Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 495: Liwei

When a group of people in the audience were in shock, Xia Qingqing had already walked into the ring silently, came to Song Qing, half-kneeled on the ground, and presented the golden snake sword in his hand: "Please take the Golden Snake King token!"

Situ Bolei, Shui Jian and Qingzhu Gang Cheng Qingzhu, as if they had made an appointment, immediately went to the ring, half kneeling in front of Song Qing: "Please take the Golden Snake King token!"

Song Qing did not immediately take the Golden Snake Sword over, but instead glanced lightly at the head of the other hills of the Golden Snake Camp.

Feeling the oppressive gaze, the heads of Jiangsu Jinlong Gang Jiao Wan'er, Zhejiang Longyou Gang Rongcai, Huainan Feihuyu Village Master Nie Tianfeng, and Zheng Qiyun, the overseas leader of the Seventy-two Islands, had their scalp numb.

&≮↑≮↑≮↑, ▼.↑+.$p; At this time, Song Qing has just defeated the sword immortal A Qing, and his reputation has reached the peak, as if standing on the stage like a demon, several masters looked at each other. I can’t help cursing secretly. In fact, I don’t need to kneel when I saw the new Golden Snake King. It’s just that Xia Qingqing, the person with the highest standing in name, is kneeling. There are several other masters who followed suit. You can't do it without kneeling.

Several masters stepped onto the ring helplessly, half kneeling in front of Song Qing: "Please take the Golden Snake King token!"

As a result, the remaining heads of the Jinshe Camp are embarrassed. Behind Qianliu Village and Chu Hongliu is the Honghua Society, behind the Evil Tiger Gousha Tongtian is the Sun Moon God Sect, and behind the Qingliang Temple Shili Master is Shaolin Temple, Gai Meng Tasting that behind Meng Bofei and his son is the Songshan School Zuolengchan, no matter which force can urinate in a pot with Song Qing, some even have blood feuds with Song Qing, how can they kneel to Song Qing.

"Amitabha!" Master Shili of Qingliang Temple took the lead. "As a monk, Lao Na has long been tired of fighting and killing all these years. He has always planned to go back and concentrate on studying Buddhism. Unfortunately, he couldn't find the right time to announce it. , Lao Na decided to withdraw from the Golden Snake Camp and return to Shaolin Temple to study Buddhism."

"This old bald donkey doesn't retreat early or late, but at this time, he obviously wants to combat Qing's prestige." Zhou Zhiruo has always had no affection for the monks of Shaolin Temple, and naturally he will not show mercy.

Zhu Yuxuan obviously had the same idea, and she sneered: "This monk obviously has a serious heart, but he just pretends to be a good monk. If he really has the idea of ​​retreat, why does he recommend Xuzhu to fight for the golden snake king!"

Huang Rong frowned slightly. Master Shili's actions were clearly instructed by Shaolin Temple. She knew that there was a gap between Shaolin Temple and Song Qing, but this was only an internal contradiction. Nowadays, the barbarians are raging, and they are clearly abandoning their previous suspicions. Make this one at this moment.

Given the Shaolin Temple’s position in the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts, Song Qing might be a little bit difficult this time... Huang Rong knew in her heart that Song Qing had dealt with carelessly at this time. He is so big and deflated, how will he, the Golden Snake King, convince the public in the future?

Qianliu Village Chu Hongliu had just been about to stand up when he discovered that Grand Master Shili had come out first, so he would not be so anxious, so he could sit up again in time to see how Song Qing would deal with it.

"Oh?" Song Qing stared sharply at Master Shili, "Master wants to withdraw from the Golden Snake Camp?"

"Not bad!" Grandmaster Shili proudly raised his chest. Although Song Qing's martial arts is high, but behind him is Shaolin Temple, and Xuancheng and Xuzhu are not far away, he naturally doesn't have to be afraid.

