Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 620: Beautiful girl guy

Song Qingshu frowned and swung his sword back behind him. A sharp sword aura suddenly rose into the sky. You Tan's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly moved his palms to the previous roll, and black winds blocked him in front of him.

The sword qi and the black wind intersected, and You Tanzhi's whole body retreated at a faster speed than before, and it took more than a dozen steps to stabilize his figure.

Song Qingshu secretly cried out, it's a pity that if it hadn't been for the training Yi Jin Jing of You Tan, he would not die and be seriously injured by this sword.

You Tanzhi wiped off the blood from his mouth, roared, and wanted to rush over again, but when he moved his body, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes rolled around, as if looking at his iron helmet.

Everyone was surprised when they heard a sound as if an eggshell was cracking from his head. Everyone looked at him, and saw the iron helmet on his head cracked and cracked. Come.



"So ugly!"

There were bursts of cold breath sounds in the air. It turned out that what appeared in front of everyone was a very ugly face. You Tanzhi's face was burnt or scalded, but now it is covered with scarlet and hideous flesh. , The formation of a nauseous sarcoma.

People like Ren Yingying who are accustomed to life and death also subconsciously closed their eyes and leaned their head on Song Qingshu's shoulder. Wu Yunzhu glanced at it and turned her head away with fear, even Azi's pretty face was faintly trembling, obviously Is resisting nausea.

You Tanzhi was originally inferior, and now he showed his ugliest side to his sweetheart, listening to the people around him pointing, his eyes filled with tears.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly. He originally sympathized with the rough fate of Tan's midstream in the original book, but today he discovered that there must be something hateful in the poor man, because of a word from Azi, he did not hesitate to kill an innocent girl.

Frightened by the power of Song Qingshu's sword just now, the group of people in black hesitated for a while, but didn't dare to rush over immediately, so they had to surround them with a group of people.

Song Qingshu was so happy that they wouldn't attack, and just took the opportunity to get rid of cold toxins for Ren Yingying.

What kind of person Suo Etu is. He has already seen the clues of the struggle just now. The mysterious person in front of him is so light and brilliant. The main reason why he was spent here is to save his father and daughter. He said in his heart that he was moved. : "This strong man, you have done your best, don't worry about me, just ask you to save my daughter."

Wu Yunzhu suddenly exclaimed: "No, father, I want to live together and die together, I will not leave you." After saying that, he looked at Song Qingshu with tears in his eyes: "Big brother, you take This sister, go, leave me alone."

Song Qingshu frowned. Before he had time to answer, Wu Yunzhu continued: "It's just that I don't want to die with regret. Before I die, big brother, can you satisfy my wish?"

"What wish?" Song Qingshu suddenly wondered.

"Can you take off the mask and let me see what you look like." Wu Yunzhu looked at him expectantly.

Song Qingshu laughed dumbly. It was the time that she was still thinking about it. She smiled and shook her head and said, "You won't die, there will be a chance for you to watch it later." After that, she looked at Azi.

Azi stepped back subconsciously, and the hand pinched to Wu Yunzhu's neck tightened: "Don't come here, I can't guarantee that I will be nervous for a while and kill her by the wrong hand."

"Do you think her eyes are very beautiful?" Song Qingshu said lightly.

"So what!" Azi raised his chin, but secretly groaned in his heart. He had known that he would offend such a evil star.

"Do you like beautiful eyes?" Song Qingshu smiled faintly, "Since you like them so much, do you think my eyes are beautiful?"

"A big man, he claims to have beautiful eyes, and he doesn't hate it!" Azi slandered, but still looked into his eyes subconsciously, who knew that the other person's eyes looked like a whirlpool of nothingness, and then she realized that she could no longer move. He opened his eyes and sank step by step into the boundless darkness.

"Do my eyes look good?" A faint smile appeared at the corner of Song Qingshu's mouth. He seldom used the soul-shifting method on women. After all, the soul-shifting method was too easy to get a woman. On the contrary, it was meaningless. It's fun to conquer by yourself step by step. It's just that he didn't have much leisure time to deal with such a vicious little demon girl like A Zi.

"It looks good~" Azi murmured.

"Then would you like to stay with me for a lifetime?" Song Qingshu continued.

A hint of struggle flashed across Ah Zi's face, but now Song Qingshu's mental power is so great, how can she resist it when she is fully mobilized: "Yes."

"Call Master." Song Qingshu said coldly.

"Master." Azi smiled sweetly, his cry was extremely crisp and sweet.

Song Qingshu deliberately set up barriers with infuriating energy around, so no one else heard the conversation between the two except for Ren Yingying in Song Qingshu's arms and Wu Yunzhu held by Azi.

"Come to my side." Song Qingshu smiled contentedly and beckoned to A Zi.

A Zi leaned back and replied softly: "Yes, Master." After speaking, she walked to Song Qingshu's side, and Wu Yunzhu was naturally let go.

Seeing all this, Wu Yunzhu's small mouth was open so big that she could lay an egg with an incredible face. She didn't understand why the little demon girl, who was arrogant before, would listen to the words of her elder brother so much. Is her elder brother a god?

