Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 527: The arrangement of the master's wife

It's better than the previous life. Lushui Qingyuan is Lushui Qingyuan, not like a woman in this world who gives her body and her heart at the same time.

Because of "The Deer and Ding Tale", Song Qingshu has always been unable to give a good impression to Fang Yi, but it also takes advantage of it. If he eats and is not responsible, it is a little too Chen Shimei.

Seeing Song Qingshu push the door in, Fang Yi stood up excitedly: "Song...Big Brother Song." Just about to rush over, but for some reason, her figure stopped halfway.

Seeing her worrisome look, Song Qingshu felt guilty, and only because of some unnecessary plots of the novel, she controlled her emotions. Fang Yi was born as a servant of the Mu Palace, and was born to figure out what he wanted. Naturally, it was easy to feel that he didn't like her that much, so now that he is suffering from gains and losses, he has to swallow his grievances.

Song Qingshu sighed slightly, opened his arms, and smiled: "I haven't seen you for so long, won't you give me a hug?"

An unbelievable color appeared on Fang Yi's face, but she quickly reacted, carrying a scent of fragrance into Song Qingshu's embrace.

Feeling her slightly trembling body, Song Qingshu said with emotion: "This time has really suffered you."

In this era, medialess sexual **** is a big taboo, and Song Qingshu has not given Fang Yi any promise. Of course, Fang Yi has had a hard time during this period.

"With the words of Big Brother, it's worth it even if I die immediately." Fang Yi choked.

/ Song Qingshu hurriedly comforted her, Fang Yi told her sincerely for a while, suddenly seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: "Big Brother Song, in fact, I'm here this time to send a message for the teacher's wife."

"Su Quan?" Song Qingshu immediately saw the charming and crisp woman. It has been a long time since she had heard from her. She didn't come to the Golden Snake Conference. She thought something had happened to her.

"Well," Fang Yi nodded, "Sister Su said that she is going to Liao to do a big thing for her eldest brother."

Song Qingshu couldn't help frowning and said, "What's the big deal?"

Fang Yi shook her head: "Sister Su said that I can't tell you now. The time has come and Big Brother naturally understands everything."

Song Qingshu knew that Su Quan was a very assertive and smart woman. She unknowingly controlled the Shenlong Sect in her hands at a young age. She was really a very powerful person. Since she didn’t want to say it, the proof was really important. There are reasons she can't say.

Song Qingshu suddenly thought of something: "What should I do if she leaves Shenlongjiao?"

"The teacher's wife said that I will take care of the Shenlong Sect for the time being, but let me first ask what the older brother means." Fang Yi's voice trembled slightly, and there was a hint of excitement and worry about Song Qingshu's objections, and she gave him a careful look.

Song Qingshu nodded: "The veteran of the Shenlong Sect is almost completely lost, and you are also regarded as the old man of the leader. It is more appropriate for you to be in charge of the Shenlong Sect."

"Really?" Seeing him agree without hesitation, Fang Yi looked surprised. She was still a strong woman in her bones, and she was a little inferior because of her background. Naturally, she hoped to make some achievements. Only in the future will she have the confidence to enter the Song family. So as not to be seen clearly by other women.

"Of course it's true, you are my woman, who will the Shenlong Sect not be handed over to you?" Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing.

"Thank you, big brother." Fang Yi's heart immediately became happy when Song Qingshu said that she was his woman.

"But your martial arts is too low, I'm afraid I can't suppress the masters of Shenlong Sect." Song Qingshu suddenly frowned, and Fang Yi couldn't help but darken.

"You come with me." Song Qingshu took Fang Yi and walked to the back room couch.

"Are you here?" Fang Yi was immediately embarrassed, and said, "Wait in case someone comes in..."

Seeing her suddenly flushed face, Song Qingshu suddenly understood, and couldn't help but laughed: "What are you thinking? I'm planning to open up the meridians for you."

"Huh?" Fang Yi screamed, wishing there was a crack on the ground for her to get in.

"Retract your mind and relax your whole body." When he was seated cross-legged on the couch, Song Qingshu's voice came from his ear, and Fang Yi was red.

"Don't be afraid, relax." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and began to tap Fang Yi's whole body with his fingers.

With Song Qingshu’s martial arts at this time, it’s not difficult to open up the meridians for others. After more than an hour, you’re done. Song Qingshu wiped the fine sweat from his forehead: “Okay, I’ll find you a copy of the inner martial arts later. , A sword book, you can practice well in your free time. Although you may not be able to become a top master in the world, it is more than enough to deal with the people of Shenlong Cult."

Fang Yi's body was warm and warm, and she felt that she had never been so comfortable in her life: "Thank you, Big Brother Song, this time Big Brother must have spent a lot of skill." Seeing Song Qingshu's tired look, Fang Yi's heart was moved, and the previous grievances were swept away. And empty.

"It doesn't take much internal energy. After a few days of training, I will come back." Song Qingshu replied. With his current martial arts, internal energy is endless. This loss really has no effect. After hesitating, he said, "You have to help me. Although you have improved your skill in a short time, you will lose if you gain. With the help of external forces, your foundation is unstable, and you may not be able to reach the peak of martial arts in this life."

Fang Yi shook her head indifferently: "With my qualifications, I won't be able to become a first-class master in my entire life. I never thought about the pinnacle of martial arts, not to mention that there is a big brother with you. Why do I want such a high level of martial arts. "

Song Qingshu couldn't help holding her waist and hugged her arms around: "Your little mouth is quite sweet, let me taste it."

After a long time, Fang Yi's aura dispersed, flushed and pushed away Song Qingshu: "Big Brother Song, I should go."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Leave so soon? Let's rest here tonight." So the man is cheap, and he said that he didn't like it before, but he hugged him and lifted his interest.

Fang Yi shook her head: "Yi'er also wants to serve her eldest brother, but now that all of you sisters are on the mountain, it is really not convenient for me to stay."

Fang Yi is thoughtful, knowing that this mountain is now the head of a school and a princess of a country. Compared with them, her identity is too low. If she accidentally hates them, the future may not be easy. Therefore, although I was willing to be by Song Qingshu's side in every possible way, I still decided to leave.

Seeing that Fang Yi's intentions were lost, Song Qingshu was inevitably disappointed: "That's it..."

Noting his disappointed face, Fang Yi bit her lip and leaned into his ear and said, "Heredays, the eldest brother will come to Shenlong Island, and he will depend on you whatever he wants.

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up: "This is what you said."

Seeing Fang Yi nodded shyly, with a bit of flattery, Song Qingshu couldn't help but care: "You're going to Shenlong Island this time, it's best to bring a few trusted helpers with you, so you can take care of it."

Fang Yi nodded: "The little princess will accompany me, so don't worry, elder brother."

Mu Jianping? Thinking of her cute and cute look, Song Qingshu squeezed Fang Yi's sweat. By then, she really didn't know who was taking care of whom.

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