"It's not enough for the master to kill the former Golden Snake King Yuan Daxia. Could it be that this time he has to repeat his tricks and collude with Qing Dazi to kill me, the newly appointed Golden Snake King?" Song Qing's voice was soft, but it was like a bombshell. , So that everyone in the field has changed.

"Nonsense!" Grand Master Shili suddenly panicked, and he couldn't bear such a big **** basin.

"Huh! Don't be here to confuse the crowd." Xuan Cheng couldn't sit still, and stood up abruptly. The Zen stick hit the ground heavily. The huge cracks in the stone on the ground showed how angry he was in his heart.

But people are born to love gossip. Yuan Chengzhi's death at the Taishan Conference by the invincible hands of the East was a well-known thing, and everyone did not think about it. But after Song Qing reminded, many people suddenly began to think. Why did Yuan Chengzhi suddenly appear at the Taishan Conference in the first place, and why did the Manchu Qing court ambush the unbeaten East as if he had expected him to come?

If there is a **** in the Golden Snake Camp, all this will make sense...

"It won't really be the death of Master Shili."

"It doesn't look like he looks like an eminent monk."

"You don't know this, knowing people, knowing faces and not knowing heart."


There was a tumult of noise throughout the conference, some who believed, and some who did not. Listening to these comments, Master Shili and Xuan Cheng's faces became redder and red, and it was obvious that they could no longer control the anger in their hearts.

"Qing, I need to use evidence to say this." Zhang Songxi stood up with a solemn expression. He also disliked Shaolin Temple very much. Not only did he always slander Zhang Sanfeng as an abandoned Shaolin apprentice, steal the Shaolin skills, but also crippled Yu Daiyan. Zhang Cuishan and his wife died of suicide.

But it's one thing not to like it, but it's another thing to get along with it. As a leader of the right way, Shaolin Temple can't just plant it like this.

Song Qing said calmly: "Maybe some of you at the scene should know that when I was in the Qing court, I was in charge of the spy organization at the sticking point, which was specifically responsible for wooing people from the rivers and lakes. Many people in the rivers and lakes were fame and fortune. For refuge, the Shili master of Qingliang Temple is one of them."

"You're bullshit!" Master Shili was trembling with anger, and was a little speechless for a while.

Song Qing didn't give him a chance to defend, and said quickly: "Dare to ask Master Shi Li, the former Manchu and Qing imperial emperor Fulin escaped into the empty gate, which treasure temple was the place where his hair fell?"

"This...this..." Master Shili was speechless for a while, Fulin hiding in Qingliang Temple to make repairs was extremely secretive, but it was a pity that the fake Queen Mother revealed the news in order to get rid of Fulin, which caused a lot of troubles. Qingliang Temple is well known in the world, but now it is impossible to hide it.

"It turns out that Qingliang Temple has long since taken refuge in the Qing court."

"Don't talk about Qingliang Temple, I heard that Shaolin Temple has also accepted the canonization of the Barbarian regime."

"People have to bow their heads under the eaves."

"Then why this Master of Ten Forces is in the anti-Qing rebel army all day long is really suspicious."

"Yeah, do you think he is really a spy sent by the Qing court."


Hearing the discussion in the audience, Song Qing knew that the time was ripe, and with a move, a small box flew into his hand not far away.

Song Qing took out a yellow brocade in his left hand and opened it in front of the people at the conference: "This is the imperial decree of the Qingliang Temple that the Manchu court can enshrine!"

Before everyone in the audience digested the information, Song Qing took out an envelope and dropped a blockbuster: "This letter is the letter of allegiance to the pseudo-emperor Kangxi from Master Shili!"

Master Shili could no longer sit still, and roared: "Don't believe him, he faked it!"

Song Qing's eyes condensed, and he said with a cold voice: "Your Excellency has leaked the secrets of the Golden Snake Camp to the Tarzan court over the years, causing the Golden Snake Camp brothers to suffer heavy casualties, and also causing the former Golden Snake King to die on Mount Tai. This kind of traitorous traitor, I will clear the door today!"

After speaking, the figure flashed, and then rushed to Master Shili.

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