Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 459: Huang Rong's Peeper

"But with the strength shown by those in front, it might be difficult for Linghu Chong to win the championship... but his swordsmanship is indeed very exquisite." Zhu Yuxu exclaimed while watching the battle.

"This is the Dugu Nine Swords," Song Qingshu watched and explained to the two women that Linghu rushed one move. Although Song Qingshu had never learned Dugu Nine Swords, he knew the principle and general composition of the Dugu Nine Swords from previous film and television works. Clearly, coupled with his current skills in swordsmanship, it is not difficult to see through Linghu Chong's poor Dugu Jiujian.

Huang Rong, who has been paying attention here, couldn't help being shocked. Song Qingshu's evaluation was extremely accurate every time. Even Song Qingshu could point out in advance how Linghu would attack with the next move, how Duan Yanqing would take it, and what are the potential killer moves for Linghu Chong...

After dozens of moves, they were not bad, all the actions of Linghu Chong Duan Yanqing seemed to follow Song Qingshu's instructions!

Huang Rong was suddenly full of curiosity about this young man. What kind of person he is and why he can reach this state at a young age. At his age, his martial arts were far behind him. No wonder so much. Girls like fairy daughters were willing to surround him at the same time... Huang Rong's face suddenly reddened, and she couldn't help but sip inwardly. What and what she was thinking...

Song Qingshu on the other side naturally didn’t know that he was being compared by Huang Rong with Guo Jing in his heart. He was thinking of another thing now: “This Linghu Chong is indeed a martial arts wizard. Although he didn’t have much time to get in touch with Dugu Jiujian, I have been able to come out of his own accord, and give him more than ten years. It is estimated that his realm will exceed Feng Qingyang." Song Qingshu was full of emotion. If Linghu Chong hadn't been scrupulous about Duan Yanqing's Yiyang Zhili and chose to be steady and steady, I am afraid that it would have already been done by this time. The flag is triumphant.

Duan Yanqing on the stage also smiled bitterly in his heart. After seeing the power of the previous players, he already knew in his heart that this time the Golden Snake Conference might have nothing to do with him, but the years of suffering have already tempered him. The perseverance of the character is not a last resort, and never give up.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that the first opponent I faced would make myself miserable. In addition to Yiyangzhi, Duan Yanqing’s swordsmanship is also quite brilliant. After all, Duan’s swordsmanship is also famous in the martial arts.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), but after seeing Linghu Chong's swordsmanship, he only understood that there are heaven and humans outside the sky.

Linghu's rushing sword moves are endless, and every change he has never seen before. Duan Yanqing relies on rich experience and profound martial arts to resolve them one by one, but after more than forty moves, his moves are a little suffocated. He slowly transported his internal strength to the iron rod, and with one move, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.

It turned out that Duan Yanqing knew that he had lost his moves, so he used his strengths and circumvented his weaknesses, striving to win with his own strength. Duan Yanqing has a deep hatred of blood. In the past few decades, except for the vernal equinox with the "Avalokitesvara" under the Bodhi tree when Dali fled, he has never been close to female **** for decades, and has concentrated on practicing internal skills. Now his internal strength is strong, except for some famous master-level figures in the current world, he thinks that he will not lose anyone, of course, the exception of Song Qingshu's abnormality.

Duan Yanqing saw that Linghu Chong's swordsmanship had just taken a light and flexible path, which was more subtle and slightly insufficient in strength. Duan Yanqing quickly guessed that Linghu Chong's internal strength might be short. At his age, how many years of skill can he have when he is full?

What's more, this person has been favored by the demon sage. He has long heard that the eldest lady of the Sun Moon God Church is the most beautiful in the world. Linghu Chong and bloody, male and female love to indulge in the gentle homeland, naturally hurting vitality, Duan Yanqing is more determined. Judgment. I just don’t know if Duan Yanqing knew Song Qingshu’s practice methods, would he be **** to death?

Several times when the swords intersected, Linghu Chong's mouth was numb, and he quickly understood Duan Yanqing's plan. With a move in his heart, he picked up the formula for attracting stars and swung his sword to his iron rod to greet him.

Not long after taking advantage of several times at the beginning, Duan Yanqing's face suddenly changed, because every time the blades crossed, he found that the strength on his iron rod was like a clay cow entering the sea, disappearing without a trace. He was not there yet at the beginning. Seriously, only when the other party used some subtle tricks to dissolve the internal force on their own weapons.

Who knows that after fighting for more than a dozen tricks, he noticed that his dantian's internal strength was somewhat out of control, and there was a faint tendency to burst out of the bank. Duan Yanqing's face changed drastically: "Sucking stars!"

Originally, his first reaction was Huagong**. After all, he and Ding Chunqiu were acquaintances. However, he immediately thought that Linghuchong and Ding Chunqiu could not have a relationship with each other, and he had never heard of Ding Chunqiu passing Huagong** to him.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Who, then naturally can only be the famous stunt of the director of the Sun Moon God Sect.

Unexpectedly, the old demon actually passed his housekeeping skills to him. Duan Yanqing smiled bitterly, and quickly swiped three moves to jump out of the ring while Linghu was on the defensive, waved his hand and said: "No need to fight, old man. I surrendered."

Although Duan Yanqing is tough, he is not a fool. He can't fight his moves, and his internal strength won't work. If he continues to fight, his hard work for a lifetime may be gone. That's really a steal. So Duan Yanqing made a decisive decision and quickly surrendered.

"Acceptance!" With Linghu's humble temperament, he wanted to say a few polite words to save the predecessor's face, but thinking of Duan Yanqing's name as a villain, he didn't like it in his heart, so he swallowed the comforting words back.

"Brother Chong, you are amazing!" When Linghu rushed back to his seat, Ren Yingying couldn't help but smile.

"Yingying, I will definitely **** this Golden Snake King back for you." Looking at Ren Yingying's bent eyes, Ling Huchong knew that she was happy from the heart, and couldn't help but feel happy.

I don't know when, Ren Yingying's eyes always have melancholy and bitter feelings. Ling Huchong asked her several times, but she shook her head and didn't say anything. When she asked in a hurry, Ren Yingying even burst into tears.

Linghu Chong knew that Ren Yingying was shy and did not dare to push too quickly, so he did not continue to ask, subconsciously thinking that it was something that the Sun Moon God Sect was eaten away by Ming Sect.

So he has been helping Ren Yingying and his daughter in this regard. Ren Yingying looked at it and knew that he had misunderstood, but the real reason could not be explained to Linghu Chong.

Regardless of Ren Yingying, no matter how imaginative Linghu Chong is, he would never have expected that the demon saint who has made countless people in the world frightened would be bullied by a man in the boudoir!

After a day of competition, the sky has gradually dimmed. Huang Rong re-entered the ring and announced that the second round of competition will be held early tomorrow, and then confirmed the opponent of the second round of competition. When she said the name of Song Qingshu, she did not know why the tone was in her voice. There was a little unnaturalness.

Looking at all of this from a distance, Ouyang Feng was keenly aware of it, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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