disciple."

Song Qingshu laughed dumbfounded and didn't give any more excuses. He directly looked for his seat and sat down. With his current martial arts status, naturally he would not be embarrassed with such juniors.

"Hey, what kind of disciple are you, how can you sit here?" The girl couldn't help being a little annoyed when she saw him ignoring herself. She has never understood what etiquette is, but in fact there is no malice in asking questions, she just wants to know the identity of Song Qingshu. But when she said so nonsense, others sounded like they were asking Song Qingshu for not being qualified to sit here.

Ah Jiu frowned when she heard it, and even Zeng Rou, who was on the side, looked at the girl who came by with a blank expression on her face.

"Can I sit here and still need your approval?" Song Qingshu smiled faintly.

"Of course it does matter. What if the spies of Man Qing Taroko got in?" The girl answered naturally.

At this time, even the two companions next to her couldn't hold on to their faces, thinking which spy would be so stupid and choose the most eye-catching position?

The girl tilted her head and continued: "I have a little impression of a disciple of the Orthodox Church. I have never seen you before."

"Why, have you seen all the disciples of the prestigious orthodox church?" Song Qingshu said amusedly.

"Of course," the girl straightened her chest proudly, like a proud little cock, "my father is..."

Before the girl finished her words, she was interrupted by a cold male voice: "I haven't seen you for so long. You still have that kind of virtue. You just show off your parents when you open your mouth and shut your mouth, and you haven't made any progress."

The girl's face flushed suddenly and she turned around and was about to swear, but she didn't know that she could see the appearance of the incoming person. She seemed to have seen a ghost. The reddish complexion that was originally white faded away and became extremely pale. : "Yang... Yang..."

Song Qingshu had long known that a master had come, breathing long, but the sound of his steps was a little heavy. At this time, he took the opportunity to look back, a clear and handsome face with sword brows in the temples, and phoenix eyes, but his face was pale and quite obvious. Haggard. A dark epee strapped to his back, especially the empty sleeve of his right arm, was really eye-catching.

With such an obvious feature, who else besides Yang Guo?

Song Qingshu also understood the identity of the young girl just now. She was so beautiful and aggressive. She met Yang Guo and the mouse and met the cat. Of course she was Miss Guo.

It’s no wonder that she is a little familiar. At the beginning, she had met Huang Rong in Ling Tuisi Mansion, Jiangling. The mother and daughter look almost alike, but now Huang Rong shows more of the bright and charming mature women, and Guo Fu even more. It is mostly young and astringent. It is obvious that the appearance is inseparable, but the temperament is very different. No wonder I didn't think of it for a while.

After recovering my meridians, I went to Shendiao Valley to find the remains of Musashi in the martial arts. Unfortunately, the heavy sword was gone, so I took the wooden sword.

Now that the heavy sword is in Yang Guo's hand, it seems that Yang Guo's hand was cut off by Guo Fu at that time last year...

"Yang Guo really looks handsome. This young man is known as Yumian Mengchang, and he is still three points worse than him... Uh, the kind of temperament that can make moths fly into the fire." Song Qingshu greeted the two women around him with emotion. , "A Jiu Rou'er, do you think this man is handsome?"

Zeng Rou's face flushed, and she bowed her head and said nothing, but Zhu Yu wore Liu's eyebrows, and said, "Are you asking me that you are the kind of woman who changes her mind?"

Song Qingshu was only joking casually. Seeing her reaction was fierce, he realized that the world values ​​chastity and ethics very much. Just about to apologize to her, she saw an embarrassed smile on her face immediately: "But he did. Good...looks good."


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