Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 515: My life is over

Being able to serve as the guards of an army chief, their skill is naturally commendable. It's just that these people's martial arts are more used to fight head-to-head when the two armies are facing each other. In today's complex environment, it is not their strong point to compete with the world's masters.

Seeing a group of guards rushing over, Song Qingshu was free to move and dodge. Although he has never learned martial arts such as Dou Zhuan Xing Yi and Qian Kun Da Yi, he has reached a certain level. The effect is also exceptionally good.

After the melee for a while, a group of guards fell to the ground 708, never fighting again. What made them even more depressed was that they were only reacting now. The fatal injuries on their bodies were all caused by their companions, but Song Qingshu was as clean as never before. It's normal.

At this time, the shouting and killing became louder and louder in the distance. Song Qingshu knew that the Qing army was anxiously resisting Yang Miaozhen's attack. He couldn't help but admire him secretly. Tu Hai was worthy of the famous general. He arranged everything in order in such a short time.

However, all of this has become a cloud of smoke, and now that everyone else is dead, naturally there is no way to control the battle.

Song Qingshu jumped over the handsome flag, raised Tuhai’s head, and with a torch in his other hand, illuminating it aside, carrying a powerful voice that resounded throughout the barracks: "Listen to the soldiers, Tuhai is dead. The surrender will not kill!!!"

Voices over and over again spread throughout the barracks, and the entire Qing army camp suddenly fell into a deadly silence. Most of the Eight Banners soldiers’ first reaction* should be unbelieving, but by the light of the fire, the head was indeed them. The main commander Tuhai's horror and heartbreak.

Seeing the commotion in the entire Qing army camp, Song Qingshu tore off the Qing army commander flag, flashing his figure, and rushed to the entrance of the camp, because he was doing light work all the way, stepping on the top of the tent and flying, clearing the soldiers. I can't stop him even if I want to stop, and the sparse arrows can hardly pose any threat to him.

Soon Song Qingshu rushed to the gate of the camp and found that although the Qing army was in a panic, there was no sign of collapse, and his heart sank.

He assassinated Tuhai and the entire camp was in chaos, but if he couldn't break through the gate and let Yang Miaozhen and his troops come in, the chaotic camp would eventually return to normal. At that time, the Qing army might be able to react, after all. Yang Miaozhen's troops are not too many.

"Shoot him to me!" When Song Qingshu was anxious, there was a stern voice not far away. Song Qingshu couldn't help but look around, and found that he was talking about a young officer in fresh clothes and an angry horse, shouting deeply and organizing the surroundings. Of soldiers.

This person, Song Qingshu, had a fate in the Manchu Qing court. He was a man with a yellow banner behind the gate, and his Chinese name was Xu Hao. However, this person has always been not well-known among the Eight Banners, and was secretly called by many people in the capital. As a hypocrite.

But now the Qing army is still able to stabilize the position, I am afraid it is mostly his credit. To be able to guard the gate of the village even when the main general was killed and the entire camp was in chaos, it is really not a good person to look like, given time, maybe he can grow into another famous general of the Qing Dynasty.

"Zhi Lan is in charge, I have to get rid of it." Song Qingshu secretly cried out, it's a pity.

At this time, the arrow rain of the Qing army had also covered it, Song Qingshu transported his strength to the handsome flag in his hand, and looked back and protected the whole body.

Seeing Song Qingshu stopped the arrow rain of the whole team of archers with only a banner, the nearby Qing army was all dumbfounded.

"What are you doing stupidly, continue shooting!" Xu Hao was angrily and anxiously, and drew a whip to a nearby archer.

Xu Hao had heard of Song Qingshu's name as the number one master of Manchuria before, but he never cared about it. In his opinion, in front of thousands of troops, what kind of climate can a martial arts master become?

But now that he saw it with his own eyes, he found that his confidence was not so full.

What a character Song Qingshu was. He had already seized the gap between the Qing army's archery and rounded the handsome flag in his hand. The arrows inserted on it shot back at a faster speed than before, and the group of archers was suddenly caught The shot made people turn their backs on their backs.

Looking at the arrows stuck in his chest, Xu Hao looked incredulous: "I just died like this?" He fell down unwillingly.

With Xu Hao's death, the Qing army's shaky line of defense finally collapsed completely, and Yang Miaozhen finally led his troops into the camp.

"Brother Song has cut two generals in a row, and the younger sister is really admired!" While directing the troops to continue the camp, Yang Miaozhen stopped his horse and looked at Song Qingshu with a look of admiration.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and threw Tuhai's first level to her: "The next thing is up to you. It is better to bring this as a deterrent."

Although Yang Miaozhen is a woman, he was excited when he saw the **** first level: "This is really a good prop. When I go back, I will find Brother Song, the younger sister will go first! Drive~" Tied to the neck of the horse, he rushed towards the Qing army camp with the remaining soldiers yelling.

Seeing Yang Miaozhen's vigorous figure, Song Qingshu couldn't help touching his nose: "What a sturdy woman."

With a little tiptoe, Song Qingshu stood on the top of the outpost, looked around the Qing army camp, and found that there were fires everywhere, and the Eight Banners soldiers fleeing everywhere, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and finally succeeded in making the Qing army bomb the camp.

However, Tuhai were all elites this time. Although most of the Qing army had no idea what had happened and had to escape with the crowd, there were still several Qing forces in the camp trying to gather under the organization of low-level officers.

Song Qingshu frowned. If these people succeeded in gathering the army, Yang Miaozhen would be in trouble for the troops.

His figure flashed, and between the rabbits and the flocks, Song Qingshu quickly rushed to one of them. It was accidentally discovered that Xiao Feng, Yelvqi, Zhang Songxi, and Yin Liting were fighting each other in horns with the large Qing army. Everyone was hanging on their bodies. Cai, it seems that the injuries are serious.

Xiao Feng watched Liulu and soon saw Song Qingshu, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother Song, leave us alone, go and save the Huang Gang and the Ninth Princesses."

"And my sister." Yelvqi couldn't help but shouted.

Song Qingshu was startled and saw that although they were thrilling, their combat strength was still there, and their lives would not be in danger for a while.

After throwing arrows casually to kill a few surrounding archers for them, Song Qingshu went to the place guided by Xiao Feng.

It didn’t take long to find that a dazzling sword light was lit up not far away. Song Qingshu fought against Yelu Nanxian and knew that this was her Sun-Moon Divine Sword. If it hadn’t been for a critical moment, it would never have been so exhausting. Acting a trick, quickly speeded up and rushed over there.

Seeing more and more Qing soldiers in front of him, Yelu Nanxian couldn't help crying secretly. It's no wonder that Qing Tarts can fight against Mongolia in these years. Today, I will stop.

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