Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 530: Prey becomes hunter

Huang Rong's heart jumped, and hurriedly said: "If it is too late today, it would be inconvenient if someone else sees the son here. If there is anything he has, you can talk about it tomorrow. I hope the son will forgive me."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Madam, don't worry too much. From the inside to the outside, they are all my people. Even if they see something, who would dare to talk a little bit of gossip?" After saying that, regardless of Huang Rong's refusal, he opened the door and walked away. Came in.

What does he mean by this? What does it mean to see something and dare not say anything? Huang Rong's heartbeat accelerated even more.

As Song Qingshu came in, Huang Rong couldn't help but wrinkle her nose: "The son is drinking?"

"Drank a few cups with the brothers in the Golden Snake Camp, but don't worry, Madam, I have always been a thousand cups and I am not drunk, and I am very sober at this time." After saying that, Song Qingshu stared directly at her.

The more you say this, the more worried I will be! Huang Rong was panicked by him, but she quickly calmed down after so many winds and waves over the years, pretending to inadvertently say: "You drink so much wine, Ajiu and Miss Zhou will definitely feel distressed. I will send someone to notify you. They will prepare some hangover soup for you."

Seeing her secretly using Ah Jiu and Zhou Zhiruo to warn herself, Song Qingshu was secretly funny, just as she didn't understand, and casually replied: "They, one of them went to visit various prefectures, the other was gathering the Qing army and soldiers, and now they are not on the mountain."

Hearing that Ah Jiu and Zhou Zhiruo were not on the mountain, Huang Rong really panicked, and secretly cried out in her heart. If she had known this, she should leave earlier, so why bother to fall into this predicament again!

Huang Rongxiang came from the negative wit, but since being tricked by Song Qingshu in the cave, every time I saw him, he became unconsciously panicked, so that his advancement and retreat were lost, and his usual wit didn't know where he went.

Reminiscing about Song Qingshu's almost ghostly performance during this period, Huang Rong felt a deep sense of powerlessness. The only thing she could do seemed to be praying that the man in front of her would not suddenly become beastly.

"Is there anything that people do not serve well during this time? Madam, just tell me." Song Qingshu glanced in the room a few times before sitting on the bed carelessly.

"They are very dedicated to serving." Huang Rong was slanderous. If you hadn't existed, I would have lived more comfortably.

"That's good," Song Qingshu smiled, and suddenly lifted the curtain to the side and sniffed, "What kind of powder the lady uses, it smells really good, I will let Ajiu and others try it another day."

Let his woman use her own powder, Huang Rong doesn’t know him yet

(To the end of this chapter, please turn the page) What nasty idea I made, I only feel that my face is hot, pretending that I didn't hear what he said, and asked: "What do you think of my Fuer?"

Huang Rong understood that he could no longer be led by the nose, and quickly changed the subject. If the two can really be matched, huh, I will be your elder then, even if I am afraid of you...

"Guo Fu?" Song Qingshu was startled. Why did she suddenly mention Guo Fu at this time, and subconsciously replied, "It's pretty."

After listening to him put down this simple comment, Huang Rong couldn't help but anxiously said, "What else?"

Song Qingshu thought, with Guo Fu's temperament, if it weren't for his parents to be you and Guo Jing, plus a bit of beauty, he would be hacked to death within minutes of walking around the rivers and lakes.

Of course, it’s hard to say bad things about her daughter in front of the other’s mother. Song Qingshu thought for a while and added: “Miss Guo has inherited his wife’s seven-point appearance and is considered a stunning beauty. It’s just too young and still far away. It's far less mature than the lady's mature charm and charming demeanor."

Hey, after thinking about it, Guo Fu has only one advantage to boast about. Song Qingshu had no choice but to take advantage of this only advantage and praise Huang Rong by the way.

Unexpectedly, when Huang Rong heard his words, her breathing seemed to become a bit quicker, her face turned red for a while and then white.

Huang Rong could hear the sincerity of Song Qingshu’s tone, and there was a strange feeling in her heart, but she was soon tossed aside, unwilling to talk about the topic and being pulled back to her, she quickly raised her face and asked: "Except for being beautiful, you Don't you have any other impressions of Fuer?"

"It looks a lot like Madam." Song Qingshu stared at her with a smile, "Why does Madam keep asking me about Ling Qianjin? I don't want to mate Ling Qianjin to me."

When he guessed what he meant in an instant, Huang Rong was ticklish with hatred. His martial arts was better than me, and he was no less intelligent than me. He was even more annoying than Yang Guo.

"How is it, not so?" Huang Rong gritted her teeth and snorted noncommittal.

Song Qingshu stretched his waist, with a weird smile on his face: "If Madam really wants to be a matchmaker, I would like my wife to be a matchmaker more than Ling Qianjin."

"What did you say!" Huang Rong's expression changed immediately.

Song Qingshu spread his hands and lay down on the bed: "I said that I have been exhausted recently, and my whole body is very tired. Before Zhiruo and the others were better, they squeezed my shoulders and beat my back every day, so my body did not collapse. . It’s a pity that both of them are gone today. If the lady doesn’t mind, can you think about resisting foreigners?

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) For the sake of great cause, squeeze your shoulders for me. "

Huang Rong was so angry and funny that she asked herself to beat him on the back, so that he was crowned with such a big name, and she couldn't help but snorted: "If I don't give you a squeeze on your shoulders, I am hindering the great cause of resisting foreigners?"

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "Madam female heroes, naturally you can see the powerful relationship, not to mention that this is just a small effort for the wife. In a few moments, you can contribute to the great cause of fighting the Qing Dynasty. The people all over the world will praise the wife's knowledge. Generally."

"There are many women in your room, maid, why are you coming to me." Huang Rong sullen her face, secretly angry, how can she beat a man on the back with her current status and status, not to mention that she is still married. .

"They can't compare to the beauty of the lady." Song Qingshu sighed quietly.

Hearing what he said seemed to mean something else, Huang Rong couldn't help thinking of certain scenes between the two. After a moment of uncertainty, he hesitated and said: "It's not impossible to beat you back, but you have to Promise me not to mention it to anyone afterwards."

Song Qingshu was overjoyed: "That's natural, come on."

Seeing him pouting his **** eagerly, Huang Rong was angry and funny, and added: "Not even your women can say."

"Don't tell, don't tell." Song Qingshu's head was clicked like a chicken pecking at rice.

Seeing his promise, Huang Rong walked over slowly. Seeing Song Qingshu looking at herself with a smile, she couldn't help but angrily said: "Turn your head, don't look at me!"

"Good, good!" Song Qingshu turned his head obediently.

Huang Rong bit her lip, and finally knelt down on the bed, and tremblingly stretched out her hand to press on his shoulder.

"Oh ~ comfortable!" Song Qingshu couldn't help snorting.

"If you moan like this, I won't press it." Huang Rong annoyed.

Seeing Song Qingshu closed her mouth suddenly, Huang Rong nodded in satisfaction and continued to press his shoulder.

"Madam's hands are really wonderful...eh?" Song Qingshu was enjoying, and she felt numb all over her body as soon as she spoke.

After tapping a number of big acupuncture points on Song Qingshu's body, Huang Rong breathed a sigh of relief. She jumped out of the bed and looked at the man lying on the bed in a coma. The pouted little mouth showed how proud she was at this time: "Huh. , Is it really a bully to be a grandmother?"

At this moment, Huang Rong felt as if she was suddenly younger than a teenager, and turned back to the peculiar **** Peach Blossom Island.

(End of this chapter)


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