On the contrary, Ren Yingying was very knowledgeable, thinking of some rumors, could not help but secretly startled: Does this person have the legendary skills such as the greatest law? Then I have to be careful in the future. Never look into his eyes, lest I become a slave to the other party in a daze like Azi. I will do what the other party asks me to do. I will shudder just thinking about it... …

However, Ren Yingying immediately began to blame himself: Ren Yingying, Ren Yingying, people tried their best to save you, all the details before clearly show that he is a gentleman with a bright wind, how can you be so suspicious of your benefactor.

Song Qingshu didn't know what the two women were thinking, he just leaned into A Zi's ear and whispered a few words, and A Zi nodded repeatedly: "Yes, Master."

You Tanzhi was hurting and pitying himself when he suddenly saw Song Qingshu so close to his goddess. The two were so close to his goddess. The two of them were so affectionate. Zi's face was not unhappy. He suddenly became angry: "Let go of Azi girl." Going to rush over again.

"Little brother, we are just a misunderstanding with this senior. There are a lot of seniors, and our grievances have been wiped out." Azi said with a smile while looking at him.

"But..." You Tanzhi was dissatisfied in his heart, depressed but didn't know what to say.

"It's nothing, don't you just listen to what I said?" A Zi's pretty face suddenly chilled.

"No, no," You Tanzhi hurriedly placed his hands, "Of course I listen to Miss Azi."

Zuo Lengchan who was next to him was shocked and angry. He really couldn't figure out why Ah Zi would strike back. Without You Tanzhi, he might not be able to control the opponent alone.

"You Shaoxia, a big man stands between the heaven and the earth. With your martial arts, even if any school is more than enough, why should you bow your head to a woman? If you like this little girl, I will catch her and send you off later, for Isn't it what you want to be a slave or use it to warm the bed?" Zuo Lengchan has always been a great talent, and he has long disapproved of You Tanzhi's stubbornness, so he took this opportunity to persuade him.

Who knows that after listening to him, You Tanzhi not only didn't move, but was furious: "How dare you insult Miss Azi!"

A Zi also snorted coldly: "Little Junior Brother, this man has a very bad heart. He used us as gunmen from the beginning, and now he is still instigating our relationship, which is really hateful!"

You Tanzhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "Since Miss Azi doesn't like him, I will take his life." As soon as the voice fell, he attacked Zuo Lengchan.

Zuo Lengchan was suddenly shocked, and he didn't expect the opponent to fight as soon as he said. The rest of the people in black saw You Tanzhi talking with Azi, and didn't pay attention to Zuo Lengchan. When talking about killing him, the tone was as if they were killing chickens. They were furious and waved their weapons. You Tanzhi cut off from his body.

"Come back!" Zuo Lengchan hurriedly exclaimed.

But those people didn't listen. They were all top players in the world, and they were invited by Zuo Lengchan to kill Suo'etu. In the melee just now, they had already seen that although You Tanzhi was terrifying, but his fists were normal and tight, so none of them were afraid of him and just wanted to take the opportunity to kill him and sell Zuo Lengchan as a favor.

Who knows that the faces of the two parties changed drastically as soon as they came into contact with the people in black. Before joining hands with You Tanzhi to confront the enemy, I didn’t think there was anything. Nowadays, without Song Qingshu to resist most of the cold and cold internal forces, these people have only realized how powerful the other party’s internal strength is. It was often just a trick. Many people couldn't bear the coldness of his palm, and their teeth trembled from the cold. A few unlucky ones were hit by one of the palms of You Tan, and a frost suddenly floated all over their bodies. Cut off life.

Zuo Lengchan's heart was dripping with blood. These people were all masters who had spent his great effort to win over him. He planned to send the Five Sacred Mountains to be used as a surprise soldier in the future. Who knew the loss was so heavy this time.

Although he still wanted to deal with the mysterious man with You Tanzhi, but now that You Tanzhi has killed so many of his companions, Zuo Lengchan knew in his heart that if he continued to try to win him over, he would lose the trust of his companion in black.

Zuo Lengchan also made a decisive decision, roaring and rushing towards You Tanzhi, just seeking to kill the opponent as soon as possible, turning his head to deal with the mysterious person.

Bang bang bang!

After all, Zuo Lengchan was considered a grandmaster of the previous generation, his vision and experience were several levels higher than that of You Tanzhi, and he immediately caught the opponent's flaws and hit him several times.

However, Zuo Lengchan's complexion soon became difficult to look at, because he found that after his cold zhenqi entered the opponent's body, the opponent unexpectedly did not respond.

Cold Bing Zhenqi is the ultimate move that Zuo Lengchan has carefully prepared secretly over the years. He is confident that even the top master of the Demon Sect, Ixing, who accidentally hit his Cold Bing Chi, will only fall; even this one in front of him. The unfathomable mysterious man, just now can only resist his icy innocence by relying on his great internal strength, and he never dared to let him attack him, but this You Tanzhi company got a few palms, and there was nothing at all. !

"Be careful!" Master Fang Zheng suddenly exclaimed.

Only then did Zuo Lengchan realize that he was stunned just now, and the palms of You Tanzhi's counterattack had already reached his chest.

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