Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 586: Love the country and the beauty more

"If what I expected is not bad, your current injury should be very serious. If you are against other people, it will not be difficult to deal with it with your skill. Unfortunately, it is me who is against you. Even in your heyday, you may not be able to defeat me. , Let’s give it a go now, and even though I will be seriously injured in the end, you must be the one who died."

Song Qingshu walked towards Mingzun step by step, and his aura increased bit by bit: "So you used alliances to attract my attention, even exposing many secrets, just to make me believe that you really wanted to form an alliance and ignored you. The real situation."

Mingzun grabbed the two women and hurried back a few steps, pinching one's throat with one hand, and said coldly: "You take a step forward, and I will kill them."

He secretly screamed in his heart. Last time he was injured by Ah Qing's hand, but he didn't expect that he would not be able to get in and out after doing everything possible. ≧♀≧♀≧♀, ≯.→★.♂The sword energy of the body caused the injury instead. Getting heavier. But after all, he is a Mingzun who has lived for a thousand years, and the accumulated experience and experience may not even match Wudang Zhang Sanfeng. After all, he still made him come up with a solution, that is, the magic of Beiming or the law of attracting stars. .

A Qing's sword qi is like a tarsal maggot entwining Mingzun's own true qi, so he can't force it out with more strength, but will only make the combination of sword qi and his own true qi more tight. He was also a decisive person, knowing that his injuries would get heavier in this way, so he might as well immediately dissipate his strength, as Ah Qing's sword energy was no longer attached to it, and he would naturally resolve and become invisible.

Ke Mingzun, as one of the highest martial arts people in the world, is willing to dissipate exercises like ordinary people, completely turning into a waste person. It just so happened that the Beiming magical power and the Star Absorption Technique solved this problem. Not only could they successfully dissipate the sword energy from the body, but they could also restore the skill quickly. The Beiming Divine Art was really mysterious, and he couldn't find it for a while with the power of Mingzun, so he had to come to Heimuya to look for the star-absorbing magic.

Mingzun knew that Ren Woxing had always been unwilling to submit, but his magical skills made him afraid to change. Once he knows his own situation, Ren Woxing will never give up the Star Absorbing Law just because he is his nominal boss, and maybe he will immediately get into trouble.

Therefore, during this period of time, Mingzun has been hiding in this abandoned courtyard on the Blackwood Cliff. On the one hand, he is healing his wounds, and on the other hand, he is thinking about how to get the magic of attracting stars. It is a pity that he has thought of many methods, but unfortunately there are no ten. He was sure that he could get the Star Absorbing Magic, so he didn't do anything until Song Qingshu brought Zhao Min and the others in.

Although Ming Zun was injured, he was so good in martial arts. If he deliberately concealed his deeds, Song Qingshu didn't notice it. When he learned that Song Qingshu was actually looking for Xingxing Dafa, he couldn't help but made up his mind to reap the power of the fisherman.

Because Song Qingshu's martial arts was too high, Ming Zun was worried that following the other party might expose his deeds and make his achievements fall short, so he chose to lie in ambush in this other courtyard. If you live with the other party, the magic of attracting stars is what you have in your pocket. Helpless people are not as good as the sky. He didn't expect Song Qingshu's martial arts to advance so much. Because of his injuries, he was no longer his opponent.

After the sneak attack failed, Mingzun quickly realized that he was already extremely dangerous. If Song Qingshu continued to attack, he would discover his condition sooner or later. At that time, life and death would be between the other side's thoughts, so he quickly stopped and took the opportunity to take the two women hostage. , But he used himself to save others, worried that Song Qingshu would attack the two women in spite of the lives of the two women. In order to add a layer of insurance, he threw out the pretense of alliance to attract Song Qingshu's attention. As long as he successfully escaped this catastrophe, there will be opportunities for revenge in the future. As for the alliance, it is just talk.

It's a pity that he acted too sincerely, but it aroused Song Qingshu's vigilance. After thinking about it a little bit, he guessed Mingzun's current embarrassment.

Seeing the opponent approaching step by step, Mingzun suddenly tightened his mouth and snorted coldly, "Could it be that you really don't want their lives?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "You and I know that they are your life-saving trump card, how can you be willing to kill them?" But he stopped, after all, the distance between the two sides is close enough, and it will be difficult to ensure that the other side will not choose The fish died and the net broke.

Mingzun was silent for a while, and suddenly grinned after a moment: "It seems that I underestimated you before, but if you really don't care about their lives, you have already done it just now. It seems that I won the bet this time."

Song Qingshu smiled shyly: "Actually, I'm thinking of a way to get the best of both worlds, which can save her two lives and kill you."

Mingzun's face trembled: "Then have you thought of a way?"

Song Qingshu sighed faintly: "With your martial arts, I really can't think of a way to get the best of both worlds."

Mingzun laughed and laughed: "Before I lost my money, I saw you as a hero who was equal to me. Now I see you are just a pedantic person with the benevolence of a woman. In such a good situation, I can get rid of this life. The biggest opponent, this seat will never care about the lives of two women."

