Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 555: No one dares to touch the woman of the Golden Snake King

"To shut up!"

Mu Wanqing was already very sensitive because of her life experience, and Li Mochou was even more famous for her self-cleansing. Even when she was a girl and Lu Zhanyuan, he was not willing to let his lover take advantage. He could not bear what Qinghai Yixiao said.

The two women unanimously raised their hands, a poisonous sleeve arrow and an ice soul silver needle shot in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Seeing a flash of white shadow, the white board suddenly moved from the door to the front of Qinghai Yixiao. When the long sleeves stirred, he swept the two highly poisonous hidden weapons to the ground.

"Hmph, I want to kill my Qinghai sect in front of the old man, you are a bit too tender."

Li Mochou's heart sank. Judging from the martial arts the other party had just shown, he might be really dangerous today.

A owl in Qinghai stretched one leg into the ghost door and closed it. At this moment, he finally recovered. He was shocked and said: "Master, although this **** is hateful, he has a charming appearance. Master, you are lucky today."

His voice is very nasty. The people in the restaurant did not expect that the apprentice would dare to speak to the master like this. Who knew that the white evil star not only didn't get angry, but laughed: "You are really caring, no matter what, wait to be a teacher. I'll reward you when I'm tired of playing."

"Thank you, Master!" Qinghai Yixiao was overjoyed, and his eyes floated to Mu Wanqing on the other side from time to time, and his heart was very happy: Although I was frightened today, it was a blessing in disguise to be compensated by two stunning beauties, one big and one young. . Hehe, ``Master, although his old man is strong in martial arts, he is old, and he will definitely be unable to do so by then. The two masters and uncles of Bo Tai Haomi are not good at female sex. In the end, these two beauties are not cheap for me.

"Looking for death!" Li Mochou's face was as cold as ice, and he could not bear it anymore. With a flash of figure, he waved the whisk to attack the owl in Qinghai. Of course, the white evil star would not sit idly by and hurriedly took care of his apprentice.

Unexpectedly, this time Li Mochou was all about hitting the west, and his temporary moves changed, but instead he attacked the white evil star fiercely.

Li Mochou has upset martial arts over the past few years and can still be at ease. Martial arts and poisoned needles are only one aspect. On the other hand, she has extremely rich experience in actual combat. When she encounters people whose martial arts is weaker than hers, she can win the opponent with good tenacity; Basically, she had the last laugh when she had the same skill. When she met someone whose skill was much higher than hers, she could use her wit to escape from birth.

Back then, she was able to rob Lu Wushuang from one of the five best medicine masters Huang, but now there is a white evil star, no matter how powerful martial arts is, it can't compare to medicine master Huang.

Therefore, she just pretended to be anxious and attacked the Qinghai Xiaoxiao as if she was crazy, but the white evil star could not see the slightest flaw.

Competing for masters is only a fine line. The evil star of the white board missed the opportunity, and was hurried by Li Mochou's attack and a silver needle flying out of the ice soul. His martial arts was so restricted that he could not perform his martial arts, so he dodged and yelled with anger.

On the other side, Yue Buqun had a panoramic view of the battle between the two, and his heart sank: Li Mochou has been able to cross the rivers and lakes for so long, and he is indeed well-deserved. If there are only two of them in the field, the white evil star will probably hate it on the spot.

Yue Buqun’s heart was extremely contradictory at this time. On the one hand, he had heard that the evil star of the white board was a good friend of Zuo Lengchan for many years. He came to the Central Plains and estimated that he would not be able to get rid of Zuo Lengchan. If he could get rid of it by Li Mochou's hand. To drop him is equivalent to breaking Zuo Lengchan's arm;

But on the other hand, Yue Buqun also knows that Li Mochou has already been offended today. If she gets rid of him, the Huashan Sect will probably be out of luck. After all, no one wants to have such a devil lurking around all the time. Waiting for the opportunity.

"Well, when they fight to lose and hurt both sides, I'll catch them all at once." Yue Buqun made up his mind secretly. Originally, whether it was the white evil star or the river double evil, the martial arts were not under him. It would be good for him to protect himself. But seeing that Li Mochou was so powerful, Yue Buqun naturally thought of something else.

"Brother, I am afraid that the white board will capsize in the gutter this time. Should we help?" Haomi frowned slightly, obviously not very optimistic about the situation in the field.

Bu Tai snorted coldly: "It's okay to let him take a lesson first, don't look like the eyes are on the top of the head, the Central Plains Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, we can't afford to offend many people."

Hao Mi nodded approvingly, and gently stroked the fingers that had just recovered, recalling the young man he met in Kaifeng, and couldn't help being afraid for a while, thinking that if it weren't for the black jade intermittent balm from the Western Region Shaolin, he practiced it by himself. I am afraid that decades of one-finger Zen will be abolished in this way.

After Mu Wanqing took the medicine and learned about the medicine, the poison slowly subsided, and the person regained his energy. Struggling to stand up, Song Qingshu hurriedly stopped and said, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to help her." Mu Wanqing mentioned the long sword and stared at the two fighting together, looking for a chance for a fatal blow.

"Naughty, your remaining poison is unclear. At this time, rushing up is just killing her." Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and pressed her to the chair again.

Seeing this idiot stopping him over and over again, Mu Wanqing was irritated and whispered: "At this moment, there is still a chance for me to help. If I don't help, after Li Daochang's defeat, I will be better off. Do you want to? Need to understand?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Don't worry, no matter what the ending is, no one dares to move you."

Mu Wanqing was confused by the affirmation in his tone, and subconsciously asked, "Why?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Because the girl is the woman of the Golden Snake King, no one in Shandong dare to offend the Golden Snake King."

"Bah!" Mu Wanqing flushed, and suddenly became embarrassed, "Who... is his woman."

After a long time, Mu Wanqing suddenly reacted, and looked at him coldly: "Didn't you just be so injured that you couldn't move?"

Song Qingshu was stunned. He pretended to be seriously injured just now, and he often took advantage of her, but then when she saw that she was poisoned, she was still thinking of pretending to be dead, and suddenly jumped from the ground.

"This, this...ah, ah, just now I saw that the girl was poisoned, and suddenly there was an abnormal belief that drove me to get up to save the girl, now...Oh, I'm going to faint, I'm going to faint..."

"I killed you!" Mu Wanqing didn't understand that she was being tricked. She was immediately embarrassed and embarrassed. She drew her sword and slashed at Song Qingshu.

"Don't chop, I'm really going to die again." Song Qingshu yelled while dodging in the restaurant, but the others in the restaurant couldn't help but laugh.

Yue Lingshan couldn't help but pinch one of Lin Ping's hands: "You men are bad, and you don't even want your life in order to take advantage."

Lin Pingzhi's heart was depressed. It was the man who made the mistake. Why are you pinching me?

Bu Tai glanced at Song Qingshu suspiciously. Every time he fell or bowed his head just now, he happened to escape Mu Wanqing's long sword. Is he a hidden master?

"Junior Brother, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, let's solve Li Mochou first." Bu Tai was cast a shadow in his heart, and he greeted Hao Mi to attack behind Li Mochou from left to right.

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