Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 597: Mother and daughter reunion

Song Qingshu and He Tieshou-now called He Qing separated, looking for the direction of his former residence. Along the way, Song Qingshu was thinking about money. Although the Golden Snake Camp captured the state capital before, although the harvest was very rewarding, the daily consumption of tens of thousands of horses in the Golden Snake Camp is an astronomical figure. The money and food seized from the government can only be worthy of the guarantee of the Golden Snake Camp. Expenses during the year.

The establishment of an intelligence network is also a matter of burning money. Sang Feihong’s Wuhumen’s initial start-up capital was spent on the filial piety that Song Qingshu gained during his administration in the Qing Dynasty. After that, Song Qingshu assassinated Kangxi. broken. Moreover, as the Wuhumen intelligence network grew larger and larger, he could no longer support it with his own private money. In the end, he had no choice but to put his ideas on the money that Wei Xiaobao had embezzled.

In the original work, Wei Xiaobao embezzled more than three million taels. Now he has not greeted so much because of his early death. There are almost one million taels. He has always kept these silvers tight, not to mention that Kangxi didn’t know. , Even Shuang'er is not quite clear.

Later, the Tong family took advantage of Wei Xiaobao's death to retaliate, and was harassed by Shenlong Island. The two sons and daughters of the nominal mistress in Wei's mansion also went to Yaowangzhuang in Dongting Lake. The Viscount Mansion was secretly controlled by Song Qingshu, Wei Xiaobao's secret treasure. He was naturally accepted by him. Song Qingshu didn't have any guilt about this. After all, the money that Wei Xiaobao had embezzled was the people's anointing for the people at all levels of officials. He used it for the great cause of expelling the Tartars, and how could it be considered to benefit the people.

In the past two years, Wuhumen's activities have been funded by Wei Xiaobao's stolen money, but this money is currently only enough to support this intelligence network. He Qing's brothel intelligence network needs to find another way.

Song Qingshu's current plan is to temporarily use the money from Kangxi Nekuli to initiate this plan. However, the goal of using the Nekuli is too large and it is not a long-term solution. Other methods must be found as soon as possible.

So Song Qingshu naturally thought of several famous treasures in Jin Yong’s world. The treasure of Emperor Liang Yuan was far away in Jingzhou. The treasure of Gaochang was just a joke. The treasure of Dagongfang was taken out by Yuan Chengzhi that year, and only the treasure of Chuangwang was left. And the treasure of the Qing Dynasty Dragon Vessel.

"I don't know how the old Sunflower **** is now effective in inhaling dragon energy..."

It’s strange to say that since the sunflower eunuchs started to smoke the dragon veins of the Qing Dynasty, the national fortune of the Qing Dynasty seemed to have dimmed suddenly. How prosperous at the beginning, and even the posture of fighting against Mongolia, but now Song Qingshu knows that under the strong appearance of the Qing Dynasty, it has long been It is perilous and full of holes.

"Could it be that the illusion of the dragon veins is really something?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but shudder. If he didn't have a last resort, he still shouldn't go to Ludingshan. The ghost knew what old monster Sunflower ancestor became after consuming enough dragon energy.

The goal was determined to Chuangwang’s treasure, Song Qingshu began to think, whether it is Bing Xueer, or Nanlan Fengchai, can find the treasure, now the only headache is how to unknowingly transport the treasure from Guan. come back……

Thinking all the way, unknowingly, Zhong Song Qingshu had already walked outside the former residence in the capital. Seeing that the Song Mansion on the plaque had been replaced by Tian Mansion, Song Qingshu had a moment of loss of consciousness. When he assassinated Kangxi himself, the Man Qing court naturally couldn't tolerate it. Everything about him is only secretly sheltered by him as Kangxi. Tian Guinong and Nanlan have not been implicated, but the plaque of Song Mansion naturally cannot

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Continue hanging blatantly.

"I don't know if Bing Xueer is used to living here..." Song Qingshu's heart moved slightly. At the Golden Snake Conference, Bing Xueer was unwilling to meet with other women in Song Qingshu, so she quietly brought Miao Ruolan to Yanjing City to find Nanlan. Counting days, she should have arrived long ago.

Song Qingshu was about to push the door in. Suddenly there was a faint cry of a little girl in the yard, and a woman's scolding voice was also sandwiched. Song Qingshu couldn't help but startled, he could hear the voices of two women, one big and one small. , The little girl is Miao Ruolan, and the voice of a mature woman should be Nanlan.

"It looks like Nan Lan is teaching her daughter. It seems a bit embarrassing to go in at this time..." Song Qingshu hesitated for a long time, gave up entering through the front entrance, and went to the side courtyard wall, and hid himself into a lush tree in the courtyard. Among the trees, he was also very curious, Xiao Ruolan is so cute, why Nan Lan looks so angry.

In the yard, a little girl with powder makeup and jade was running desperately, and a graceful young woman behind with a feather duster was chasing desperately behind. The little girl was Miao Ruolan, who just listened to her running and crying: "People When the parents are older, they will marry Brother Qingshu. He is a hero who stands up to the ground..."

Song Qingshu's face suddenly looked weird. I didn't expect that his charm was so great that even Xiao Ruolan was fascinated by me.