After all, Mingzun is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, and his insight into the human heart is so profound. He dares to be so arrogant, so naturally he is sure that Song Qing Shujue will not be aroused by him.

Song Qingshu smiled disapprovingly, and did not take his sarcasm to heart: "So we are fundamentally different. You only have Jiangshan in your heart. Although I also love Jiangshan, I love beauty even more."

The name of a song that everyone knows in the past life has an unimaginable impact on people in this world.

Hearing his words, Zhao Min’s eyes erupted with brilliance, as if he had a spiritual resonance with Song Qingshu. At the beginning, she was a majestic princess, and countless masters under her command. She wiped out half of the world while talking and laughing, but later for a man. , Abandoning his father and brother, abandoning the family, abandoning the country, why not "love the country, love the beautiful people more"?

Li Mochou on the side was also shocked. She was hurt by love in the past. She has always been cynical. She feels that women are the ones who pay the most for the relationship in this world, but women are often injured in the end. Therefore, she hates all men in the world and feels all. 'S men are all unfortunate, but never expected that the man in front of him would not even want a woman for the sake of a woman...

Song Qingshu's remarks were only lethal to women, and Ming Zun couldn't help but sneer: "Naive!"

"Neither childish nor mature, this is my choice," Song Qingshu said lightly, "Let go of them and I will let you go."

Zhao Min was very anxious. If she could speak up, she would definitely curse Song Qingshu. If she missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, she would regret it for a lifetime! She hates Mingzun deeply, so she would rather die with the other party.

But after the anxiety passed, Zhao Min gradually felt a touch of emotion. She knew what Song Qingshu had given up for herself this time...

Mingzun sneered, "Are you treating me as a three-year-old kid? If I let go, if they are no hostages, you will let me go?"

"If you don't let anyone go, I won't let you leave this room for half a step." Song Qingshu said lightly, with the same unquestionable tone, and the room suddenly fell into a stalemate.

Mingzun rolled his eyes and suddenly said, "Well, let me put one person first, and when I get to the bottom of the mountain smoothly, then put another person, what do you think?" He made up his mind and let Li Mochou go later. Because the other party must value Zhao Min more, and only when Zhao Min is around can he be safe. And by that time, he has already run so far, even if he doesn't let Zhao Min go, what can he do to me?

Song Qingshu still shook his head: "No, both must be placed here."

"You can't succeed in this seat!" Mingzun suddenly furious.

"You can only trust me. If you let them go, you still have a chance to live. If you stand in such a stalemate, you will die." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice.

Mingzun's eyes condensed, and it was clear that he was telling the truth. The fight just now caused the injury in his body. If he stayed for a moment, the injury in his body would get worse. Moreover, he was saving others by himself. In fact, he was even more afraid of Song Qingshu's sudden change of mind. , But just let the two girls go, how can I get off?

Suddenly Mingzun's eyes lit up and he said: "This seat can put them here, but you need to agree to a condition of this seat."

"Say!" Song Qingshu stood with his hands behind him, with no expression on his face.

"Give me the Xingxing Dafa." Mingzun's breathing took a short time. As long as he has this, he will be able to return to the top after all...

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and soon figured out the other party's purpose: "Do you want to dissolve the innate sword qi in your body by the method of inhaling stars?"

"So what?" Ming Zun didn't mean to cover up, "If you can't dissolve the sword aura, you won't be able to return to the top even if you successfully escape. That being the case, I can't fight for this perfection. Flesh, give you ten The internal injury that could not be recovered in the year, dragged these two beauties to the burial."

"Physical body?" Song Qingshu was suddenly startled, and then he remembered that the person in front of him could be reborn.

"You also know that I am immortal, and the big deal is that the fish die and the net breaks." Mingzun is also very nervous, although he can still be immortal even if'Zhang Wuji' is dead here, but Zhang Wuji has been practicing for thousands of years to move the world by himself. Seventh floor, wait until the next chance to rebirth, how easy it is.

"Okay!" Song Qingshu nodded, thinking about it.

Ming Zun was not so easy to be fooled. He was worried that Song Qingshu would use his hands and feet in the formula, and suddenly said: "Tell the formula, let this Taoist practice first."

Song Qingshu pondered for a moment, and nodded to Li Mochou: "No problem, fairies just practice... when the dantian is always like an empty box, always like a deep valley, the empty box can store things, and the deep valley can hold water. If there is internal interest, disperse it. Yu Renmai points..."

Feeling the look in Song Qingshu's eyes, Li Mochou subconsciously believed that the other party would not harm him, not to mention that she was only half-lived, and it wouldn't be a big deal even if she died. Thinking of this in his heart, he did not hesitate to practice according to the formula given by Song Qingshu.

Mingzun didn't blink his eyes, and stretched out a ray of real energy to probe Li Mochou's body nervously.

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