Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 467: Then... come on

"Uh, can you always go out first, you are under a lot of pressure here... ≦," Song Qingshu wiped his sweat and said bitterly.

"Well, the smelly child is tossing hard, anyway, it is someone else's wife, don't feel distressed." Ouyang Feng laughed, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

"On this issue, the old poison is quite consistent with my three views." Song Qingshu touched his nose, and suddenly found that he was still pressed on Huang Rong, and the other party was staring at him blushing.

"What to do next?" Song Qingshu's fingers continued to slide on her belly.

Every time Song Qingshu’s fingers touched, Huang Rong felt a crisp and numb feeling. The throbbing from deep in her body made her very dissatisfied with Song Qingshu’s behavior. She quickly stretched out her weak fingers and wrote on his chest. "I will write in the palm of my hand in the future. The palm of my hand is too..." Song Qingshu continued to rub her flat belly, noticing the anger in Huang Rong's eyes, Song Qingshu stopped, and quickly took her hand and pulled it in front of her.

"Madam, these hands are as soft as boneless, they are more beautiful than other girls." In this case, Song Qingshu naturally didn't have to hide from Ouyang Feng, and he didn't need to work hard to write.

Song Qingshu held his hand tightly, Huang Rong wanted to pull it out subconsciously, but his hand was like an iron hoop. Huang Rong tried a few times without moving but gave up. Feeling the heat from his palm, Huang Rong's face became unnatural. The ghost replied in a wise manner: "Are you beautiful with Zhiruo's hands?"

Song Qingshu was startled, but Huang Rong didn't expect Huang Rong to ask this question. Women are really a strange animal. They are all in such a situation, should they be compared?

"Madam's hands are soft enough, so tender that they can pinch water out. Men don’t want to let go if they hold them. As for Zhiruo’s hands are colder, holding her hands in summer is really a very enjoyable thing. "Song Qingshu squeezed one side by side. It was really soft, like cotton, it was really comfortable to hold in his hand.

"No one can be guilty of stinky oil mouth slipping tongue," Ouyang Feng's time came from the entrance of the hole again, "but the old man sees you that you can use your mouth, but the bed is not good."

"Bah!" A man can be suspected of everything, except that this matter is not good, Song Qingshu suddenly cursed, "You are old and not cultivating, who is not good at my skill?"

"Huh, lonely man and widow, I have only heard you playing tricks for so long, and I haven't seen Huang Rong snorting. If you can't, I will find someone else to make sure that you can **** it within a stick of incense. It made Huang Rong cry and cry. Mother." Ouyang Feng sneered.

"What to do, he saw the flaw." Song Qingshu hurriedly wrote in Huang Rong's palm.

Hearing Ouyang Feng's foul language, Huang Rong was so angry that her teeth were broken, but she knew that she had to delay time. The longer the time, the more likely she was to be saved. Once Fuer and the others find out that they are missing, they will definitely look for me everywhere. With the reputation of their husband and wife for so many years and their friendship with various sects, Shaolin Wudang Chongyang will not stand idly by. At that time, Ouyang Feng's martial arts can only be Angrily left.

"I have a way, but..." Huang Rong hesitated for a long time, and finally continued to write, "The son can't tell what he saw and heard today afterwards."

"This is natural." Song Qing Shutou, he was curious about what Huang Rong's so-called method was.

"You are not allowed to laugh at me, and you will forget everything about today afterwards." Huang Rong's face blushed and continued to write.

Song Qingshu is busy, and she is even more looking forward to it, is she going to...

Seeing the head of Song Qing's book, Huang Rong slowly closed her eyes. When Song Qingshu was looking into the clouds and mist, she saw Huang Rong and Zhu's lips lightly open, and a lingering humor came out.

Song Qingshu was full of spirits, and Ouyang Feng outside the entrance of the cave also pricked his ears, and said excitedly: "Go in?"

Song Qingshu kept cursing secretly, this old poison didn't know whether it was madness for too long and caused a problem with his brain or something wrong. Now he has no master style and has completely turned into a wretched old man.

"Don't disturb me!" Song Qingshu roared. Now he just wants to enjoy Huang Rong's Xianle performance, but he doesn't want to be ruined by Ouyang Feng.

When he yelled, Ouyang Feng fell into silence as expected, Huang Rong turned her head to the side, her cheeks were red, and her red lips opened slightly: "Yeah~"

Seeing the top-quality young woman lying under him, shy and infinitely moaning, Song Qingshu's heart was shaken. The only person who can enjoy such a beautiful view in the world is probably only himself except Guo Jing.

"How come you call it such a fake? Chouzi, are you okay? This woman is completely perfunctory." At this time, Ouyang Feng's voice rang untimely, causing Song Qingshu to curse secretly. It's just that Ouyang Feng is really good, maybe because Huang Rong is shy in front of a man other than her husband, the voice she just called is so fake and fake, well, it's fake than those art films in the previous island country.

Song Qingshu shook his head with a wry smile, grabbed Huang Rong's hand and quickly wrote in the palm of her hand: Madam's voice is too fake, I'm afraid I can't fool Ouyang Feng.

