Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 633: Crowded bed

Song Qingshu didn't understand why Wu Yunzhu had to hide. While feeling that he was too old to keep up with the rhythm of the little girl's mind, he walked over to open the door. ┢Want~www.readwn.com~ is it you? "Looking at the purple-clothed girl at the door, Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little surprised. He was still wondering when Suo'etu asked about his daughter's whereabouts after opening the door, whether he lied to him or lied to him.

"It's not me or who," A Zi suddenly brightened his eyes, stretched his head in, and looked around. "Is the master waiting for other girls?"

"Nonsense." Song Qingshu's cheeks became hot, blocking her sight without showing a trace, and coughed softly, "What can I do if you come to me so late?"

Azi closed the door sneakily, leaned in front of Song Qingshu, carefully took out a book from his arms, and handed it over as if offering treasures: "Master, this is the "Yi Jin Jing" intercepted by Azi before stealing Liang Huanzhu. "

After flipping through the thin secrets in his hand at will, Song Qingshu's expression suddenly changed: In his previous life, the Internet often discussed how to go back to the Southern Song Dynasty to become Guo Jing, and how to reverse the universe in the face of the powerful Mongolia. At that time, he was thinking about the Jiuyin scripture , Jianglong Eighteen Palms or something to make teaching materials for the soldiers, when the time comes with a group of soldiers with peerless magic, is it not a matter of minutes to fight Mongolia?

However, when Song Qingshu really traveled to this martial arts world, it was discovered that this method had several big problems. One was the issue of confidentiality. So many people would know it. It is difficult to guarantee that it will not spread to Mongolia, and the Mongolians will also. These magic skills, then one's own side will have no advantage; the second is the human mind. The most important thing in marching combat is to order and prohibit. Ordinary soldiers are good to practice. If these soldiers are all peculiar, they will certainly not be as obedient as they used to be. A martial arts master who does not obey the command is not as good as a group of well-trained ordinary soldiers...

Although these problems are a headache, they are not the most fundamental. The most fundamental problem is that even if these peerless martial arts secrets are placed in front of the soldiers, they will not be able to learn them. To read ┡┡┡┢Book 1; ┟To know that the literate people in this era are all literati. They follow the route of the imperial examination. Those who choose to serve in the army are basically those who are elders and illiterate. Let They learn the top exercises in the martial arts, just like in later generations you let a farmer who has been facing the loess and back to the sky to learn partial differential equations. Only when you can learn it will you have a ghost. So although Song Qingshu has always had the idea of ​​popularizing magical secrets, he has never had a clue.

However, seeing the graphics on the secret book in his hand, Song Qingshu has an unexpected joy. With his current martial arts, the improvement of Yi Jin Jing can be described as dispensable, but these graphics in the Yi Jin Jing secret book provide A good way for ordinary people to become magical skills. The cultivator does not need to be literate, and does not need to have any martial arts foundation. As long as they practice with these graphics, they can always develop a certain amount of zhenqi. Want to ┢┞┞ read┠book┟

You must know that in the middle of the original work, Tan can be said to be incapable of writing martial arts, notoriously low aptitude, but being able to practice Yi Jin Jing, thanks to these graphics.

Of course, practicing according to these graphics is not without side effects, that is, it is easy to get started, but it is difficult to touch the essence of Yijinjing in life, but Song Qingshu is not a martial arts leader, as long as the soldiers can cultivate Yijin Zhenqi, why not? Pipe so many?

Thinking of the thousands of soldiers under his command who could Yi Jinjing, Song Qingshu couldn't help but start to giggle.

"Master, master, what's wrong with you?" A Zi's worried call suddenly came from his ear.

Song Qingshu finally woke up and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth without showing a trace: "It's nothing. ╟┢┠┟I want to read 1kanshu.╟"

Seeing that he was back to normal, Ah Zi breathed a sigh of relief: "A Zi is so behaved this time, does the master have any rewards?"

