Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 446: Long legs


Naturally, Song Qingshu would not have the same knowledge as her. Looking back, he wanted to talk to Zhou Zhiruo, but saw that the other party was looking at him jokingly.

"Why? I have flowers on my face?" Song Qingshu touched his cheek suspiciously, there was nothing.

"I didn't know you would please girls like this before." Zhou Zhiruo shook his head slightly, and his attention returned to the ring, leaving only a clear profile face.

Song Qingshu's choked expression: "Am I pleasing her? Didn't you see her like she was about to eat me?"

Zhou Zhiruo smiled slightly and said: "This is just a tactic for you to get caught up. Although she hates you now, you have successfully raised the curiosity of other girls. Changing from hatred to love is nothing but a short-term thing."

"Forget it, I won't be able to ignore her." Song Qingshu was a bit horrified at the thought of Guo Fu's affection for Yang Guo in the original work, which led to a series of tragedies in Yang Guo. He also looked back and looked at the two men in the ring and said triumphantly. : "Well, I won this time."

In the ring, Xiao Banhe had already attacked less and defended more. Obviously, he had been completely suppressed by You Tanzhi's cold and true energy. The defeat was only a matter of time.

"Until the dust settles, everything is possible." Zhou Zhiruo pursed her mouth and said stubbornly.

"What else can there be..." Song Qingshu's smile suddenly froze. It turned out that Xiao Banhe's figure suddenly became a little faster, and he pressed against You Tanzhi's key points.

You Tanzhi roared, and the icy real energy was fully urged. The ground on his feet was the center of the circle, and the area within a few feet of the circle was covered with a layer of frost. It is a pity that Xiao Banhe changed his normal state and his figure became erratic and ghostly. , You Tanzhi fell into the empty space with every blow, but on the other hand he couldn't avoid the opponent's attack. After a dozen moves, You Tanzhi could no longer resist and fell to the ground.

"Did you see, this girl won." Zhou Zhiruo clapped her hands excitedly, looking at Song Qingshu with excitement.

"I'm married, and I'm not ashamed to call myself a girl." Song Qingshu made fun of him, "Well, since you won, I should pay the bet."

"Huh?" Zhou Zhiruo finally recovered, remembering that if she wins, Song Qingshu should kiss herself.

"Then hurry up!" After a cursory sweep of the surroundings, everyone's attention was drawn to the ring, but no one was looking here, Zhou Zhiruo lowered her head and said quickly.

"Hey, bring your little mouth." Song Qingshu was in a good mood. Seeing her beautiful red lips could not help but move around, stretched out her hand and gently hooked her smooth chin.

Who knows that Zhou Zhiruo slapped his hand away, and snorted: "Only your face is allowed, don't get into it."

Song Qingshu really didn't understand. Zhou Zhiruo had unlocked so many poses with herself on the bed, why was she still so shy, but watching Zhou Zhiruo lowered her head, her eyelashes trembled, the skin on her face was as white as jade, with a hint of it. Blushing, Song Qingshu suddenly realized that just kissing her cheek is also an extremely beautiful enjoyment.

Guo Fu glanced at Song Qingshu's side from time to time, just to see Zhou Zhiruo sitting there like a picker, letting Song Qingshu's lips touch her cheek.

"It's not ashamed!" I don't know if she is scolding Song Qingshu or despising Zhou Zhiruo.

Hearing her daughter's voice, Huang Rong turned her head, and happened to see the scene where Song Qingshu kissed Zhou Zhiruo. Under the sun, there was a handsome man with pure eyes, and a shy and sweet face like a banished fairy.

"A good pair of people!" Huang Rong couldn't help being a little lost. Brother Jing would never make such an intimate act between the public and herself. Although she never regretted marrying Guo Jing, the two have been busy guarding Xiangyang over the years. The sweetness between husband and wife is too little and too little.

Huang Rong used to be a carefree girl, looking forward to the love of love, and now she has become a woman who travels all over the world and needs calculations all the time. Occasionally thinking about it, Huang Rong's psychology is still a little lost after all.

Huang Rong quickly dispelled the inexplicable emotions in her mind, with a smile on her face, Ping Ting walked up to the ring in a magnificent manner, and checked Tanzhi's injuries, and found that he was just blocked by acupuncture points. Nodded and said aloud: "In this game, Jinyang Xiao Daxia has won. Next, there will be Master Chen and Si Niangzi Yang."

It is in vain to become a hero without knowing Chen Jinnan in his life.

Chen Jinnan's reputation is so great that when it was his turn to play, everyone in the court clamored, but most of them cheered him on.

However, when Yang Miaozhen took the stage, his tall figure, especially the two long and slender legs, was brightened by Yang Miaozhen. For a time, the sound of whistles swallowed and the water flew all over the sky, with a few words from time to time. Obscene words.

"The gun on the little lady's back is so long. It's just a little thinner. It just so happens that my brother also plays guns. It's a little thicker than yours. Are you interested in seeing and knowing?"

"If you are caught by these long legs, who wouldn't abandon his armor."

"Shhh, keep your voice down, and don't ask about Si Niangzi's reputation. You are too dead for a long time."

"What are you afraid of, she knows who is calling so many people."


"Bah, you guys are really nasty." Zhou Zhiruo's face flushed at hearing and couldn't help taking a sip.

Song Qingshu looked innocent: "It's nothing to do with me, I'm not as nasty as they are."

"You are worse than them." Zhou Zhiruo didn't know what to think of, her ears were red.

Yang Miaozhen on the stage was not as shy as Zhou Zhiruo. He raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows when he heard all kinds of slang words, and shouted at the crowd who made the loudest noise: "You can ride my old lady. I have the ability to surpass my old lady's pear spear. ."

As soon as the voice fell, the sky full of pear blossoms bloomed in the sky. The headscarves of the few who roared the loudest just now were floated by pear blossoms, and they suddenly found that their hair was missing a lot, and they couldn't help but feel quiet.

"Good marksmanship! You can actually make the spears so realistic." Zhou Zhiruo's eyes lit up. With her eyesight, she could naturally see that every pear flower was danced by Yang Miaozhen's spearhead, and the spearhead was shot out of the air. , It is shocking to be able to control so accurately so far away.

Many knowledgeable people in the field nodded their heads. Most of them thought that Yang Miaozhen was just a female robber leader. The nickname of "a pear spear that hits the world invincible" is just a group of unfavorable thieves. Give her gold. But Yang Miaozhen's strength in this shot is ashamed of many famous players.

Song Qingshu saw her splendid pear spear. At this moment, he was not as fussed as others. Now he was thinking about another thing. What Xiao Banhe showed just now is not a kind of mixed yuan kungfu, that kind of martial arts. How can I feel a sense of deja vu? Where have I seen it? r1058


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