Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 786: Sneak attack and anti-sneak attack

The woman in the yellow shirt gradually raised her eyebrows, and asked in disbelief, "Are you sure it is him?"

"It's true!" The oiran began to tremble. "The gouache I used today is unique. You can't find this scent anywhere else, but he has my taste..."

The woman in the yellow shirt listened and suddenly thought of something. She opened the food box that Song Qingshu had brought and found that there were three sets of bowls and chopsticks inside. Her face finally changed.

"The water is coming~" Song Qingshu picked up two cups of tea and walked in. He noticed that there was something wrong with the two goddesses. He couldn't help wondering, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." The woman in the yellow shirt smiled reluctantly, "Quickly pass the water over." ●●● Let’s, ⊥.+※.⊕r/>

"Good-looking~" Song Qingshu leaned forward, thinking about how to find an opportunity to explore the relationship between the two women. Suddenly, something changed, and a cold light flashed in front of him, and a murderous aura came towards him.

He subconsciously raised the cup to block it, but the porcelain cup exploded into pieces without supporting it in the blink of an eye, and the cold light continued to drive in...

The room quickly fell into calm, Song Qingshu clamped the pierced sword tip tightly with both fingers, looked at the owner holding the sword, and subconsciously shouted, "Are you crazy?"

The woman in the yellow shirt snorted, her voice as cold as iron, "Who are you?"

Suddenly, Song Qingshu didn't react for a while. Hearing her question, she realized that she couldn't hide her identity. After all, how could a little **** have such good martial arts.

Taking advantage of his loss of mind, the woman in the yellow shirt shook her wrist, and the sword in her hand spun sharply. Song Qingshu couldn't hold it anymore, and hurriedly loosened the tip of the sword and walked back: "Listen to me first."

The woman in the yellow shirt had her face sinking like water, her lips closed, she swiftly attacked with a number of strokes, one sword was faster than one, and one stroke was fierce than the other, and she did not give him a chance to speak at all.

After Song Qingshu dodged for a while, seeing that she was using all the killer moves, she was also irritated: "In that case, I will offend the next one." As soon as the voice fell, the whole person disappeared, and the girl in yellow shirt was shocked, exclaiming instinct. Di Huijian stabbed behind her, but she was already injured, and her movements inevitably slowed down a bit. Before she stabbed, she noticed a numbness in her waist, and her strength disappeared suddenly, and her body became weak, and her whole body became weak. Fell into a thick chest.

All this happened between the rabbits and the falcons. The oiran had seen the yellow-shirted girl have the upper hand before. Who knew that she was stopped in a blink of an eye, and the whole person was suddenly stupid, until he saw Song Qingshu holding the yellow-shirted girl. When she got to the bed, she finally woke up, grabbed the vase next to him and threw it on his head.

"Hey, you woman is too cruel. She was so sweet and affectionate with me just now, and she wanted my life as soon as she turned around." Song Qingshu seemed to have eyes on his back, so he easily hid, even It also caught the falling vase so that it would not fall to the ground.

"It's really you, you are Tang Kuo defensive!" The oiran shuddered. She finally saw hope. She didn't expect the hope to be shattered so quickly. She shuddered at the thought of falling into the hands of Jin Guoren again.

"How did you recognize me?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

"You have my scent of powder." Oiran replied subconsciously, perhaps after years of succumbing to the **** of the golden man.

"That's the case." Song Qingshu suddenly realized that he was careful enough in everything, but he didn't expect a woman's racial talent. It's no wonder that women in previous lives could often smell their husbands by smelling other women to discover their husbands' infidelity.

Now, he doesn’t have to pretend anymore. He puts the oiran in his arms, and holds the yellow jersey girl in the other hand. He laughs: "I was right in the Qiuxianglou before, I didn’t expect So soon there is a chance to kill two birds with one stone."

The oiran was immediately anxious: "My husband, what are you going to do, come directly to me, I will serve you well, you must not embarrass you."

"Yingluo?" Song Qingshu looked at the woman in the yellow shirt on the other side playfully, "Is this your girlfriend's name?"

The woman in the yellow shirt turned reddish and said after a snort, "Fifth Sister, don't be afraid, this person is not the Jin Guofu Ma Tang Kuo at all."

"Ah, who is he?" The oiran was stunned.

Song Qingshu's heart shuddered, but his mouth was quite relaxed: "Sister Fairy, you said I'm not Tang Kuobian, who is it?"

On weekdays, he shouted respectfully in the appearance of a little eunuch. The woman in the yellow shirt didn't think there was anything, but now he shouted very lightly. She couldn't help but be ashamed and angry, saying, "Don't call me like this! "

Song Qingshu was startled, and then laughed: "I said this girl Yingluo, I'm afraid you haven't figured out the current situation, you are my prisoner, are you still yelling with me here?"

The woman in the yellow shirt ignored him, and analyzed herself: "Jin Guo Ma Tang Kuo argued, the official Jushang Shu Zuo Cheng, although she is adept at arching horses, but her martial arts tends to kill the enemy, she is not good at fighting in the rivers and lakes, but You can easily control me, so how can it be a quarrel?"

Song Qingshu shrugged: "It seems that you still know a lot about Jin Guo's intelligence, but this information is superficial. How do you know that I am not a martial arts expert secretly?" He didn't want Tang Kuo to argue His identity was revealed, so he had to bite the bullet and hold on.

"Huh, who you are, you can tell at a glance." As soon as the yellow shirt female voice fell, the whole person suddenly sat upright from Song Qingshu's arms, instantly sealed the key point of his chest, and at the same time tore him off. The mask on the face.

"Uh..." The girl in the yellow shirt made her move as fast as lightning. In addition, when something happened suddenly, even Song Qingshu followed her way and couldn't help but smile, "It's my carelessness, since you know the Jiuyin Scriptures, then Naturally, there will be a way to relieve the acupuncture points."

After seeing Song Qingshu's appearance, the girl in the yellow shirt was not as shocked by him: "How could it be you!"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Who does the girl think it is?"

Thinking of the time spent together, the woman in the yellow shirt turned red, and said angrily: "I said that the first time I saw that little eunuch, it would give me an inexplicable sense of annoyance. It turned out that it was you. Son!"

"Thank you for the girl's praise, I am not ashamed of it," Song Qingshu looked at her ruddy face and couldn't help but admire. "Although the girl said she hated me, she couldn't help but blush when she saw me as a playboy. The charm has broken through the horizon."

"How can I blush!" The woman in the yellow shirt hurriedly touched her cheeks, and found that she was a little hot, and her heart jumped, "You can talk nonsense, believe it or not, I cut your tongue!"

"I'm afraid the girl can't bear it." Song Qingshu smiled brighter.

The yellow-shirted woman's eyebrows trembled involuntarily, and she couldn't help the anger in her heart anymore. She raised her hand and wanted to give him a slap. Who knew that she was halfway through her hand and was stopped by Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu squeezed her wrist and pushed her whole body onto the bed. She looked at her up close like this: "Sister Fairy, you are not the only one in this world who knows how to relieve the acupuncture points."

The woman in the yellow shirt was about to talk, who knew Song Qingshu suddenly lowered her head and kissed, and all her words were blocked back in her mouth...

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