Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 599: Mysterious Assassin

The two of them finally got dressed. Apart from some gorgeous flushes on their faces, Nan Lan seemed to have nothing wrong in the weekdays. As for Song Qingshu, Nan Lan pushed and imploredly rushed to the door. He pretended to have just arrived in the capital.

Song Qingshu couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that your daughter knew about the two of us, why bother to steal the bell, but he couldn't match Nan Lan's soft words, and finally agreed to act with her.

When Song Qingshu knocked at the door, Nan Lan deliberately didn't come to open the door, but instead called her daughter to open the door, but Miao Ruolan was sulking now, so she could not care about her, so Nan Lan had no choice but to open the door by herself.

When she saw Song Qingshu, she deliberately said loudly in an exaggerated voice: "Master Song, you are back. Ruolan, come out quickly and see who is here?"

Hearing her mother's words, Miao Ruolan's eyes couldn't help but a hint of confusion flashed in her eyes, but she was smart since she was a child, and she quickly reacted and couldn't help taking a sip: It's not ashamed to play together and bully me when she is young Are you sensible?

A sly smile suddenly flashed in Miao Ruolan's eyes. She made up her mind and decided to use the tricks to see what tricks the two of them could play.

It's a pity that she didn't know what she was peeping, Song Qingshu already knew.

Song Qingshu followed Nan Lan into the house with a weird face. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. Not far away was a tender and shy girl standing on the stairs. The girl's appearance was extremely beautiful, really like a pearl dizzy, beautiful jade glittering, and eyebrows. Jian faintly still has the breath of a scroll, even though he is still young, he can still see that he is a stunning beauty.

Song Qingshu secretly sighed: "Sure enough, I am worthy of being one of the 14 heroines of Jinshu. Not only has she inherited her mother's beauty, it seems that there is a tendency that blue is better than blue."

"Little Ruolan..." Song Qingshu just yelled, and suddenly he was speechless. After all, he knew that the other party had seen everything just now, and he couldn't do the same as before, so naturally he stretched out his hand to hug her.

"Brother Qingshu~" With a string of silver bell-like laughter, Miao Ruolan ran all the way to Song Qingshu with a ray of fragrant wind.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, the scene in front of him was like a few months ago. At that time, every time she went back from the outside, Miao Ruolan would pounce in his arms like this.

Song Qingshu instinctively opened his hands, who knew that Miao Ruolan rushed halfway, suddenly his face flushed, and abruptly stopped, standing three feet away from Song Qingshu, and said softly: "Brother Qingshu, why have you taken so long? Come and see Lan'er."

"Big brother was a bit busy before..." Song Qingshu was a little embarrassed and withdrew his hands without showing a trace.

Nan Lan on the side couldn't help but glared at her daughter: "No matter how big or small, how can you call Song Gongzi brother? You should call his uncle."

"I'm not!" Miao Ruolan hummed and turned her head, "He promised my brother himself, isn't he, Brother Qingshu?"

"Yes... Ah." Song Qingshu looked at the little girl in front of him playfully. Seeing that Miao Ruolan's posture didn't intend to pierce all of this, she couldn't help but sigh: Women are naturally deceiving, and the more beautiful women are, the more beautiful they are. It's a lie, Miao Ruolan is already an acting school at such a young age.

Now it’s interesting. One of the mother and daughter in front of them thought that the other didn’t know, and the other didn’t tell them. Did he show that she knew, or didn’t she know...

Hesitate for a moment

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) After Song Qingshu decisively chose to pretend not to know that Miao Ruolan knew.

After the three of them had a dinner with a very strange atmosphere, Song Qingshu was worried that his acting skills could not hold up, so he hurriedly walked out of the house because he had something to do.

Looking at the Forbidden City in the distance, Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, finally waiting till night.

In fact, Song Qingshu's purpose of going north this time was more to meet Dongfang Muxue than to see He Qing or go home to have **** with Nanlan. It's just that it was daytime when he entered the city. It was natural to break into the Forbidden City with his martial arts, but the target was too conspicuous during the day, and it might be seen by a guard, causing some trouble, so he kept waiting for night to fall.

For Song Qingshu, the Forbidden City is as familiar as the back garden of his home. Song Qingshu avoided the guards and defended the dense area all the way, and entered the inner city after a few vertical leaps, but just in case, he chose to wear the silver mask. .

Looking at the Qianqing Palace not far away, Song Qingshu suddenly stopped and hesitated in his heart: I don’t know which palace Dongfang Muxue is resting in tonight...

This is why the emperors of the Li dynasty are so difficult to assassinate. First of all, the defense of the outer city is a moat. Some martial arts masters mixed in, and most of them will hit the hands of the imperial guards. Even if one or two outstanding martial arts can break through once in a while Two defenses, but still facing a huge problem.

The palace is so big, where the emperor is is a big question.

Although Qianqing Palace is the emperor’s bedroom, but with so many concubines and so many palaces in the San Gong Six Courtyards, the emperor can go, and there are no top masters. Once the trace is accidentally leaked, he will immediately fall into the siege of the Ouchi guards and let him martial arts. No matter how high, there is only one way to retreat.

