Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 525: The end of the song

As soon as Yelu Nanxian spoke, everyone in the field pricked up their ears. The image of Song Qingshu calling for the wind and rain at Hulipo was too shocking, completely beyond the scope of manpower.

Different from the ordinary soldiers of the Golden Snake Camp, these people who remain in the hall are the top figures in the world. After the initial shock, they have now come to their senses and understand that Song Qingshu is not really a god, and he must have used something. The blinding method is just that they can't break this method.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Could it be that in the heart of the princess, it is impossible for Song to really call for the wind and rain?"

Yelu Nanxian couldn't help rolling his eyes: "I'm not that kind of stupid people."

Song Qingshu first smiled, and quickly changed his expression: "How much does the princess think is the value of this method of calling the wind and calling the rain?"

"If this method can make people call the wind and rain as they please, then it is a priceless treasure." Yelu Nanxian showed a clear look on his face and apologized, "It was Nanxian who asked abruptly."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "This time the Qing Bing was defeated, the princess also worked hard. It was nothing to tell you, but..."

As his conversation turned, everyone in the court was hung up. On the one hand, he felt that it was too abrupt to listen to such secrets, and on the other hand, he was eager for Song Qingshu to reveal the truth quickly.

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment, but after all he sighed: "No matter, I wanted to install more magic sticks, but this time you will give me charcoal in the snow, and Song will remember it in my heart.

Hearing what he meant to confess, everyone in the hall couldn't help but sit up straight, listening attentively, for fear that a word would be revealed.

Song Qingshu paused and continued: "Calling the wind and calling the rain may seem wonderful, but it's actually simple to put it bluntly. Do you still remember what I did before I went to the high platform?"

A group of people in the hall looked at each other. At the time, everyone thought they were in a desperate situation and their minds were in a mess. In addition, Song Qingshu did a lot of things. They couldn't remember what was related to the wind and rain.

"Could it be that the camp was set on fire?" Huang Rongxiu frowned and asked with some uncertainty.

"The madam is really thoughtful, and she said the key." Song Qingshu glanced at her approvingly, which made Huang Rong quite cramped for a while.

Song Qingshu turned around and continued: "You are all people who are used to swords. You should often see a phenomenon. Once the steam of hot water hits the cold surface of the knife, will there be a lot of small drops of water on the knife? "

Everyone nodded, but they were still puzzled: "What does this have to do with the wind and the rain?"

"The essence is actually the same." Seeing the ignorant faces of the top figures in the world below, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling a sense of superiority in IQ. Hey, he finally understood why so many people looked forward to crossing and stood on the shoulders of giants. It feels really refreshing.

The people below were still waiting. Song Qingshu packed up his pride, cleared his throat, and continued to explain: "The Fox Slope has a unique terrain, with ridges on both sides, and a wide deep valley in the middle. When the tents and grains in the valley are all burned, A lot of hot air will rush into the air. When the hot air encounters the cold air high in the sky, raindrops will be condensed. This special situation often produces heavy rain, accompanied by strong winds, lightning and thunder."

At that time, Zhuge Liang’s magical plan led Sima Yi and his son to the upper valley, and then attacked by fire. Sima Yi resigned himself to his fate. As a result, a sudden rainstorm caused Zhuge Liang to make all his plans.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) into nothing.

“I don’t know the astronomy for general, I don’t know the strange door, I don’t know the yin and yang, I don’t look at the formation, I don’t know the strength of the army, and I am a mediocre.” This is what Zhuge Liang said himself. He must have calculated the weather in advance in the upper valley. , In the end, God just made a joke with him. It was clear that there was no rain, but a torrential rain abruptly gave birth.

As the saying goes, knowing the sky is easy to overcome the sky, and the blow to Zhuge Liang was fatal. It didn't take long before he died of illness in Wuzhangyuan, which made people feel embarrassed for thousands of years.

Regardless of whether this is a romance or an official history, the most important thing is why there was a sudden rain in the upper valley at that time?

Many good scholars in later generations studied this problem, and finally solved the mystery of sudden rainfall in the Shangang Valley with the help of a scientific system. The types of rain include frontal rain, typhoon rain, topographic rain, and convective rain.

The scene of Shangfang Valley at that time just met the conditions of convective rain. The upper valley has a narrow entrance, wide hinterland, high on both sides and low in the middle. This topography is not conducive to air circulation.

Once the valley catches fire, the temperature begins to rise, the air close to the ground rapidly expands and rises, and the upper and surrounding cold air shrinks and sinks, forming a strong convective valley wind, so violent winds will appear.

When a large amount of hot air at the bottom of the valley rises to a certain height, the water vapor in the air condenses into clouds due to the decrease in temperature. In addition, the large amount of smoke generated by the burning of firewood rises to the sky with the air, which provides an ideal condensation for water vapor. Condensation nodules, thereby accelerating the condensation of water vapor. The small water droplets in these clouds collide and merge with each other, and the volume will gradually increase, eventually leading to a situation of heavy rain.

At that time, he was in desperate situation at Hulipo Golden Snake Camp. Song Qingshu thought of Zhuge Liang by accident, and just happened to think of this allusion. Therefore, the dead horse became a living horse doctor and tried his best. Fortunately, Huangtian did not take his heart and succeeded in recreating the original scene of Shangang Valley .