Huang Rong almost fainted. It was shameful that she was carrying her husband in front of him. He actually hated that he called too fake? I was disguised in the first place, of course it was fake.

If you want a more real voice, unless you are really caught by him... But this is something Huang Rong absolutely cannot tolerate.

"Actually, I have a way to help Madam." Song Qingshu also knew that Huang Rong couldn't really let herself take advantage of Ouyang Feng in order to deceive Ouyang Feng, so he wrote hastily.

"How to help?" Huang Rong blinked curiously. She didn't write this time, but the meaning was clear.

"I can hypnotize the lady with the soul-shifting method, so that you can recall the intimate situation with Guo Daxia, so that the cry will be very natural." Song Qingshu quickly wrote.

Huang Rong suddenly became vigilant, thinking that Song Qingshu would not be a partner with Ouyang Feng to lie to him. If he really caught his soul-shifting method, he would become the fish on the chopping board and let him slaughter him. Who knew he would kill him? What instructions, in case... In case he came to a fake show and did it, I thought I was making love with Brother Jing, and greeted him gently...

Thinking of Huang Rong, she felt cold all over, shook her head quickly, and resolutely refused: "No!"

"What can't you do?" Ouyang Feng laughed from the entrance of the cave. "Sick, people think you can't do it! It seems better to find a wild man in the country."

Huang Rong's face suddenly turned pale, and she fell into a dilemma for a while.

"I actually have another way." Song Qingshu suddenly wrote.

Huang Rong smiled and motioned to him to hurry up.

"I'm afraid Madam won't agree." Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly.

Huang Rong frowned: "You come and listen first."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, leaned to Huang Rong’s ear, and whispered: "I’m not talented, and I have practiced the skill to seduce beautiful people. If the lady doesn’t mind, I can try it on the lady, and the lady’s voice will be heard when the time comes. It becomes a matter of course, and it's natural. If you don't hide the poison, you can get through this disaster.

Occasionally, using a sound transmission to enter the secret, it does not doubt Ouyang Feng.

Huang Rong's ears are extremely sensitive parts. When touched by the dry lips of a stranger, Huang Rong's body immediately tightened. Upon hearing Song Qingshu's words, her face suddenly became cold: "Impossible!"

"I also know that Madam is unwilling," Song Qingshu sighed, "But that perverted old man can't wait long, I'm afraid I will find a man casually later..."

Seeing Huang Rong's face turned pale, Song Qingshu continued: "Madam must also understand. Ouyang Feng and I are a year-long friendship. Although I intend to save you out of conscience, I will not break with an old friend for you. If Ouyang Feng is really going to change, so I have no choice but to look out of sight and out of mind, and the two won't help each other."

Huang Rong felt that something was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't think of any flaws in what he said. After a long silence, she suddenly lowered her head and asked, "The methods you just used...can you not touch me?"

Seeing her loose tone, Song Qingshu couldn't help being surprised. Her resignation happened to girls who hadn't been involved in the world, such as Shui Sheng and Mu Jianping. It was estimated that the problem was not big, but who was Huang Rong, how could she be confused by her shit? The trick to bluff? He was originally just joking with Huang Rong, and he was satisfied with the play and took advantage of it. Finally, when he rescued her, Ouyang Feng might not turn his face with him.

But who knows that after several trials just now, although Huang Rong can maintain a firm stand, her IQ is really ashamed of her reputation outside.

Song Qingshu naturally didn't know. Before he came in, Ouyang Feng had taken the pollen of the black mandala to Huang Rong. Black mandala is extremely rare in the world and only distributed in the depths of the Western Regions. Ouyang Feng Tangtang Xidu has only been found. A few plants.

The flowers, roots, and leaves of the black mandala are highly toxic. The toxicity of pollen is much milder than that of pollen. As long as the dose is controlled, it can paralyze the mind of the poisoned person and make the other party behave more sluggishly than usual, but all of this The person who was poisoned couldn't detect it, and the other party didn't even know that he was poisoned.

Huang Rong's thinking was much slower than usual because of taking this kind of pollen. He clearly felt that there was a problem in his heart, but he still couldn't help but follow Song Qingshu's logical thinking and was taken advantage of by him.

Song Qingshu saw that Huang Rong had agreed, no matter why she would agree, he quickly said: "How could it be possible without touching you, I am not a god..." Seeing Huang Rong frowned, he hurriedly added: "But I can only Touching some edge positions will not really tarnish Madam's innocence."

Huang Rong thought secretly. He had touched his belly just now, and it didn't seem to be a big deal to be touched by him. It wasn't a sensitive position anyway, as long as he didn't touch his chest and... there, it wouldn't be a little advantage for him to take advantage of it. unacceptable.

"Then... come on." Huang Rong closed her eyes just after she finished, she couldn't see a strange man caress and touch her body with her own eyes.

Seeing her look like Ren Jun's pick, Song Qingshu's body was tight, and his hands trembled towards the neckline of her clothes.

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