The graceful young woman chasing behind seemed a little exhausted, and couldn't help but stop for a little breath, her full chest undulating like a wave, she suddenly became anxious when she heard the words of her daughter: "No! No one can marry him. !"

Naturally, this young woman is Nanlan who has been away for a long time. Perhaps because of exercise, fine sweat leaked out from her temples, and Sai Xue's skin also revealed a faint red color.

"Why not?" Miao Ruolan suddenly became anxious.

Hearing her daughter’s questioning, Nan Lan suddenly suffocated her breath and sighed secretly in her heart. My dear daughter, mother can’t tell you that the hero in your heart is actually a demon.

Thinking of the scene of being bullied by that person every time, Nan Lan felt a little bit weak, so she gritted her teeth and said, "If my mother says no, it's no good!"

"Does the mother want to marry Brother Qingshu by herself?" Miao Ruolan suddenly looked at her mother with her hands on her hips.

Nan Lan's heart jumped, and he looked around hurriedly. She was secretly relieved to see that no one heard it. At the same time, she couldn't help getting angry and glared at her daughter: "How do you say such nonsense!"

"Who makes my mother unable to tell the reason? I hate you." Miao Ruolan burst into tears and ran into the back room while wiping tears, leaving Nan Lan alone in place.

Thinking of her daughter's resentful eyes, Nan Lan felt a pain in her heart, and subconsciously bent over to cover her chest.

"Why is the little lady uncomfortable? How about a little student rubbing it for you?" A familiar voice suddenly heard from her ear, and Nan Lan suddenly turned around and found that the man she dreamed of every night appeared in front of her.

"You...you..." Nan Lan stepped back subconsciously, but was tripped by the stone bench on the ground, and the whole person fell to the ground involuntarily.

"Little lady, you have to be careful when you walk." Song Qingshu stretched her arms and hugged her back with her round waist.

The familiar breath of Song Qingshu made Nanlan love and hate, for a while

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Shi Wuwei Chen Za, unexpectedly forgot to resist, but she suddenly remembered that her daughter is still here today, and she couldn't help but push him: "Let me go, Ruolan is still nearby. It's."

Song Qingshu did not let go, but reached out and rubbed her chest: "Did you feel uncomfortable here just now?"

"Don't~" Nan Lan softened suddenly. She felt that her body seemed to be unable to reject the other party at all, so she raised the remaining sanity and screamed, "I beg you, at least don't be here..."

Song Qing's book also came to just want to tease her. She never expected her body to be so sensitive. Seeing the beautiful woman in her arms, her star eyes seemed to open and close, with faint water stains flowing, and her ruddy lips slightly opened. Exhaling like blue, Song Qingshu's heart suddenly became restless. He stopped at the waist and picked up Nan Lan Heng, and walked quickly to the side room.

Miao Ruolan, who was hiding behind a window not far away, looked at the disappearing backs of the two of them. Her lips were about to bleed. Her whole body was trembling, and her heart couldn't stop her anger: No wonder my mother didn’t allow me to like Brother Qingshu. Myself and him...

It didn't take long for the little girl to become excited again: It turned out that Brother Qingshu likes a more mature woman, huh, in a few years, I won't believe it is better than a mother!

With Song Qingshu's martial arts, just now I naturally knew that Miao Ruolan was hiding by the side. The reason why she deliberately showed such affection with Nan Lan was that she wanted to break the girl's mind.

Although he is romantic, he is not abnormal. Miao Ruolan is still a little girl now. It is normal for her to have strange feelings for herself just because she saved her. But she is still too young and does not have enough judgment. Song Qingshu is unwilling. Taking advantage of her inexperienced life, she simply made a ruthless move to cut off the girl's love thread.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu can't understand the inner world of a little girl no matter how she understands women's minds...

Song Qingshu was only going to behave at first, but Nan Lan's body couldn't help but be teased like this, feeling the woman in her arms as soft as a ball of cotton, how could he bear it, and the fake act was really done.

"Wh...what's wrong?" Nan Lan felt Song Qingshu's body stiff on the way, and couldn't help but ask infinitely shyly.

How could Song Qingshu's body not be stiff, because he noticed a gentle footstep and cautiously walked to the window. The visitor seemed very hesitant, but in the end he stretched out his slender finger and touched the tip of his tongue, gently poking a hole in the window. .

Listening to the breathing, people outside obviously don’t understand martial arts, but her footsteps are much lighter than ordinary people. Song Qingshu suddenly realized that the person here was a little girl, and the only little girl in the yard was Miao Ruolan. .

Song Qingshu became embarrassed now. The daughter was watching outside. She was ashamed to continue to bully Nan Lan, but now that he is half bullying, if he gives up directly, Nan Lan finds something unusual, and how will it end?

When he was unable to advance or retreat, Nan Lan lightly twisted his waist and tenderly and shyly sent him an invitation to continue.

"Die or die!" Song Qingshu's heart slammed, as if he hadn't found Miao Ruolan at all.

Inside and outside the room, three heavy breathing sounds suddenly sounded. Nan Lan quickly realized that the man on her body seemed to be a little bit more excited than usual. It was only because the two hadn’t seen each other for a long time, so she didn’t know the truth. ...

(End of this chapter)


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