Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 498: The choice of various forces

"Beep is a harmonious word, it represents countless dirty words and actions, your children, don't ask so much." Yuan Ziyi explained a few words, there is really no way to start, had to pretend to be impatient.

"Oh." A Qing nodded seemingly.

"By the way, A Qing, just now I saw you were about to win, why were you suddenly turned over by that bastard?" Yuan Ziyi suddenly remembered and asked all the doubts he had always had.

"I don't know why. I used half of the move just now. I suddenly felt hot and hot, and there was a strange flow of heat inside my body. For some reason, my body became soft..." With a peculiar feeling, Ah Qing's small face turned red inadvertently.

&※▼※▼※▼, ≤.≈≤.$p; "What poison did this **** use? Really shameless!" Yuan Ziyi was trembling with anger, but after all, she is an unmanned girl, so I don’t know. Qing's symptoms are not poisoned at all...

At this time, Song Qingshu, who was standing on the ring, cleared his throat, and continued: "In this way, no one thinks I'm a spy anymore, right?"

All the heroes in the field nodded their heads. Song Qingshu’s words just now committed a crime of gross disrespect, and he wanted to afflict the nine clans. If he is really a spy, with the words he scolded just now, even if he stands up no matter how big he is. For his credit, he will inevitably die afterwards, naturally no one believes that he will be a spy sent by Kangxi.

Seeing Xuancheng's expressionless face, Song Qingshu smiled disdainfully: "Master Xuancheng, you just vowed to say that Master Shili did not collude with the court, but you dare to swear in the name of the Buddha, if he colluded with the court. After you passed away, all the monks of Shaolin Temple were unable to enter the Western Paradise, and all of you would go to the **** of a nose and tongue?"

"You!" Xuan Cheng flushed his face. Although he felt that Master Shili would not be a spy to the Qing court, it is an indisputable fact that Qingliang Temple accepted the court canonization. He really didn't dare to make such a poisonous oath.

"Hmph, let's go!" Xuan Cheng snorted angrily, knowing that staying would only increase his troubles, and decisively led the Shaolin monks and turned away.

"Lord Yu Lao Ruo, do you want me to make those activities you did public?" After Xuan Cheng was forced away, Song Qingshu turned and stared at the Red Flower Society and his group.

It was actually a good time to eradicate the Red Flower Society. However, although the Red Flower Society was against him, except for a few people such as Yu Wanting, the rest are still hard-core men. Song Qingshu is not an extinction of humanity. Butcher; Secondly, although Yu Wanting's conspiracy is clear to him, there is no conclusive evidence. It won't be over in a short while when it is really torn. Thirdly, Ah Qing is still in the Red Flower Club camp...

Yu Wanting's face changed, and after a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Let's go." Now Xuan Cheng is gone, he is weak, and it is useless to stay. He has made up his mind in his heart and will use the power of Tianshan to return to the ministry in the future. Counterattack the Central Plains, and then wash away the shame Song Qingshu brought him.

Pulled away by Yuan Ziyi, A Qing couldn't help but look back at the figure on the ring: "Brother, will you come to see me in the Western Regions in the future?"

"Yes, I will definitely come to see you!" Song Qingshu's eyes flickered, Tianshan Huibu size Hezhuo, Mingjiao Guangmingding...

Seeing Song Qingshu's promise, A Qing laughed happily and waved at him with excitement.

"This stinky boy really hooks up with women!" Looking at A Qing Yi's reluctance, Huang Rong's thoughts are extremely complicated. "If A Qing is really brought into the house by her, the two will join hands, who else is their opponent in the world? ."

Zhu Yuxu and Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but look at each other. Looking at each other's slightly jealous expression, Zhu Yuxu teased: "Sister Zhou, if A Qing bullies me in the future, you have to call the shots for me."

Zhou Zhiruo's face blushed: "She has such a high level of martial arts, and I can't protect myself. Who cares about you, the little girl."


After successfully driving away the two biggest opposition forces, Song Qingshu turned around and looked at the other three heads of the Golden Snake Camp who were sitting in their seats, "It seems that you disagree with me as the Golden Snake King?"

Hearing what he said, Qianliu Village Chu Hongliu, Ehugou Sha Tongtian, and Gai Mengchang Meng Bofei were like falling into the ice pit, and quickly got up and knelt and said, "See the King of the Snake!"

The three of them exchanged glances as they knelt, and they all understood each other's meaning, what a joke, Song Qingshu just took the life of Master Shili in the blink of an eye, and the ghost knew if he would be killed on the spot if he opposed him again.

The forces behind the three people are destined to be unable to urinate in the same pot with Song Qingshu, so the three of them made up their minds and obeyed on the surface first, so that he could not find the opportunity to attack. Later, there will be opportunities for the wrong.

The twisted eyes of the three of them did not escape Song Qingshu’s eyes. Even if Song Qingshu didn’t have mind-reading skills, he probably knew what they were thinking, but he didn’t care. In the face of absolute strength, conspiracy and trickery were just a joke, not to mention. , He had already figured out a way to deal with this group of people.

Except for the dead Master of Ten Forces, although the remaining eleven heads of the Golden Snake Camp had their own ghosts, they all showed their allegiance to him. Therefore, the coronation ceremony of the Golden Snake King soon began, but because of the strong enemy On the side, everything about ceremonies is kept simple.

During this period, Wudang and Emei took the lead in expressing their willingness to stay and help the Golden Snake Camp to deal with the invading army of the Qing court. The Mu Palace immediately stated that although the Tiandihui is closely related to the Red Flower Society, Chen Jinnan, the chief rudder, is a private enemy. People with righteousness, not to mention that he had a good relationship with Song Qingshu, and Ah Jiu was there, so naturally he agreed to stay and help.

Ren Yingying is now afraid of meeting Song Qingshu, so he hurried down the mountain with the congregation on the grounds that Linghuchong was seriously injured.

Of course, the Sun Moon God Sect was not an anti-Qing righteous man. It would be weird if Ren Yingying stayed to help. Maybe it would be misunderstood as having a relationship with Song Qingshu.

At the lion slaughter meeting, Song Qingshu, Zhou Zhiruo and the Beggar Gang had a big feud. The Beggars naturally didn’t have a good face. From the perspective of Huang Rong’s face, I could congratulate him, but I want them to stay and help resist the Qing army. There are no doors.

The Songshan faction has always fought with Song Qingshu, and naturally will not stay. After the ceremony, they hurried down the mountain and left.

The people of Quanzhen Sect hurriedly left after the ceremony because Qiu Chuji was seriously injured and needed to return to the Chongyang Palace to rest.

Most of the rest are guerrillas and brave soldiers. Some stayed to help and some left, but only a small part of them chose to stay. After all, the Manchu dispatched a hundred thousand troops this time, and one person could drown in a pee. A big martial arts faction, they are so arrogant that they dare not make fun of their lives.

"Brother Song, if you don't dislike it, Xiao Mou is willing to stay and help you." A burst of hearty laughter sounded, making many people's faces changed.

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