Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 438: Sweet proposal

"It's not the time, it's just annoying to say it." Song Qingshu shook his head slightly, his tone of rejection was obvious.

Duan Yanqing's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he hesitated for a long time and finally snorted: "That Duan will wait until the time is right to ask the son." It is no wonder that he is depressed and has been rampant in the world for decades. The young man is helpless, who can't let him beat the opponent.

Seeing Duan Yanqing's return without success, Ye Erniang knew that she couldn't ask anything, but her mother's nature still let her try: "Song son, I don't know what you said last time about my poor child..."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "I can only tell you that he is alive and well now, and he has learned martial arts." Since Xuzhu was sent by Shaolin Temple to participate in the election of the Golden Snake King, it is obvious that the Shaolin monks are very good at his martial arts. Confidence, even if he didn't get the true biography of the Xiaoyao School like the original book, his martial arts may not be bad now.

Ye Erniang suddenly raised her eyebrows. Although she could not find out the whereabouts of her son, she was satisfied to know that his son was safe and sound. Seeing that Duan Yanqing and others had gone far, Ye Erniang hurried to catch up.

"Thank you, son of great kindness!"

Seeing Ye Erniang's gratitude to leave, Zhou Zhiruo, who was sitting on the side, trembled her eyebrows: "You wouldn't even let this woman go, would you?"

Song Qingshu was drinking tea and almost choked to death. He suddenly angrily said, "Am I that kind of person?"

Zhou Zhiruo curled her lips: "I look like it."

Thinking of her misdeeds, Song Qingshu laughed awkwardly: "It's just a poor mother who lost her child." Although Ye Erniang in this world steals a child every day, she will return it after playing for a day, unlike the original one. This version is so frantic, so Song Qingshu didn't feel sorry for her.

"Brother Song's husband and wife Qinse and Ming are so good that my brother is envious." An old man walked slowly, and he was clearly tens of meters away when he spoke. After the last word, he stood firmly before Song Qing's writing. He was tall and had a deep nose. Eyes, face beard brown, who is not Ouyang Feng? Now Ouyang Feng is sane and clear, and his messy hair is neat and tidy, and he looks so powerful.

She and Zhou Zhiruo were like **** and singing, and the vinegar jar was turned over...

Song Qing was slanderous, but there was a smile on his face: "Mr. Ouyang seems to have improved his cultivation."

Ouyang Feng looked weird: "Who can compare to your freak in terms of martial arts progress? I heard that you are going to participate in this Golden Snake King competition?"

Song Qingshu chuckled and said, "I have nothing to do in my free time, just for fun."

Ouyang Feng smiled knowingly: "I heard that the good deeds at the bottom of the Golden Snake Conference have set up a gambling game. Since Brother Song is going to participate, I will definitely focus on my brother."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Your son Yang Guo will also attend this conference."

Seeing him mention Yang Guo, Ouyang Feng’s eyes flashed with a cold light, but he quickly concealed the past: "That kid doesn’t know where to learn a new way of martial arts, but he has a bit of power, but the time is still short, and he’s lack of fire. Of course it’s not my brother’s opponent."

The cold light in Ouyang Feng’s eyes did not hide it from Song Qingshu. After thinking about it, he guessed Ouyang Feng’s thoughts seven or eight eight. In the past, Ouyang Ke died in the hands of Yang Kang, and Yang Guo looked like Yang Kang. Of course, when Ouyang Feng was unconscious. Being filial to his father and son, now he is sober, and when he sees Yang Guo's face again, it is like a throat.

But listening to his tone, I've seen Yang Guo in advance. I'm afraid that Yang Guo participated in the election of the Golden Snake King. There should be a shadow of Jin Guo's support behind him. I just don't know why Yang Guo is willing to work hard for them because of his arrogant temperament.

"Brother, you and I will go back to the old days, I still have some grievances here." Ouyang Feng grinned, turned and approached Huang Rong.

"Huang's girl, you have made the old man so miserable!" Looking at Huang Rong, Ouyang Feng gritted his teeth.

Although Huang Rong is now a woman, but Ouyang Feng called her girl, but there was nothing in harmony. No wonder Ouyang Feng is so jealous. He is one of the top five in the world, but Huang Rong has made people look like ghosts and humans for more than ten years.

Seeing Ouyang Feng's arrival, Huang Rong's face changed several times. Although her dog-playing technique was extremely proficient over the years, she was still far behind against a master like Ouyang Feng. Now Brother Jing is not around...

However, Huang Rong's gaze fell on the representatives of the Shaolin Wudang Chongyang Palace that were successively seated nearby, and he couldn't help but decide, knowing that they would definitely not sit back and watch Ouyang Feng's murder.

"It turned out to be Ouyang Shibo. He hasn't seen him for many years. How can he be harmed by others because his style is better than that of the past." Huang Rong smiled and stood up, holding the dog-sticking hand tightly subconsciously.

"Huh!" Ouyang Feng considered his face, it is hard to say that she was driven mad by her casual words, glanced at the people in Shaolin Wudang not far away, Ouyang Feng couldn't help but measure it.

Naturally, the few horns in the Chongyang Palace can be ignored, but the Wudang Sect two people are like everyone. They heard that Zhang Sanfeng's old ways are unfathomable. Although they have not seen it before, his ability to teach apprentices is much better than Wang Chongyang.

There is also the great monk headed by Shaolin Temple, with introverted eyes, and the whole person is alive with an angry King Kong. It is not a good stubble, and I am afraid that I can't hurt Huang Rong if I really start my hands.

"The gift of the past, the old man will be his own reward." Ouyang Feng is also a very decisive person. After weighing it, he left a sentence and came to Song Qingshu.

"I said, man, when did you become the kind of person who only talks harshly?" Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing.

Ouyang Feng's face blushed rare, and he couldn't help but snorted: "If Xiao Feng's servant was walking here, how could the old man be like this."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and when he turned around, he saw Xiao Feng leading the Eighteen Riders in the Clouds and walking straight to Huang Rong. Song Qingshu couldn't help but realized that although Xiao Feng is now a great king of the Southern Court of Liao State, he comes from the gang of beggars and is extremely chivalrous. Naturally, he would not sit back and watch Huang Rong's accident.

"Brother Song, does the agreement on Shenlong Island still count?" Ouyang Feng asked suddenly.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Naturally it counts."

A strange smile appeared on Ouyang Feng's face: "How do you think Huang Rong looks like?"

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly, and couldn't help but look at the two women on the side. Zhou Zhiruo was chatting with other decent representatives, and Zeng Rou was also discussing something with the Wangwu faction. She didn't have time to take care of this, and she whispered: " The country is beautiful, the best among young women."

Ouyang Feng smiled: "I know you are good at this, otherwise, you and I will shoot at the same time, you help me stop Xiao Feng, I will catch Huang Rong, how about throwing her to you to be a bed warmer?" r1058


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