The reason why the Red Flower Society and the group almost succeeded in the assassination was because behind them there was a treasure prince who was below 10,000 people and secretly helped, using the eyeliner in the palace to reveal the whereabouts of Kangxi to them.

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment, and decided to go to Qianqing Palace first. After all, this is the emperor's palace, and Dongfang Muxue, as a woman, would be inconvenient to stay in the concubine's harem. In theory, it is more likely to rest here.

Tens of feet in front of the Qianqing Palace is an empty square without the slightest concealment. The average master can't sneak past silently. It's just that Song Qingshu is hard to come by. He motivated him to succeed, and the whole person seemed to be a ray of light. Qingyan, the guards along the way only vaguely felt that the wind was blowing, and did not realize that it was someone passing by.

Silently sneaked into the Palace of Qianqing, Song Qingshu couldn't help being disappointed. He didn't feel the breath of Dongfang Muxue. It seems that she won't sleep here tonight.

When he was about to turn around and leave, Song Qingshu's expression suddenly changed. In addition to the **** maid in the side hall, there was another peculiar aura in this palace. This person has a long and thin network, and he is obviously a master. What shocked Song Qingshu is the position of the other party, who seemed to be sleeping on the dragon couch in the distance.

Song Qingshu's face suddenly looked a little ugly: Who is this person and how could he sleep on the dragon bed? Is it the male favorite that Dongfang Muxue is looking for?

But he quickly ruled out this possibility, after all, judging by the other's breath, he seemed to be a woman.

"Which concubine is it?" Song Qingshu quickly denied this speculation, which concubine in the palace could martial arts.

"Hmph, I want to see where you are!" He calmly leaned over to the dragon bed

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), getting closer and closer to the opponent, Song Qingshu was about to use the Dragon Capture to pull the opponent out, suddenly there was a stern cry from outside: "There is an assassin!!!"

"Assassin?" Song Qingshu was slightly taken aback, and a bunch of black needles suddenly shot out from the dragon couch like rain.

Fortunately, he had been attacked by He Qing's innuendo once before, and Song Qingshu was not in a rush this time, and he moved a few feet to hide in a flash.

"Black Blood God Needle?" Song Qingshu was startled.

"Huh?" There was a clear female voice suddenly in the ear, obviously wondering why he recognized his hidden weapon. However, the opponent was afraid of Song Qingshu's body skills when dodge the hidden weapon, and did not stop in the slightest, and then a dark shadow attacked quickly, with a fierce move.

However, Song Qingshu's martial arts is so powerful now, taking a step back without showing a trace, and the opponent's series of attacks have failed. The man missed a hit and was shocked immediately, and hurriedly backed away a few feet.

Song Qingshu didn't win the chase either, but smiled at the girl in front of her. She had white skin and a lovely face. It wasn't the girl that Qu Feiyan was, but she was now wearing a yellow brocade, apparently pretending to be the emperor.

"Who are you, and why do you recognize the Black Blood God Needle?" Qu Feiyan was about to call the guards, but realizing that the other party was not malicious towards him, he hesitated for a moment and asked directly.

"I haven't seen you for a while, you can't even hear my voice?" Song Qingshu took off the mask and smiled at the girl in front of him.

"Big Brother Song!" Qu Feiyan's vigilant eyes first turned into doubts, and finally all turned into surprises, jumping into his arms with joy.

Holding Qu Feiyan's youthful and energetic body, Song Qingshu couldn't help but blamed: "Why didn't you notify me when you arrived in the Forbidden City? I always thought you were still in the Five Poisons."

"Master told me not to tell you." Qu Feiyan smiled, raised his head and walked around Song Qingshu, his mouth was amazed, "Song brother, long time no see, you seem to be getting more and more It's attractive."

"When did the mouth become so sweet?" Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing.

"People's mouths have always been very sweet, don't you believe it?" Qu Feiyan said as he put his moist lips together.

Seeing the delicate red lips in front of him, Song Qingshu suddenly laughed: "It's still such a strange spirit." He leaned down and kissed, deliberately revealing a look of intoxication, "It really is sweet and delicious."

"Huh, Brother Song, you are good or bad, don't bother to deceive others." Qu Feiyan couldn't help pouting his mouth, apparently extremely dissatisfied.

Song Qingshu was about to say something. Suddenly his expression changed, and he guarded Qu Feiyan. At this moment, hidden weapons such as iron briers and boomerangs shot in from the window, as if they had been trained for countless times. The dodge angle is impossible to hide.

There was no wind on Song Qingshu's robe, and the whole body bulged in an instant, and the sky full of hidden weapons shot a foot in front of the two of them, and suddenly seemed to hit an invisible wall of air, all staying in the air.

With a cold snort, Song Qingshu shook all over, ejecting all these hidden weapons back, and suddenly there were screams outside.

However, Song Qingshu did not relax at all, staring closely at the window. Suddenly the windows shattered and a dozen people in black rushed in with murderous expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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