Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 481: despair

This martial arts competition is probably the most exciting matchup of the Golden Snake Conference so far. The sword energy is materialized, and the hand is the knife. These kung fu that is only in the legend can be seen with their own eyes. .

Looking at the plain-looking young monk in the field, Song Qingshu secretly frowned. It seemed that his previous battle with Murongfu had hidden his strength.

But think about it, the Shaolin 72 stunts stimulated by Xiaowuxianggong are okay to bluff the average master, and it is really a bit of self-humiliation to deal with the super master like A Qing. Therefore, as soon as Xu Zhu came, he used his skill of pressing the box, Beiming magical skill.

Seeing the miracles of the Beiming Divine Art, Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue. The Xuzhu Beiming Divine Art should be a complete version. It is far from being comparable to Duan Yu's half-hearted, and it seems to be much stronger than the star-attracting star. .

This Xuzhu is now a Shaolin disciple, but he has a magical skill of the Xiaoyao Sect. I don't know who trained it. Is it really the one from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?

Xu Zhu is proficient in the Little Wuxiang Gong and Beiming Divine Arts. I don't know if he has learned the Tianshan Six Sun Palm, Tianshan Plum Hand, Life and Death Talisman... These top skills, Ah Qing might be dangerous.

Tianshan Liuyang Palm and Tianshan Zhemei Hand are nothing more than them. Although they are wonderful, A Qing's sword spirit is compelling. Xu Zhu can't get close at all. The two martial arts are mostly abolished. On the contrary, they are life and death talisman. Long-range skills that are hard to defend against, and come with their own control features. If Ah Qing is hit, wouldn't such a super master have to take orders from Shaolin Temple?

After contacting Shaolin Temple several times, Song Qingshu did not think that these monks in Shaolin Temple were the kind of compassionate heart of eating fast and reciting Buddha as imagined. On the contrary, the whole Shaolin Temple seemed to have a kind of ambition to this troubled world.

Thinking that his relationship with Shaolin Temple could be called bad, Song Qingshu couldn't help but secretly pinched a few small stones in his hand. Later, if Ah Qing really didn't guard against it, he would take action to help her stop those thin people regardless of the convention's rules. Borneol.

The masters under the ring are thinking about who can have the last laugh, and the two on the ring are not idle.

Xu Zhu knew clearly in his heart that he just cut A Qing's weapon with his own hand knife, which seemed to have the upper hand, but the Qi knife spurred by the Beiming Divine Art consumes a lot of internal energy, while A Qing's sword energy can be easily achieved with a single move, and it is deadlocked. I'm afraid I will lose if I go down.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) "Xuzhu, wine!" As if guessing what he was thinking, Xuancheng's wide monk robe under the ring was rolled, and the spirits in an earthen jar not far away looked like a water arrow. Usually rushed to the palm of the hand of Xuzhu.

"This great monk has such a deep internal strength." Xuan Cheng's hand was another exclamation.

Xu Zhu stretched out his hand, and the spirits in his palm turned into a mass of ice at a speed visible to the naked eye. Song Qingshu's expression changed and he exclaimed, "Beware of hidden weapons!"

Song Qingshu did not directly call the birth death talisman, because he was worried that A Qing didn't know what the life and death talisman meant. If he was stunned, it would be broken. It is not the same as "beware of hidden weapons". After all, people who learn martial arts should guard against hidden weapons. An instinct.

As soon as Song Qingshu's voice fell, Xu Zhu put his hands together, and the ice in his hand was shattered to tens of thousands of thin ice flakes, and then scattered in an instant, like a wasp in the sky, three hundred and six Ten degrees and no dead ends, he attacked Ah Qing.

Xu Zhu would shoot so many ice flakes at once, and it was also clear that with A Qing's martial arts, one or two life and death talisman could not hit her at all, and after A Qing saw the life and death talisman, it would be even more difficult to hit him. Therefore, Xu Zhu intends to complete his work in one battle, and when A Qing can't figure out the truth, he will hit with all his strength from the beginning. As long as one piece hits the opponent, he will win.

Song Qingshu’s face was hard to look at immediately. The two bald donkeys were quite black. The life and death talisman made of spirits attacked ten times faster than the ordinary life and death talisman. As long as Ah Qing hits one of them, he might have an attack on the spot. Combat effectiveness. It's just that this sky full of life and death talisman, how many small stones can you stop? I can only rely on her...

With Ah Qing's eyesight, she can see that the shots are all thin ice flakes. She was a bit disapproving at first, thinking that if such a thin thing touches her body, it will be heated by body temperature. What power can it have?

It's just that she heard Song Qingshu's reminder, and she suddenly became vigilant. Is this a hidden weapon?

Although he didn't know why, Ah Qing gave up the idea of ​​trying with his own body and decided to knock down the ice flakes first. I saw her squeezing the sword art, and her whole body flew upwards in a spiral. As her body rotates, it is as if a huge boulder is thrown into the calm lake, and the cyan sword aura visible to the naked eye spreads out like ripples.

The sky full of life and death talisman meets the ripples of sword energy in the air, as if at first

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Snow meets the scorching sun, and immediately disappears without a trace.

Seeing A Qing spinning forward and leaning towards him, Xu Zhu deliberately parryed him, but was shocked to find that his whole body skills seemed to be imprisoned by an unknown force. He couldn't mobilize at all. He could only watch A Qing's sword aura approaching him. throat.

The group of heroes under the ring opened their eyes wide in horror. They felt that there was a sudden inexplicable pressure in the air around them, and it was extremely difficult to lift their fingers.

Xuan Cheng's whole body was shocked, and his face suddenly turned red. Obviously, he had suffered a serious internal injury in order to break free from the restraints. He couldn't help being shocked: he was so strongly restrained from far away from the stage, the Xuzhu who bears the brunt of the brunt on the stage. What a terrible scene is facing.

"Little monk, you lost." As Ah Qing smiled like a silver bell, everyone in the field felt relieved and looked at the fragile **** the stage like monsters.

"Yes, I lost." Xuzhu muttered with his face like ashes. He is a disciple who has cultivated the power of Shaolin Temple for more than 20 years. He was originally prepared to be a blockbuster and win glory for Shaolin. Who knows that Lost in the hands of a young girl.

However, the group of tycoons under the ring do not think that even though Xu Zhu is defeated, the strength shown by such an ordinary Shaolin disciple as Xu Zhu is already shocking enough. You can come and play with a sword fairy like A Qing. The situation, it is possible to kill most people in the field in seconds.

It seems that the Golden Snake King this time is already in the bag of this girl, this is the thought of almost everyone in the field at this moment.

"This girl is simply invincible. Every one of us will lose in the finals. It's just to see who has lasted longer." Yang Miaozhen, who has always been arrogant and frustrated, couldn't help but glance at four. Strong against the other two.

I saw Yang Guo sitting there with no expression on his face, and the pale knuckles in his hand holding the Xuan Tiejian showed the tension in his heart; Song Qingshu on the other side...


Yang Miaozhen was stunned to find that he was smiling and his face was relaxed, as if he was confident.


Two chapter updates will be resumed tomorrow

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(End of this chapter)


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