Looking at the coquettish girl in front of him, Song Qingshu could hardly connect her with the vicious enchantress, and could not help but sigh secretly: Moving the soul is great. Fa is really a good thing, better than the hypnotism in later generations of movies and TV shows.

"Master~" Seeing Song Qingshu lost consciousness again, A Zi couldn't help but yelled.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu returned to his senses and replied awkwardly, "Azi, what reward do you want?"

"Um..." Azi frowned, obviously full of distress, "Azi can't think of anything for a while, so let's tell the master when Azi thinks about it in the future."

"Alright." Song Qingshu nodded slightly, and suddenly realized that Azi was walking to the other side of the bed. She was shocked and stopped in front of her, "You...what are you going to do?"

"You are my master, of course I want to warm your bed?" A Zi took it for granted, but he was puzzled by Song Qingshu's reaction. ┟To┟┡see┟Book 1kanshu.╟

"Ah?" Song Qingshu secretly cried, and there is still a girl hidden in the bed now. If the two girls meet, it would be really wronged. They would be treated as sensuals by the two women who hadn't done anything.

Although our Song Qingshu has never minded being misunderstood and lustful, but it is often when he is really taking advantage. He is absolutely unwilling to do things like this tonight that he didn’t steal the fish and made him fishy. of.

"It won't be necessary tonight, Zhang Zhenren lives nearby, so the influence is not good." Song Qingshu waved his hand awkwardly.

"People don't make any noise." The little girl licked her lips with a charming tongue.

Song Qingshu's heart jumped: Sure enough, she was a little demon girl, and she was so straightforward to seduce people.

"It's really inconvenient today. Just now I got rid of the cold toxin for Girl Ren, which caused a lot of energy loss. I will have to meditate and practice by myself..." Song Qingshu sighed sadly, but he was very upset, if it wasn't for the dark cloud. Zhu Nizi sticks horizontally and doesn't have to be alone in the empty bed tonight.

"That's it," A Zi looked disappointed, but when he thought of the loopholes in his words, he quickly became happy, "Then I will come back to serve the master tomorrow night." After that, he bounced to the door.

"Azi, Azi, are you inside?" At this moment, You Tanzhi's knock on the door suddenly came from outside the door, and he was full of anxiety and worry at this time.

Azi frowned, and ran to Song Qingshu's tiptoes and whispered in his ear: "Master, Azi doesn't want to see this nasty ghost, go to bed and hide for a while.

Before Song Qingshu could object, she got into the embroidered tent.

"Ah~" Two exclaims sounded in the embroidered tent at the same time.

"Azi, what's the matter with you?" You Tan was impatient outside the door, and without waiting for a response, she opened the door and broke in.

Song Qingshu's face suddenly sank: "Who allowed you to come in?"

"I seem to hear Ah Zi's voice." You Tanzhi ignored him, but searched around the room. "A Zi, are you here?"

Song Qingshu frowned and stopped in front of him: "She is not here."

"I obviously heard her voice!" Although he was a little afraid of Song Qingshu's martial arts, but at the thought of A Zi's obedient way to him, You Tan couldn't help being jealous, and his words were not so polite.

Song Qingshu said lightly: "You got it wrong."

Seeing Song Qingshu's words, You Tanzhi couldn't help but hesitate. He even appeared in Azi's voice in his dreams, so he was not sure if it was his own auditory hallucinations just now: "Then... I'll look for it elsewhere. Look."

Song Qingshu nodded slightly. In the final analysis, this You Tan was also a pitiful person. He didn't bother to care about him and waved his hand at will. Who knew that when he was about to turn around and leave, there was a sudden "Uh~" from the embroidered account, and You Tanzhi suddenly changed his expression, and he rushed into the account all of a sudden.

Song Qingshu was thinking about other things, and lost his senses for a while, so he picked up the embroidered account.


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