Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 511: I'll talk about it later

"People are anxious," Song Qingshu really has a kind of evil demeanor of molesting the women of the good family at this time, "so let's say, Madam will definitely not make a public statement afterwards."

Huang Rong's face paled: "You only dare to do such a thing to me after you have calculated this."

Song Qingshu nodded subconsciously: "That's natural. Although the lady is charming enough, I am not the kind of person who doesn't want anything for a woman. Naturally, the lady can only bear all this in silence before daring to do it."

"You!" Huang Rong's heart grew heavier and heavier, and said faintly: "Yes, even if you really did something to me, I won't say anything about it at the time, but I will tell Brother Jing all this, and he will know it. Call the shots for me."

Song Qingshu tilted his head and looked at Huang Rong, as if trying to get the real thoughts from her eyes. After a long time, Song Qingshu smiled assuredly: "No, you won't."

"Brother Jing is a sincere gentleman. I believe he will never despise me and neglect me." Huang Rong spoke with a bright color on her face, obviously she believed in her husband's character.

"Of course Daxia Guo will not dislike Madam, but Madam herself will dislike herself." Song Qingshu has a confident look. "If Madam is the kind of little dragon girl who doesn't know the world and is like a blank paper, I really dare not treat Madam. Do this kind of thing. Even if a woman like Xiaolongnu loses her virginity, she will confess everything to her sweetheart without any scruples in the future, and she won't have the slightest worries."

"But Madam, you are different. You think too much. Although Guo Daxia will not blame you, you will worry about whether he will leave a thorn in his heart. Instead of creating a gap between the husband and wife, you are sure Will keep him in the dark."

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Huang Rong seemed to fall apart, her eyes no longer half-distracted, she couldn't help muttering to herself: "Impossible, impossible...you can't guess so accurately."

It turned out that Huang Rong had been thinking secretly just now, if she really lost her virginity here, where she should go, she thought about it, denied too much impulse, and finally secretly made a decision to weigh the pros and cons. That is today. The thing has never happened, and will not reveal a word to anyone.

But all this, why did Song Qingshu guess so accurately!

Song Qingshu finally got rid of Huang Rong's last layer of defense. With her white jade body, she couldn't help but blurt out praise: "Madam is a mother, but she still looks like a girl. It's a gift from heaven."

Huang Rong's face flushed, and she turned her head subconsciously, unwilling to read the book again, using silence to represent her own resistance.

"In fact, Madam doesn’t have to be too sad. You won’t say this, and naturally I won’t say it. Then no one in the world knows what happened. Madam is still the heroine who is admired by thousands of people. Huh?"

Seeing Huang Rong’s expression shifting slightly, Song Qingshu’s mouth became more smiling: “Guo Daxia has been busy with the defense of Xiangyang for these years, and he must have no energy to accompany his wife. When the night is quiet, his wife must be very lonely and difficult. I admire Guo Daxia for a long time, and I understand it. Because of Guo Daxia’s difficulties, he decided to help him, relieve his wife’s bodily boredom, and do his duty..."

Huang Rong couldn't listen anymore and couldn't help taking a sip: "Can this kind of thing help? You are really shameless."

Although Huang Rong's mouth was angry, Song Qingshu's words evoked a slight ripple in her heart: Yes, how long has Brother Jing haven't made affection with herself. Every time he came back from the defense of Xiangyang City, he was so tired that he fell asleep, and understood his hard work, so naturally he would not pester him. After a long time, it seems that he has become accustomed to this kind of respectful life...

Hearing Huang Rong’s cursing, Song Qingshu didn’t take it seriously. Instead, he said: “Of course this kind of thing can help. Mrs. Guo only has Daxia in his heart. Song does not dare to ask for a place with Guo Daxia, and Mrs. Song does not have to take Song in mind , You can only treat Song as a lonely thing to dismiss."

Huang Rong's face was reddened, and she couldn't help humming, "It's a mess, after all, you just want my body."

"That's right," Song Qingshu couldn't help but lifted her chin and pecked her lips. "All I want is the body of the lady. The lady uses me to relieve loneliness. You and I take what you need, and the lady's heart is still Guo Daxia's, of course, is not a betrayal."

Huang Rong couldn't help but snorted, "Bah, what do I need from you!"

She was unknowingly said to be a little loose in her heart. As long as she maintains a sincere heart, it doesn't seem to be how to betray Brother Jing...

"Does Madam really don't need me?" Song Qingshu stretched out his hand to peek between Huang Rong's legs, and the smooth touch made the two of them feel at the same time. Song Qingshu couldn't help smiling and said, "The mouth is upright... Madam's heart Naturally, I don’t need Song, but Madam’s body needs Song to be tight."

Huang Rong blinked, she was ashamed to tears, and sighed faintly: "Don't humiliate me on purpose anymore, do what you want...just do it, just ask the son not to embarrass the concubine afterwards."

Song Qingshu smiled non-committal: "Can I understand that the lady is now actively begging me for joy?"

Huang Rong turned away and said coldly, "Whatever you say."

"I don't like Madam's appearance a little bit," Song Qingshu reached out and helped her face up. "If you can't fulfill your **** today, maybe Song will come to pester Madam in the future."

"You!" Huang Rong glared at the other party. It would be a nightmare to experience this kind of thing once. If he continues to pester herself afterwards, how will he live afterwards!

After a long time, Huang Rong said bitterly: "Is he let the son do his best today, and he can let me go in the future?"

"This is what you want." Song Qingshu looked at her condescendingly.

Touching the hot eyes, Huang Rong trembled in her heart, hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "Okay! I hope the son will keep his promise in the future."

Saying is the same thing, doing it is the same. Even if Huang Rong is a married woman, she is more nervous and shy than the wedding night. Slowly loosen her belt on her skirt, her dress faded, and she opened it rather shyly. leg…

When the hot and hard penetration sensation came, Huang Rong felt an unprecedented tremor in her body and soul at the same time.

A line of tears slid across her flushed cheeks, and Huang Rong understood that she was still sorry for Brother Jing after all, but now Mi is done. In order to avoid this man who found an excuse to pester her again, she had to wrap her legs around his waist. , Slowly twisting the soft waist, meeting the sprints of the man on him again and again...


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