Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 615: Flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people

Everyone suddenly heard a few stern and short bursts of air. The sound alone had already caused a lot of blood toss, and they felt annoyed and vomited.

Everyone felt that there was a flash in front of them. When the black-clothed leader retreated violently, they saw that on the ground where he had stood before, three ordinary leaves were all submerged. Only the tips of the leaves were exposed in the wind. Slight jitter.

"Flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people."

This sentence appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

Because Wu Yunzhu's voice exposed Xing Zang, the black collar dignifiedly looked in the direction where they were hiding: "I don't know which senior is there?"

Just now the opponent in Feihua picking leaves, the black-clothed collar thought he could not do it, but he was a famous person in the arena regardless of martial arts or status. In his opinion, there are only a handful of people who have this ability in the arena. It's not wrong to call seniors.

Song Qingshu faintly smiled, and the hand holding Wu Yunzhu floated down. The light work of this hand lifted the weight and light, and the people below suddenly exclaimed.

"Ama, how are you?" As soon as he landed, Wu Yunzhu ran towards Suo'etu, pulled his **** clothes and looked all over to see where he was hurt.

"Ama is okay," Suo'etu was startled when he saw the appearance of Wuyunzhu, but he quickly realized that his daughter had appeared with the master. He must be safe and sound, so he couldn't help asking, "This is?"

"He is a good brother I met halfway, dad, don't worry, his martial arts is very high." Wu Yunzhu said as if offering a treasure.

Song Qingshu had a black thread, thinking that he and your father had a relationship with the same generation, and when you shouted like this, it was a generation shorter out of thin air.

At this time, Ren Yingying also took the opportunity to jump out of the battle circle. Seeing Song Qingshu, he couldn't help but leaned slightly and signaled: "Thank you for your help."

Seeing that she didn't recognize herself, Song Qingshu didn't say it was broken. He nodded slightly, and then looked up at the people in black: "You are so brave. Even Miss Ren of the Sun Moon God Cult would dare to bully?"

Ren Yingying was startled, thinking that the other party was Wu Yunzhu's friend, who came to rescue Suo Etu, but he didn't know that he would speak out for himself.

The black collar laughed loudly: "It's all a misunderstanding. I am here to apologize to Miss Ren. If there is any offense just now, I hope Miss Ren will forgive me."

He was originally just to deal with Suo Etu, did not think of offending the Sun Moon God Sect, after this interruption, just stepped down.

"You didn't have the slightest scruples about the foul language of you people just now!" Hearing his words, Ren Yingying thought bitterly, but she also knew that the other party was just scrupulous about the mysterious person next to him, not really afraid I had to snorted dissatisfiedly.

Song Qingshu faintly smiled: "You have offended this Miss Ren. She has a lot of money and doesn't care about it, but this daughter of Master Suo is a good friend of mine. You are so confronting Master Suo, I can't ignore it. , Wouldn’t I lose face in front of this friend?”

He didn’t really come out for Wu Yunzhu, but was curious about the identities of this group of people. Although they were probably from Zuo Lengchan after listening to the words of Qinghai Yixiao, he was probably from Zuo Lengchan, but he still had to confirm what he heard. So I found an excuse from Wu Yunzhu.

Wu Yunzhu on the side didn't know all of this. A strange look suddenly burst into her crystal clear eyes. The other side was cold and indifferent along the way. He didn't expect that he would care about himself so much... Thinking of this, Wu Yunzhu An inexplicable shame could not help feeling in his heart.

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, the group of people in black was in an uproar. The person who satirized Ren Yingying's most powerful before couldn't help but snorted: "Our teacher...the boss is only out of politeness to respect you as a senior, your martial arts is high. , But so many of us are still afraid that you won't make it?"

"That is, our brothers have been rampant in the arena for so many years. Rarely meets opponents, your Excellency may not be left behind our brother." Another black-clothed man agrees with confidence. On the one hand, their brothers are indeed people with a lot of background in the arena. I thought that there were still so many companions present. All of them were masters. With their combat power, it was easy to destroy a century-old faction. No matter how powerful the other party was, it was just one person. It's good to have a little face in front of your companions.

"Be careful!" The black-clothed collar suddenly changed his face and hurriedly rushed towards him.

"Is it?"

Song Qingshu sneered. He was still on the spot when he said "yes", but when the word "me" was uttered, the whole person suddenly appeared in front of the man in black. In the shocking eyes of the other party, he pointed to the sword energy. Shocked his heart.

His companion was frightened and angry. Although the two of them were not brothers, the relationship between them for so many years was more than three points closer than their brothers, and the cooperation was even better. He hadn't figured out what was going on in his head. The sword stabbed Song Qingshu subconsciously.

Song Qingshu slowly raised his left hand, and then came first. Two fingers easily clamped his long sword, and the other party was swallowed by thunder, wowing a large mouthful of blood on the mask.

