Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 457: seed

Huang Rong's heart was also cold. I blamed her for the subtle trick just now, and the more subtle the trick, the smaller the room for change. She has no ability to change any more, she can only watch the golden sword black in front of her. The sword is getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, Huang Rong only felt her eyes dark. The first reaction she thought she had been hit, she realized after a while that Song Qing was blocking her.

"Does he take this sword for himself?" A thought flashed in Huang Rong's mind, "Why would he be willing to block the sword for himself?"

Song Qing didn't have time to worry about what Huang Rong was thinking. He looked at the golden sword and black sword that was coming soon, his face dignifiedly stretched out his hands to block him, and the golden sword and black sword looked like he was about to hit his hands, but suddenly it seemed Hit an invisible wall of air and stopped a few inches away from Song Qing's hands and skin, ∷.↓±.∞ came down, the blade and the blade trembled violently, as if it was being sawed by two great forces.

"Chemical gas becomes a wall!"

Xuan Cheng looked shocked. As the first person in Shaolin Temple in two hundred years, his knowledge is naturally far beyond that of ordinary people. There are no shortage of super masters in the world of body protection magic. His own King Kong is not bad magic is one of the best, and there are also those of the Xiaoyao school. Beiming Zhenqi, Shaolin's Nine Yang Zhenqi and so on. After training, the whole body's Zhenqi will flow freely. When encountering an enemy's attack, it will automatically protect the Lord, and some can also take the opportunity to counterattack the enemy.

But these body-protecting qi will only flow through the host’s own meridians, and will never flow out of the body. Even if there are some amazing people, the internal force can reach the peak, can release the internal force slightly outside the body, and at best resist wind and rain. , Absolutely can't deal with the attacks of martial arts masters, let alone the sharp blade that carries the inner strength of the two masters?

Xuan Cheng filtered all the experts he knew in his mind, and found that only the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion could do all of this, but how old is this Song Qing? Xuan Cheng never believed that his martial arts had reached that level!

However, he quickly thought of the innate sword spirit of Ah Qing, whose face suddenly didn't look good. He thought that in a small gold snake meeting, Xu Zhu had his own way to win the battle, and now it seems that the world is really a hidden dragon and a tiger.

Song Qing noticed that the strength of the golden sword and black sword had been offset by himself, and he gave a cold snort, and opened his hands outwards. The golden sword and black sword broke every inch and scattered all over the ground.

Gongsun Zhigang eased his anger a little, raised his head to see this scene, his face twitched, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"it is good!"

Regardless of Gongsunzhi's thoughts, all the heroes in the field cheered loudly when they saw Song Qing rescued Huang Rong at the moment. In the eyes of most people, Song Qing’s Shattered Golden Sword and Black Sword is shocking and exciting enough, and it can be seen that the more shocking gas has turned into a wall. The audience counts all of their hands, and they all have complex expressions without exception. The ground was silent. Of course, there was one exception. A Qing slapped his hands carelessly and shouted, "Big Brother is really amazing!"

"That's a bad guy! He is our enemy." Yuan Ziyi quickly reminded him angrily. The last time he played with him in the Emei school, Yuan Ziyi had no affection for Song Qing. Hearing the experience of senior brother Chen Jialuo, and the daily cheering and jealousy of the Red Flower Society Yuting, Wen Tailai and others, it confirmed the original impression.

"Why, isn't he saving people?" A Qing asked curiously.

"He..." Yuan Ziyi was speechless for a while, and after a while he finally thought of a reason that was not a reason, "His purpose of saving people is not pure, and his intentions are bad."

"What's bad intention?" A Qing continued to ask.

"He... he's a lust," Yuan Ziyi blurted out when he thought of the rumors in the rivers and lakes and what Wen Tailai mentioned about what he did to Luo Bing. "The leader of the yellow gang is a famous and beautiful beauty in the rivers and lakes. He is just greedy for others. Beauty, I want to take the opportunity to get close to each other."

Yuan Shixiao frowned upon hearing this, and coughed heavily: "Zi Yi, speak carefully!"

Yuan Ziyi said that Song Qing is not a big problem. After all, judging from the information obtained from the exchanges between him and Yu Ting Chen Jialuo and others, it is not wrong to say Song Qing in this way. It's just that Yuan Ziyi mentioned Huang Rong again, which is really unbearable. Huang Rong's prestige among the martial arts in the Central Plains is so high, and the gang of beggars has many ears and eyes. If they are accidentally heard, it will inevitably be another big trouble.

"Oh~" Yuan Ziyi pursed his mouth dejectedly, and gave Song Qing a bitterly far away, venting his anger on him.

It’s just that Song Qing is not so sensitive. He knew what Yuan Ziyi was thinking from so far. He just turned around and held Huang Rong back at this moment: "Fang Master Huang, are you okay?"

"It's okay," Huang Rong took his hand out of Song Qing's palm calmly, and took a step back. After reaching a safe distance, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you Song Shaoxia."

Song Qing laughed and said in a voice that can be heard by both of them: "Today I saved your mother and daughter at the same time. The Huang Gang must remember to owe me a favor." She didn't wait for her to respond, and then returned. In your own seat.

Huang Rong’s expression was a little unnatural, she could always feel something strange in the young man’s eyes, especially when he hugged him from left to right. She must be a romantic figure like Ouyang Ke, but she didn’t know why. Seeing Ouyang Ke, I felt very disgusted. Now I can clearly guess that Song Qing is thinking a little bit, but there is not much disgust.

Seeing Song Qing ruining his good deeds again, Yang Guo took a deep look at him, snorted and turned and left. Gongsun Zhizhi was attacked by him in one move, and now he can stand up very reluctantly, winning or losing. Naturally divided.

Song Qing sighed secretly, taking Gongsunzhi's martial arts cultivation skills, he shouldn't have been defeated so miserably. The swordsmanship in the arena is generally light and subtle. Who would have thought that Yang Guo would have a special sword and no edge. Swordsmanship, if Gongsunzhi had seen the power of the profound iron epee in advance, he didn't have the idea of ​​a quick fight and made a head-on with Yang in a hurry, and Gongsunzhi’s golden sword and black sword might be able to support him. There may be dozens of tricks.

It’s a pity that there is no if in this world. Jianghu is such a place where kings and losers can win. Murong Fu is like this. He is no exception. He lost to Yang Guo with one move, and the golden sword and black sword were destroyed by his own hands. Destined to become the laughing stock of people in the arena.

Huang Rong was also very worried at this time. She hurriedly summarized the game just now on the ring and introduced the next pair of contestants, Sun Moon God Sect Linghu Chong and Xixia No. 1 Tang Duan Yanqing. After entering the arena, she walked down in a daze, because she was always in her heart. Think of a question: why when Song Qing was in front of him, his first reaction was not that he would shoot down the golden sword and black sword, but that he would use his body to block the sword for himself?

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