Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 536: Conversation between husband and wife

"When he has changed, it turns out that he is a demon in his bones!" Jiao Wan'er couldn't help laughing at her previous innocence.

"Go down."

Hearing the man's words, Jiao Wan'er received an amnesty: "Yes!" Turning around and staggering and ran outside, when he saw the rising sun, the cold body from inside to outside only had a hint of warmth.

Jiao Wan'er hurriedly returned to her house, watching her husband in the back room was still asleep, her tears couldn't stop and she couldn't stop her tears: My silly brother, do you know that I was bullied last night...

Standing in front of Luo Liru's bed, looking at the wind and frost on his face, Jiao Wan'er understood that he was too tired to be arrogant during this period of time. No wonder he didn't mean to wake up until he slept.

Distressedly covering her husband with the quilt, Jiao Wan'er opened her mouth several times to say something, but in the end it turned into a silent sigh.

Jiao Wan'er's face suddenly turned red. It turned out that the thing that the demon left in his body last night, unexpectedly flowed out!

Embarrassed and frightened, Jiao Wan'er glanced at her husband and saw that he hadn't noticed his own abnormality. She hurriedly carried her skirt and ran to the next wing, and ordered the maid to prepare a tub of hot water for her.

Jiao Wan'er shed tears over and over again while rubbing her body over and over again. She didn't know how long it took until her skin became red and she didn't mean to stop at all.

"Junior sister, why come to take a bath early in the morning?" Zhang + Fu Luo Liru's voice came from outside the door.

Jiao Wan'er was shocked and hurriedly wiped away the tear marks on his cheeks. Luo Liru had already pushed the door and entered, stopped in front of the screen, but didn't mean to go in.

In this era, husband and wife are not as open as later generations. It is no longer appropriate for people like Luo Liru to appear in his wife’s bathing room. It’s just that everyone is a quagmire, and they don’t have the rules of a large family. It is impossible to run directly to the side of the tub.

"My body is dirty, I want to wash it clean." Jiao Wan'er bit her lip and almost cried.

Luo Liru didn't know what had happened, and smiled improperly when he heard that, "Junior sister still loves Jie so much."

Jiao Wan'er felt bitter in her heart and ignored him.

Seeing that Jiao Wan'er didn't answer, Luo Liru thought that he had left his wife out of the cold during these days and made her unhappy, so he quickly changed the subject and asked, "How did you talk to Mrs. Guo last night?"

"Huh?" Jiao Wan'er remembered telling him yesterday that Huang Rong had invited her to have a long conversation all night. "It's still... OK."

There is no such thing as Mrs. Guo, there is only one demon who is destroying your wife all night.

Luo Liru couldn't help but said with emotion: "What a kind of figure Mrs. Guo is in the martial arts. I didn't expect to invite you to sleep and chat all night. She is really humble and easy-going..."

Thinking that if it weren’t for Huang Rong, she wouldn’t be insulted by that demon. Of course Jiao Wan'er had no affection for her. Hearing her husband kept praising Huang Rong, she couldn’t help but interrupt: “How can you say such an exaggeration, Mrs. Guo just thought I just listened to something about the Golden Snake Camp from my mouth."

"Huh?" Luo Liru was immediately anxious, "Ms. Guo is an outsider after all. There are many secrets in the Golden Snake Camp, but you can't tell her, Junior Sister, you can't..."

"How can I be so confused." Jiao Wan'er replied absent-mindedly. I never saw Huang Rong last night, so how could he reveal any secrets, but he revealed his body...

"Well, that's good," Luo Liru breathed a sigh of relief. "We have never been so proud of the Golden Snake Camp. The head of Song Da is really a fairy-like character. Junior sister, do you know that this site with a radius of thousands of miles is our Golden Snake Camp? Yes, countless heroes come to vote every day, but they are all for the sake of the master..."

"Don't say it!" Jiao Waner's face was pale when he heard him mention the demon, her fists were tightly clenched, her nails almost embedded in the flesh.

"Junior sister, what's wrong with you?" Luo Liru glanced at the screen suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Jiao Wan'er was worried about what her husband would find, and she shook her head and gritted her teeth. "I just think that the big boss is greedy and lustful, and there are a lot of women around him, so I must not be a good person."

"Junior sister, how can you say that?" Luo Liru suddenly became a little unhappy when his wife said bad things about Song Qingshu. Concubine’s."

Hearing that her husband actually helped Song Qingshu speak, Jiao Wan'er said angrily: "Listen to you, do you want three wives and four concubines too!"

Luo Liru came out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly explained: "Junior sister, don’t get me wrong. I can’t compare to the character of the master. Having a junior sister and a wife is already the blessing of Sanshengxiu, how dare you have other ideas? ."

"Who said that you are inferior to him, in my heart, you are thousands of times better than the master." Jiao Wan'er said quietly.

Rarely heard his wife’s sweet words, Luo Liru was overjoyed and yelled affectionately: "Wan'er~"

Jiao Wan'er was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked tentatively: "Senior brother, if one day, I mean, what would you do if the big master fell in love with me and wanted to bully me?"

Luo Liru hesitated and said, "Junior sister, if I'm telling the truth, don't be angry."

"Let's talk, I'm not angry." Jiao Wan'er raised her heart all at once, unexpectedly even more nervous than last night.

Luo Liru chuckled and said, "Although Junior Sister is a fairy-like figure in my heart, in the eyes of outsiders, you are far inferior to the looks of Princess Ajiu and the head of Zhou Sect of Emei. How can they look at you with such a beautiful country, hahaha."

"You! You are mad at me." Jiao Wan'er's tears couldn't stop falling.

Across the screen, Luo Liru couldn't see his wife's abnormality, and thought he had told a funny joke, and smiled heartlessly there.

Jiao Wan'er calmed down for a while and continued to ask: "Senior brother, don't laugh, I'm serious. You don't care if he doesn't see me, I just ask you, if I'm bullied by him... What would you do?"

"Junior sister, why are you asking so weird?" Luo Liru couldn't help frowning, but quickly laughed again, "If the big boss really bullied you, I'm too happy to be able to be with such a fairy-like character as the big boss. Being a brother-in-law is a blessing that has been cultivated in eight lifetimes."

"You!" Jiao Wan'er almost fainted, trembling all over, "You have no conscience, and you don't know who you have learned some nonsense in Fengyue place with whom you came back to abuse me."

Luo Liru was immediately embarrassed. Although he loved his wife deeply, his friends around him were all grassy and grassy. How could he keep his body like a jade and not be taken to the kiln to be happy and happy for so many times, but he did not dare to talk to Jiao Wan'er.

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