Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 784: The thief died

Seeing that kind interrogation had little effect, Song Qing decided to change his strategy, first completely penetrated her heart, and then deliberately asked in a deep voice: "In addition to your husband, how many men have you touched?"

Of course, he is not perverted and curious about the other party's experience in this area, but intends to use this as a breakthrough point to bring the topic to her sisters who are also suffering, and then to inquire about the princesses.

The oiran paled: "This question... can I not answer this question?"

Song Qing stretched out her hand to pinch her chin, the touch of her fingertips made him slightly startled: He didn't expect her skin to be so delicate after so many years of torment.

He quickly recovered and looked at her up close and oppressively ∟∟∟, ♀.√∧.¤: "No way!"

The oiran's eyelashes trembled lightly, and an endless trace of sadness flashed in his eyes: "Since the adults want to know, the concubine said yes, but after the adults hear it, don't create any psychological shadows, which will cause you to lose interest in a while. So much money is spent tonight."

Song Qing smiled faintly: "It's not my money anyway, and even if I'm not interested, it's not a waste to hear the princess's love history."

"Love history?" There was a hint of sarcasm on the oiran's face. "What kind of love history is this. After I was asked to go by your second prince Wanyan Zongwang, he occupied me in the camp that night, and then I naturally became his. Concubine Ji, but now that I think about it, in addition to coping with his... his needs during that time, it is not too difficult to accept, after all, he can be regarded as spoiling me."

"Later, he died not long after. His wife thought that the reason why he died young was because he was exhausted on me and called me a confession. So he sent me to the dressing house."

Song Qing's heart jumped and finally came to the point!

"The days in the coat are not so easy. I have to be tortured by those stewards every day, and occasionally I have to be called by the emperor to go to bed..." As soon as the oiran said this, Song Qing couldn't help asking: "The emperor. Which emperor?"

"Your Emperor Taizong, and the later Emperor Xizong," the oiran suddenly bit his lip, and he even oozes blood. "You golden men are despicable and have no manners and morals. The emperor dominates the nephew's woman, the next term The emperor is fortunate that the woman of the previous emperor is really a country of beasts!

Song Qing felt the body of the woman in her arms tremble violently, and subconsciously hugged her tightly, reminding her of the humiliation she suffered over the years, and a feeling of pity suddenly surged in her heart: "Don't worry, this kind of day will happen soon. It's over."

"End?" The woman in her arms sighed faintly, "In my opinion, the days of suffering have only really begun. Although the love is unfortunate, but only to serve your emperor, but now he was beaten into the brothel, and I don’t know how to return. How many men will be insulted..."

Song Qing frowned: "Since you think this way in your heart, why don't you stop yourself and end all this?"

This is what Song Qing thinks is the strangest. If they can barely endure the previous suffering, they are all thrown into the brothel. Could it be that they are still recognizing their fate?

There is no way to escape the sea of ​​suffering, but there is always a way to choose death? However, according to his inquiries during this period, no princess in Huanyiyuan has ever chosen to commit suicide. Could it be that they have inherited the genes of Emperor Huiqin's weakness and have been so greedy for life and fear of death that they would rather endure all the humiliation?

"You actually asked me this kind of question?" The oiran laughed nervously. "You golden guys control us with that diabolical method, but now you ask why we don't stop ourselves?"

The oiran put away his laughter, and spit on Song Qing's face: "Bah, despicable and shameless!"

Song Qing laughed bitterly, and didn't know where he had provoke her. It was the first time he was spit on by a woman after talking so long.

After the oiran spit, he closed his ears. As a result, the imaginary slap did not come. He opened his eyes and looked at Song Qing, just in time to meet his pitying eyes, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart and took out the handkerchief from his arms. He wiped the water stains on his face: "You are really different from other Jin Guo people."

"Maybe I am not hard-hearted enough." Song Qing laughed at herself.

The oiran ran his fingertips across the beard on his face and couldn't help but laugh idiotically: "I didn't expect you to be so sentimental with a big beard, no matter if you don't hate it, this princess will serve you well tonight. "

"Uh..." Tonight is the first time she has assumed the identity of a princess, but Song Qing is not happy because he noticed that the other's eyes have become blurred, as if a little emotional.

Song Qing couldn't help but have a headache. What is this all called? Tonight I'm talking about business!

When he was hesitating to show it out, the oiran hooked his neck and put his red lips in his ear and whispered, "I heard you are Jin Guo's consort?"

"Uh...Yes." Song Qing nodded subconsciously.

"How does Princess Jin Guo feel?" Oiran bit her lip, and there seemed to be a strange emotion in her voice.

"Not bad." Song Qing realized that her brain circuits were suddenly not enough. This style of painting was a bit wrong.

"The concubine body will let you know tonight. Compared to the princess of the Kingdom of Jin, the princess of the Kingdom of Song... tastes better..." The oiran's voice seemed to be mellowed from the throat, and it was a little bit sweet.

The woman in her arms was like a restless kitten, scratching Song Qing's heart trembling, but if he hadn't realized it was wrong now, it would have been too dull.

I took the wine glass on the table and smelled it, and it really smelled of aphrodisiac. Although the dose of medicine was not large. Song Qing's heart suddenly understood: I am afraid that the people in Huanyiyuan are also afraid that the Song Dynasty princess will not be obedient, so they quietly made tricks in this wine.

"What do you want me to do?" Song Qing was dumbfounded, the woman in her arms twisted like a beautiful snake, causing a bit of fire in his heart, and the sound of the devil's temptation sounded in his ears. :

"This woman is a stunner who was snatched by the two emperors of the Kingdom of Jin and one prince."

"She was the five most beautiful princesses in the Northern Song Dynasty."

"She belongs to you tonight."

"Furthermore, she is not a damsel, and I will definitely not blame you afterwards."

"You only need to enjoy it like this, and there are not many opportunities to not take any responsibility at all after refreshing."


In the end, Song Qing still forced down the idea of ​​rectifying this woman on the spot. After all, her destiny was already pitiful enough, so how could she bear it any more.

Song Qing picked her up and put her on the bed. She was about to untie her clothes so that she could force her out of her body. The window suddenly burst open, and a cold light pierced his back:

"The thief will die!"

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