The characteristic of convective rain is that it is accompanied by strong winds, which can even uplift large trees with a diameter of 50 cm, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and sometimes hail.

Song Qingshu was not stupid. Since he knew these characteristics in advance, there was no reason not to use them. Later, he created the illusion of calling the wind, calling thunder, and calling the rain in front of everyone.

At that time, Song Qingshu seemed to be chanting and casting spells on the high platform, but actually did nothing, just waiting nervously for the arrival of the convective rain.

"It's as simple as setting a fire? You won't be fooling us." Yang Miaozhen looked at Song Qingshu suspiciously.

Waking up by her voice, Song Qingshu finally recovered from her meditation. He couldn't help but smile: "Of course it's not that simple. More importantly, it is the terrain of the Fox Slope. If you set a fire on an open plain, it would be difficult to succeed."

"Don't lie to me, I will try it in a valley after I go back." Yang Miaozhen's straightforward words made everyone in the hall couldn't help but smile.

Chen Jinnan couldn't help sighing: "The son is really extraordinary, and he actually told such a shocking secret. Chen asked himself to replace it with himself. I am afraid that he can't be as open-minded as the son."

Chen Jinnan's words resonated with everyone in the field. In this world, self-respect is the truth. Even the martial arts of the general martial arts school do not want to be known by outsiders, let alone the way to call the wind and call the rain?

In this world, what does it mean to be able to call the wind and the rain? In the past, Zhang Jiao was able to gather millions of Yellow Turbans by virtue of some half-truth and half-fake Taoism, and today's White Lotus Sect also uses some magic to gather thousands of believers.

With the miracles that Song Qingshu did before, even if you just talk about yourself

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) It is the reincarnation of the gods, who have the ability to communicate with ghosts and gods. I am afraid that there are not a few who believe in him. Over time, I am afraid that they will be able to gather thousands of believers, but he chose to speak frankly. How can these people not be shocked.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Everyone here is a friend who shares troubles with Song Mou. Naturally, there is nothing worth hiding. Besides, I don't want my impression of you to become a magic stick from now on."

Everyone in the field couldn't help laughing. Yang Miaozhen clasped his fists and said, "Brother Song is so bold, well, from now on, Brother Song will be my friend of Yang Miaozhen and also a friend of our Red Coat Army."

Xiao Feng also laughed loudly and said, "If Brother Song comes to the Liao country in the future, Xiao will be welcome as a sweeping couch."

Tiandihui, Muwangfu, etc. also expressed their good wishes one after another. After a pleasant and enthusiastic conversation, various fist-aiding forces came to Song Qingshu to say goodbye.

"Brother Song, if you have a chance to come to Liao in the future, I must drink a thousand bowls of spirits with you." Xiao Feng's words scared Song Qingshu into a cold sweat. After drinking a thousand cups, his stomach would not burst.

"Big Brother Song, Nanxian will practice swordsmanship diligently when he returns, and I would like to ask him for advice next time." After Xiao Feng left first, Yelu Nanxian came to Song Qing's writing and said something inexplicable after a long while.

Seeing Yelu Nanxian, who has always been calm and gentle, had a hint of self-confidence on her face, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel happy. Could this little Nizi be interesting to me, hey, the charm is too big to be able to do.

Song Qingshu thought for a while, took out a sword book from his arms and secretly gave it to him: "These are some of the swordsmanship experience I recorded in my free time. If you take it back and look through it, it may be helpful to your Sun Moon God Sword. , But you can give it back to me after reading it."

Yelu Nanxian was shocked. He didn't expect that he would give him such a precious thing. After hesitating, he was still unable to match the temptation of swordsmanship. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he hurriedly hid the sword book in his arms: "Thank you, Brother Song." Nanxian will definitely regard it as a treasure, and will not leak a single trace." After speaking, he hurriedly chased Xiao Feng and Yelv Qi.

Seeing her solemn face, Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little funny. He didn't have any good thoughts when borrowing books. In his day, borrowing books and returning them was the best way to promote the relationship between men and women.

"Brother Song, we will be a guest in the Red Coat Army in the future. The younger sister will definitely use the strongest wine, the best beef... to entertain you." Listening to Yang Miaozhen, he said a lot of temptation conditions, Song Qingshu listened for a long time. , Inevitably disappointed: "There is no most beautiful person."

"The most beautiful in the entire Red Coat Army is probably the little sister. If Brother Song doesn't dislike it, then the younger sister will accompany you." Yang Miaozhen, living in the grassy rivers and lakes, has long been accustomed to all kinds of teasing, leaving behind a chic On the contrary, Song Qingshu made a big blush.

Before Zhang Songxi and Yin Liting left, they pulled Song Qingshu and said, "Qingshu, when you are free, you should go back to Wudang. The big brother has always been thinking about you. Your too master must have a lot to say to you."

Song Qingshu had a headache when he heard the news of this cheap old man, and he said: "I am afraid I can't spare time during this period of time. Once I am free, I will find time to return to Wudang."

People from all walks of life left one after another, and only Huang Rong was left. Song Qingshu originally thought she was here to say goodbye, but who knew she said, "I am not as busy as they are. I am eager to go back to deal with things and want to stay and disturb. In a few days, I wonder if the son is welcome?"

Song Qingshu was overjoyed immediately: "I can't ask for it!"

(End of this chapter)


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