Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 578: A token of the past

Seeing that Song Qingshu's admiration didn't seem to be false, Zhao Min felt proud, but he didn't show it on his face. He curled his lips rather indifferently: "Why should I rack my brain to find a way to help you save me?"

Song Qingshu was immediately depressed: "I told you not to take a bite to each other. Besides, Li Mochou made this situation more than half of the reason because of you. If she died, wouldn't you regret it? If you let go, won't your conscience be uneasy?"

Zhao Min looked cold: "Since this princess has been turned into a demon girl by the Central Plains, his hands are naturally covered with blood. Do you think I will have a conscience disturbed by a strange woman?"

Song Qingshu was stunned, and then he realized that the beautiful and beautiful woman in front of her was still the Mongolian princess who turned her hands into clouds and covered her hands as rain, and regarded everything as a dog. He tried to persuade her with morals. It was indeed too great. Stupid.

"Okay, let me change the reason," Song Qingshu thought for a while, took out something from his arms, opened his palm in front of Zhao Min, and lay a delicate earring pendant on the palm, "Last time I saved you, You use this as a token and promise to do something for me in the future..."

Before Song Qingshu finished speaking, Zhao Min frowned and interrupted: "Why, are you going to save Li Mochou with that condition?"

"Yes." Song Qingshu nodded.

"Don't save!" Zhao Min's face was cold, and he resolutely refused.

"As the saying goes, the gentleman has faith in his words. I treat the princess with sincerity, but why does the princess treat me like this?" Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling unhappy.

"Anyway, I am a gentleman, but a demon girl who is itchy by people's hatred." Zhao Min looked at the earrings on his palm and immediately became happy. "Have you always carried this thing with you?"

"Yeah." Song Qingshu snorted weakly. Since Zhao Min was unwilling to help, he had to find a way by himself.

"It's pitiful to see your frowning face. Forget it, the princess is happy today, so I will show compassion to help you figure out a solution." A smile appeared on Zhao Min's cold face, as if the ice was melting.

"With the help of the princess, the confidence of success is doubled." Song Qingshu's eyes lit up, and he reluctantly passed the earring over, "Hey, this precious condition is used in this way. It's a pity to think about it. "

"Since it feels a pity, then you don't need to

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Ah. "Zhao Min looked at her with a smile.

Song Qingshu lowered his head and glanced at Li Mochou, who was so angry that he shook his head: "Although it is a pity, it is worth saving a life."

"Since you can't bear it, just keep it," Zhao Min's face exuded a charming luster, and did not reach out to pick up the earrings.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, looking at her in disbelief.

"Anyway, there are many such earrings in the county lord's mansion, and one or two less is not a big deal." Zhao Min raised his chin and turned his head out of the window involuntarily.

Song Qingshu was not a nerd either. He took the earrings back when he saw it, and asked with a smile: "Then I don't know if this earring can ask the princess to do something for me in the future."

"Look at the princess's mood at that time," Zhao Min snorted, "but next time you ask me to save other women for you, don't blame the princess for turning your face."

"No, of course not." Song Qingshu sat aside and happily, "I have already thought about what to do with the princess in time."

"What do you want me to do for you?" Zhao Min was curious and couldn't help looking back at him.

"At that time, I will ask the princess to give me a lot of these earrings." Song Qingshu gestured with both hands in an exaggerated gesture.

Zhao Min stayed for a while, then quickly chuckled, and gave him an angry look: "It's pretty beautiful to think about."

Just like this, I made a lot of jokes, and because of the events of the Golden Snake Camp last time, the estrangement between the two of them finally disappeared.

"Okay, let's think about how to save your relationship." Zhao Min took the initiative to speak after not knowing how long it took.

Song Qingshu deliberately showed a disappointed look: "After so long, I thought you were pretty confident."

Zhao Min couldn't help but wrinkle Qiong's nose: "I'm not a god, how can I think of it so quickly, your flattery is not very good."

"Asshole~" Song Qingshu muttered a word, and his eyes fell on her perfectly round buttocks involuntarily.

"Where to look!" Noting the expression in Song Qingshu's eyes, Zhao Min was agitated, and vaguely felt that her **** was a little hot. Even though her clothes were neat, she couldn't help pulling the hem of her clothes and pulling them down, blocking the other person's sight. , Body

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) At the same time, it shrinks to the side.

Song Qingshu was also a little embarrassed when he was caught voyeuristically, and hurriedly changed the subject and said: "In fact, it is not difficult to be better than what I do, but it is extremely difficult to make him willing to surrender a real star."

The blush on Zhao Min’s face gradually faded: "Are you martial arts so high now?" His words were obviously full of surprises. But is one of the top masters in the arena.

Song Qingshu smiled shyly: "This...the way I practice is more...more pleasant, so I practice a little harder than others."

"Your martial arts can't be achieved with diligence," Zhao Min recalled the scene of the Golden Snake Tournament and couldn't help but smile. "I am forgetful. You can beat even Ah Qing. This world must No one is your opponent anymore."

The scene where Ah Qing easily defeated Ming Zun left a very deep shock to Zhao Min. After all, the martial arts performed by Ming Zun before were already very against the sky.

Song Qingshu's face was rarely red, and he explained awkwardly: "That's just a trick." After all, he used Huanxi Zhenqi's special characteristics to deal with women to deal with a little girl. For the most part, he has a thick skin like a city wall, and he has no face to promote it everywhere.

"If you win, you win. There are no tricks." Zhao Min smiled lightly. She has been in the top position for a long time and has always been a resultist. However, she was obviously not very interested in martial arts. After asking casually, she asked separately, "By the way, how did you call the wind and rain on the Hulipo?"

Perhaps many people in the arena only consider it to be a rumor, but with Zhao Min's intelligence network, they naturally know that there is something happening. Rao is Zhao Min who is familiar with the book of war and is well acquainted with famous generals in ancient and modern times, but can't figure out how this is done.

Song Qingshu couldn't help touching his nose: "We seem to be enemies and not friends now, this kind of big secret..."

Zhao Min's face was cold, and he snorted: "Forget it, who is rare."

Song Qingshu shrugged and said with a smile: "It's funny. Although we are in different camps, we can be considered close friends in private. It's natural to tell you this secret."

"Who knows you~" Zhao Min couldn't help but give him a blank look, but his heart was extremely complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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