Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 486: The tragic past of Brother Diao

"This Song Qingshu has a hand in harming women." Noting Yang Miaozhen's red cheeks when he left the field, Huang Rong always felt strange. He couldn't help but glared at Song Qingshu. It turned out that he was actually looking at himself, and Huang Rong was so scared Look away, quickly walked to the ring to sum up, and then hurriedly announced the start of the next competition.

Ah Qing vs Yang Guo!

"Big brother, what's the matter with your arm?" A Qing asked curiously, staring at Yang Guo's empty sleeves.

Yang Guo frowned, his severed arm had become an inverse scale, and he couldn't help but want to teach a lesson when ordinary people stared at it, let alone ask directly.

But seeing Ah Qing's innocent face, everything was natural and there was no malicious appearance, Yang Guo didn't get angry either, just replied coldly: "Broken!"

"How can a good arm break?" Ah Qing was even more surprised, "Is it broken by a tiger?" In Ah Qing's view, the tiger is the most ferocious animal.

"No, it was cut off." Yang Guo's voice was cold, and he gave Guo Fu a bitter look at the audience.

With a glaring look in his eyes, Guo Fu felt guilty and quickly hid behind his mother.

Huang Rong patted her daughter's hand lightly, and couldn't help worrying: How can this hatred be resolved?

"It was chopped off?" A Qing exclaimed, looking at Yang Guo with sympathetic eyes, "Then you must have been in pain at the time."

Yang Guo has always hated being pityed by others, but Ah Qing's tone is sincere...Yang Guo frowned and replied, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Then I will use one hand too." A Qing subconsciously put one hand behind her back.

Yang Guo's heart was overwhelming, and he said angrily: "I Yang Guo stood upright, winning is winning, losing is losing, how can we use people to give in?"

"But..." A Qing couldn't help but stared at his broken arm.

Yang Guo's face sank: "Don't think that I can't beat you with one hand, I'm underestimating me."

"That's it, then I'm not welcome." Qing said with a smile, dancing a new green bamboo stick to Yang Guo's body.

Yang Guo's eyes condensed, and he stood still and did not move. When A Qing was less than three feet away from him, Yang Guo finally moved.

With a dragon chant, Yang Guoxuan's iron sword shot. With the power of the profound iron sword, Yang Guo was confident that even if A Qing's martial arts were high, his hand

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The green bamboo stick in the book can't stop you either.

A Qing has also seen Yang Guo's previous battles. Every time her opponent confronted him, the weapon was either flew by the mysterious iron sword or was broken. She didn't dare to frighten her, and when she tried her wrist, the green bamboo stick used one. The exquisite angle went to the spine of the profound iron sword.

Yang Guo was also afraid of A Qing's sword aura, worried that the Xuan Tie Sword would be damaged, and the same moves changed. The sword body took the opportunity to attach the green bamboo stick to the body, and instead used soft energy to stick the green bamboo stick.

"Huh?" Ah Qing didn't expect that his heavy weapon could be able to do such a delicate flower work. He only felt that there was a huge suction from the stick body, and the green bamboo stick almost broke out.

A Qing's wrist rotated, his sleeves lightly flicked on the green bamboo stick, the green bamboo stick immediately spun up, and suddenly broke free from the suction on the mysterious iron sword, and returned to A Qing's control.

Yang Guo was shaken by the spiral force from the sword, and he hurriedly took a step back before regaining his body shape.

A Qing also took the opportunity to step back a few steps, Qiong's nose wrinkled: "Huh, I won't fight melee with you." After that, a sharp sword qi pierced Yang Guo.

It turned out that Ah Qing was also afraid of the mysterious iron sword in Yang Guo's hand. If it was a close combat, she would inevitably have to intersect with each other. Then the green bamboo stick in her hand was really a disadvantage.

Yang Guo's footsteps changed slightly. One side of his body avoided this sword aura. A Qing was about to cut back with this sword aura, but Yang Guo took the first step to lift the black iron sword and slam it on the blue sword aura. Above.


There was dust flying on the ring, and the sharp-eyed masters under the stage had already seen that although Yang Guo was a little embarrassed with stone chips on his body, he was unscathed, and the awe-inspiring sword gas had disappeared.

Taking a look at the dark mysterious iron sword in Yang Guo's hand, A Qing's eyes flashed with doubt.

Not only Ah Qing, everyone in the ring was staring at the mysterious iron sword with fanatical eyes. Yang Guo had already attracted a lot of people's attention with his **** blocking the killing of the gods and Buddhas before, and now he directly blasted Aqing's innate. Sword Qi, but there is not even a trace of scratches on the sword, it is definitely of the legendary artifact level.

If you **** such a magic weapon, then you can't walk sideways on the rivers and lakes in the future? Many people can't help but give birth to greed, but thinking of Yang Guo's martial arts, they have to give up this tempting idea.

"I seem to have seen this sword before." A Qing suddenly appeared

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) One sentence.

"You can't remember it wrong." Yang Guo was stunned. This sword dust had been sealed in the sword mound for an unknown number of years. How old was Ah Qing, how could he have seen it.

"I won't admit my mistake," A Qing couldn't help frowning, obviously the memory in his mind was a little blurred, "It's just that it was not you who held this sword at the time, but another person."

Yang Guo was shocked: "Could it be that you know Senior Dugu?" As soon as the words were spoken, Yang Guo regretted it, and he was really confused.

"Is that person called Dugu Qiuqiu?" Ah Qing looked confused, as if lost in thought, "I don't know his name, I just remember that there seems to be a big eagle next to him."

"Huh?" It was Yang Guo's turn to be shocked. The boss opened his mouth so that he couldn't recover for a long time.

Song Qingshu was also shocked. A Qing had seen Dugu beg for defeat, so how old is she? Seeing Ah Qing's immature and innocent face, Song Qingshu couldn't help but shiver. She wouldn't be the same as the Tianshan child's grandmother, is she an outwardly luoli inner old woman?

"That person doesn't know what's going on, so he pestered me to fight when he saw me, but people always didn't like to fight and kill, so they ignored him, who knew he was..." As Qing said, the more excited he became. The opening of the mouth is so high.

"What did Senior Dugu do?" Yang Guo asked Song Qingshu's voice.

"Hmph, that bad guy actually let the big eagle who was with me eat one of my sheep!" A Qing gritted his teeth, apparently telling a story about what he hated in his life.

"Sheep?" Yang Guo was startled, and didn't understand what was going on at all. In his opinion, it was just a sheep, so why did it make such a fuss.

Song Qingshu had a weird face, and it was estimated that that silly bird must have suffered a great loss.

Sure enough, A Qing snorted: "If you dare to eat this girl's sheep, this girl will pull out the hair of the flat-haired beast. It's a pity that she didn't pull out much, and that person did it."

"Hey, but that stupid bird has nothing to do with it. This girl has plucked out the most important hairs and will never be able to fly again in this life."

Hearing what A Qing said, Song Qingshu's face suddenly became wonderful. It turned out that the big eagle couldn't fly because of this. No wonder the more he ate and the fatter, it turned out to be the result of self-defeating.

I have something today, let's change it temporarily

(End of this chapter)

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