At this time, the black-clothed man's collar had already attacked behind Song Qingshu. Song Qingshu gave a soft voice, and the long sword held by his fingers broke at the sound, and turned around with the half of the sword tip to block the black-clothed man's collar's fierce sword moves.

All this was just born between electric light and flint, and the other people in black reacted at this time, and they used their lifelong skills to rush over.

"Senior (big brother) be careful!"

The two women exclaimed at the same time. Ren Yingying glanced at Wu Yunzhu unexpectedly, and his attention quickly returned to the battle, but found that the other party had some leisure time to turn around and smile at herself, and she couldn't help being stunned.

Song Qingshu quickly disappeared from the siege and returned to the side of Ren Yingying's two women, holding the black-clothed man in his hands. He smiled and handed it to Ren Yingying: "Miss Ren, this person has the most smelly mouth just now. , I will catch you and let it go."

"Thank you!" Ren Yingying was hit by the other's smile, wondering why this person feels familiar?

It’s no wonder that Ren Yingying can’t recognize it. Song Qingshu knows that Ah Jiu and Xia Qingqing need to appear as him when they are in Jinsheying. If he reveals his deeds outside, he is aware of the existence of two Song Qingshu at the same time, it is hard to guarantee that no one will associate it. What happened, so he not only wears a mask, but also deliberately changed his voice, just to make people who have seen him not recognize him.

Just now the man in black had such awful words, Ren Yingying had long wanted to shred his body into pieces, and tore off the mask of the man in black, only to see that the other party was an old man with apathetic expression. The most noticeable thing was his. Whiteheaded.

"Huh, I'm not respectful." Ren Yingying has always been thin-skinned, he is the most honored in his life, and as a dignified Sun Moon God Sage, who is in charge of countless people's life and death power, how can he be soft at this time? Without hesitation, the short sword in his hand was sent forward, which directly ended the opponent's life.

"The demon girl dare you!" The group of people in black cursed one after another, but they were frightened by Song Qingshu, and no one dared to rush over for a while, only watching their companions die.

Song Qingshu on the side took a sigh of relief. She wanted to be obediently in the midst of winter. People just verbally molested her, and she was hit by a knife. Then I insulted her like that before... If I accidentally fall into the hands of this little girl in the future, I'm afraid I won't have a whole piece of flesh on my body, right? Song Qingshu shuddered subconsciously.

Wu Yunzhu also looked pale. She never expected that this fairy-like sister would be so cruel, and finally a trace of regret rose in her heart: this river and lake is too dangerous, or she is in the capital with those young ladies It's more comfortable for us to recite poems and paint...but she quickly changed her mind, if she didn't sneak out by herself, how could she know a hero like her big brother?

Suo Etu watched her daughter's face change from cloudy to sunny, red for a while and white for a while, and she couldn't help being stunned. What was the daughter thinking?

"Miss Ren, we have been merciful to you over and over again, and you actually took this poisonous hand." The black collar said in a deep voice, with a chill that can be suppressed in his voice.

"This kind of despicable indecent, this young lady will kill if she kills." Ren Yingying snorted, but her short sword in her hand tightened a bit, guarding against counterattack and revenge. At the same time, she secretly regretted it. It should not be convenient for one person to go on the road. How could he fall into such a predicament if he took his subordinates along with him.

Song Qingshu stood in front of her at this time, blocked most of her body, and smiled: "Your Excellency is so unreasonable. I killed your companion. I also caught this old man. You should not come if you want revenge. Are you looking for me? Why are you embarrassing a little girl."

Ren Yingying glanced at him in surprise. He didn't expect the other party to stand up for himself again and again, and he couldn't help but wonder: Could this person be an old friend of Dad? No, his martial arts is so high. If he is a good friend of his father, he would have been unbeaten in the siege of the East, he would not have asked him for help, and I have never heard him mention it. It's not Daddy's friend, so why did he help? Is it for...me?

Thinking about Ren Yingying's face suddenly blushed, and her depressed mood improved inexplicably: Hmph, after being bullied by the **** Song Qingshu for so long, this lady finally came around and ran into a good person.

The black collar gave him a jealous look, waved his hand to stop the restless subordinates, and said in a deep voice: "Since we offended your friend's father first, you have taken revenge. They are inferior and died at your hands. We There is nothing to say, this is the end of today's matter, just don't pass it." After speaking, he signaled his companion to leave.

Song Qingshu said coldly, "Did I let you go?" Since the other party chose to attack Yihe's Suo'etu at this moment, it proved that they and the Golden Snake Camp must be enemies and not friends. It's a pity that just now, the opponent seemed to have deliberately concealed the number of martial arts. He really didn't know the origin of the opponent, how could he let the tiger go back so easily.

The black man led Huo Ran turned around, bursting out a grandmaster-level aura all over his body, and said Senran: "Your Excellency, do you want to kill them all."

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