Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 794: The question of the yellow jersey girl

"The emperor, please wait a moment~" Empress Pei Man smiled charmingly, without getting up, she moved to the side of the bed, stretched out her hand to open a cabinet next to it, and took out an exquisite porcelain bottle from it.

"Please enjoy it first, the emperor." Emperor Pei Man knelt down in front of Song Qing's writing with the porcelain vase at the back. Because he held the porcelain vase with both hands, he couldn't hold onto the clothes anymore, so the silk robe quietly followed her shoulders. She slipped, and finally stopped the downward trend because her chest was big enough.

But this is enough temptation. Exposed too much may not have beauty. On the contrary, this kind of clothes is half unraveled, and it is the most attractive when it is exposed.

Song Qingshu is a bit dry and dry, but fortunately he still remembers the business. He took the porcelain bottle from her and roughly weighed it. There was about half a bottle in it. Although these parts are more than enough for one person to use, they can save Huan. Dozens of women in the clothing house are far from enough.

Song Qingshu didn't mean to take this thing. Perhaps it was his experience in his previous life that made him very disgusted with such drugs. However, when he saw Queen Pei Man looking up at himself with a flattering expression, his heart moved and he pinched her smooth. The chin filled these medicines.

"Ahem...too much...ahem."

Empress Pei Man wanted to dodge in a panic, but Song Qingshu's hands were like iron tongs, and she couldn't move at all.

Of course, Song Qingshu didn't want her to die due to overdose, so he let her go after he estimated that it was almost the same. Although the weight of feeding her was more than her usual, it was not too much too outrageous. At most, it made her delirious and scolded her. It's just an illusion, and this is exactly what Song Qingshu wants.

Being provoked by two big beauties, the sister of the yellow shirt woman and Queen Pei Man, Song Qingshu has already felt that there is a volcano in his belly that will erupt at any time. Unfortunately, he is now pretending to be an eunuch. If it is impulsive, let Queen Pei Man Finding the identity, it would not be worth the loss.

Of course, he can also use Soul Transfer to modify Pei Man’s memory afterwards. However, he has not been very clear about the validity period of Soul Transfer. After all, the human brain is a very magical organ, and the science of the previous life has not been so well understood. The ghost knows when the other party will think of everything; secondly, there will be a lot of "Nine Yin Scriptures" in this world. As a queen of a country, Pei Man may not be without a high person. If someone finds that she has been in the soul-shifting, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, he would basically not consider using Soul-shifting. Of course, there is a personal reason. Now Song Qingshu has many confidantes around him, and he has passed the second second period of unscrupulous means to get a woman's body. The woman is too easy and too boring.

"The emperor~

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page Empress Pei Man’s sweet and greasy voice made Song Qingshu sober, and when she lowered her head, she saw that her eyes were shining, and her skin was as bright as drunk, and her full **** became fast because of her breathing. There were wonderful tremors in the air.

"Let's go!" Song Qingshu saw that there was no trace of clarity in her eyes, and knew that Xiaoyao's dispersal had worked, and now she might have forgotten who she was.

"Yes, the emperor~" Empress Pei Man replied delicately, and she lay down honestly.

Song Qingshu glanced at it, and his breathing suddenly rose. Now that he has nothing to worry about, he pressured him.

…… (If you want to see the detailed version plus q2470005091, you need to have a fan value of less than or equal to the vertical and horizontal fans. After verification, invite you to the VIP group. The VIP group will no longer accept applications separately)

When Empress Pei Man woke up in the middle of the night, she couldn't help laughing at her absurdity. She actually played the fake phoenix virtual phoenix game with a little eunuch. What made her a little embarrassed was that in her vague memory, she still remembered that time. This kind of intense pleasure comes from the depths of the soul, and even later begging for mercy...

"My old mother's body was actually conquered by a little eunuch!" Empress Pei Man's cheeks were hot, and now it looks embarrassing in retrospect.

"This little **** is so powerful, it makes my palace a little reluctant to kill him." Empress Pei Man lay lazily on the bed, suddenly feeling thirsty for drinking water, and remembered when she was about to call the maid to bring water. In order to keep secret, he sent all the palace ladies away early in the morning.

Queen Pei Man smiled and planned to pour the water by herself, but her face changed as soon as she was together, she unbelievably lifted her dress and touched the things that slipped onto her thighs, the familiar smoothness The feeling and the special taste made her feel like a thunder, and she collapsed to the ground all of a sudden.

"Who is it? Did the dead **** of Xiaoxingguo enter Taihe Hall again after he left? Was it the guards of Taihe Hall, or Wei Wang's subordinates? Or even Wei Wang himself?"

Song Qingshu didn’t know that he had left the woman in Queen Pei Man’s body with a hundred secrets and left that woman on pins and needles, but he was very lucky. There were countless possibilities in Queen Pei Man’s mind, but the real reason was her The first reaction was eliminated.

Song Qingshu who came out of Taihe Temple was refreshing. If he was not worried about being discovered by the guards on patrol, he even wanted to whistle to express his joy at this time.

Soon I returned to Xiaoxingguo's residence, originally wondering if the yellow-shirted female sisters might have fallen asleep, would I be mistaken for any unruly attempts when I went to find them in the middle of the night?

If you didn't go to Thailand

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Before Hedian, he might really have some other thoughts, but now, he just wants to sleep well.

Who knew that when he entered the yard, he found the lamp was on in the room. He pushed the door in doubtful. The two sisters in yellow shirts did not sleep. Looking at the door blankly.

"Uh, you are not waiting for me, are you?" Song Qingshu was a little embarrassed. He was happy and happy outside, but let the two beauties wait here.

The woman in the yellow shirt jumped up from the stool and looked at him with a bad tone: "Why did you come back so long?"

"I'll play in Taihe Temple for a while, can't it?" Song Qingshu didn't understand why she suddenly lost her temper, and replied in an angry voice. Jin Dama sat down and poured herself a glass of water. , It's time to add physical strength.

"Is the Temple of Taihe fun?" The woman in the yellow shirt stared at him with her eyes that were as clear as autumn water.

"Why are you looking at me with this kind of eyes?" Song Qingshu took a sip of tea, recalling the graceful and charming body of Queen Pei Man, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "It's quite fun."

"I don't think Taihe Temple is fun, but people's empress and empress are fun." The yellow-jacketed woman used her tail finger to lift her hair hanging in front of her ears, bit her lip slightly and waited for Song Qingshu.


Author's words:

1. Actually, I don’t want to be so troublesome, but in this big environment, the website requirements are getting stricter and stricter. I am also very upset when the editor calls me to modify the previous chapters. The problem, after all, this book cost me a lot of effort;

2. I definitely don’t want to use this to force readers to add VIP groups or to force pirated readers to read the original, because even if you don’t join the group, just watching the public content will not affect the reading experience at all, and the so-called details are not many words. The difference is not big;

3. Due to the difficulty of the operation, only the fan value of Zongheng users can be verified at present. Readers from other channels can read the book on Zongheng Chinese website. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t come. Refer to Article 2. Just looking at the public content will not affect reading at all. Experience.

4. How to apply for the VIP group: First, you need to add q2470005091, and submit a screenshot of the fan value. After the verification is successful, the VIP group will be invited to join the VIP group. Starting today, the VIP group will no longer accept applications separately

Finally, I hope we can understand each other

(End of this chapter)


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