Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 800: Grand Master's Daughter

"Uncle?" Song Qingshu was startled. Why didn't I remember that Tang Kuobian had a similar niece.

Before he could react, Wang Wei sneered: "I said Tang Kuobian, have you never seen a woman or something? You can't remove your eyes when you see a beautiful girl?"

Song Qingshu was furious: "Daoyan, as a junior, what qualifications do you have to talk to your elders? Don't anyone teach you the way of filial piety?" Gebi is Jin Xizong’s younger sister, and of course Wei Wang’s aunt, then When Wei Wang saw him, he had to call his uncle in theory. For the sake of the overall situation, he doesn't mind talking about the old foxes like Wan Yanliang and Empress Pei Man; to the yellow-shirted woman, she is kind and pleasant, at least people look seductive, and teasing her is also an interesting thing; Wei Wang is a half-big arrogant hair Boy, what reason do you have to be angry with him? It was a bit uncomfortable when someone shouted out of the bed halfway through the bed, and was scolded by him by name and name, the clay figurines were also three-way angry!

"How old are you, want to be the elder of this king?" Wei Wang Huo Ran got up, "It's just a soft meal. After this king becomes the throne, he directly decrees that his aunt will dismiss you. Without aunt, this king will look at you. What kind of capital is there to spare!"

"When you have the ability to really sit in that position, let's talk about this." Song Qingshu said coldly.

Although King Wei was arrogant, he was extremely sensitive in this regard. He immediately heard what he meant: "Don't you think this throne belongs to this king? It's ridiculous. This king is the only son of the father... …"

Song Qingshu was not interested in listening to him boasting, and said blankly: "You are so impatient with the throne, are you cursing the emperor's early death?"

"Uh~" Wei Wang was speechless for a while, even if he was stupid, he knew that such a thing was not right, so he hurriedly said, "Of course not, Tang Kuojian, don't spit on people!"

"Instigate the royal father-son relationship, you should slap your mouth!" A dark voice suddenly came from the shadows, and a black shadow instantly rushed towards Song Qingshu. Song Qingshu's eyes pointed and recognized that this was the one who was fighting between Taihedian and the girl in the yellow shirt. The master should be the shadow guard that Jin Xizong gave him in order to protect the safety of King Wei.

At this moment, Gebi just finished freshening up and came out of the inner hall. He just saw this scene and couldn't help exclaiming: "No!"

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) It's a pity that she shouted too slowly, and she was not the owner of Sombra. Sombra's movements were not stagnant. The palms were raised high, and she slammed away against Song Qingshu's face. In fact, at least a few teeth will be lost without being stunned.


There was a clear slap in the hall, and Gebi rushed over with angrily: "Daoyan, you are too much, what he said is your uncle, you dare to instruct your men to hurt him, at this time I must ask the emperor Brother...Please Brother Emperor..."

Gebi said that at this time, she suddenly noticed that the situation in the field was different. What happened just now was too fast. She subconsciously thought that her husband was beaten. When her head became hot, she ran to question Wei Wang, until she noticed Wei Wang and the girl were stunned. His expression, it was only then that I realized that the situation was different. I turned my head and looked at the husband, and saw that he was standing there intact. On the contrary, it was the black figure who had been proud of himself. He was kneeling in horror at the moment. In front of him, there were five obvious fingerprints on his face.

"Uh~" No one in the field expected such a dramatic change in things. Wei Wang's master, Jin Guo's high-level have also heard about him, this man is a martial artist who is a supernatural person. If he goes to the rivers and lakes, he can also break through. With such a great reputation, such a master wanted to slap a person but was slapped in the face, which was really unacceptable for a while.

"Dao Yan, there is no part of you as a minion to interrupt when we speak. My uncle has already helped you teach him a lesson. You don't have to thank me." Song Qingshu secretly cried out for luck. If the other party was defenseless, he wouldn't be so easy. In the fight, the masters competed, and they were only fighting for the first line. What's more, Song Qingshu's martial arts was originally above that person, and the other party was not prepared for such a dramatic change.

The dark shadow finally reacted, his face flushed red, he was taken advantage of by Song Qingshu only when he was careless, and he couldn't help standing up angrily, trying to find the other party to save his face.

Gebi suddenly opened his arms to block Song Qing's writing, his beautiful eyes were full of sorrow, and he stared at him tightly: "Dare you!"

Although the black shadow is angry, she also understands that Gobi's status is noble, and she is also known as the first beauty in the Kingdom of Jin. Now she has her arms high and her chest is high. If she accidentally touches something that shouldn't be touched, she will be an indecent princess. I’m afraid that even the master can’t save myself, so I subconsciously return

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Forgot Wang Wei's head and asked for his opinion.

Wei Wang's face was blue and white: "Is it not enough to be ashamed? Don't let this king get back!" An anger flashed in Black Shadow's eyes, but he quickly covered up the past and returned to Wang Wei with his head lowered.

King Wei stared at Song Qingshu, gritted his teeth and said: "Very well, very good, Tang Kuo argues, the king will remember what happened today, let's go!" After speaking, he greeted his subordinates to leave, and stopped when passing by the girl. After a moment, the girl smiled slightly: "Brother Emperor, younger sister, I still want to talk to my aunt, so I won't accompany you."

Wang Wei snorted, and without stopping, he left without stopping.

"Husband, I offended him today, and I'm afraid our husband and wife's life will be very difficult in the future." Gebi's delicate face couldn't help showing a trace of sorrow.

"Aunty, don't worry. Brother Dao Yan is just saying something angry, not to mention that Uncle Tang Kuo is one of the three heads of the family after all. Brother Dao Yan has to consider the overall situation even if he has any ideas." When he walked over, his voice was crisp and tender.

Song Qingshu was puzzled. This girl called Gebi an aunt and called her uncle. What kind of identity is this girl? But he didn't dare to show the expression of not knowing her, and he was suddenly curious to the extreme.

Gebi was a little relieved, and took the girl's little hand with a smile: "Hey, why do you have time to see aunt today?"

Gebi's words quickly solved Song Qingshu's doubts. It turned out that it was Taishi's daughter Wanyan Chongjie! In his mind, he couldn't help but remembered that when he was in Kaifeng with Zhao Min, she had counted the beauties on the grassland today, focusing on the Wanyan Festival.

His mother, Pucha Alihu, was the number one beauty in the grassland in the past. His father Wanyan Ahudi was the eldest grandson of the first family of Jin Taizong. It was a pity that he and his father Wanyan Zongpan were involved in treason and were executed together. Yan Zongpan calmed down, but only their mother and daughter were left in this line. The decline was inevitable. Taizong's right to speak also fell to the hands of Wanyan Zongben of the Qifangyi line, which is now the three giants of Shang Shusheng. The prime minister finished Yan Zongben.

The reunion has inherited the beauty of his mother, and at the same time, there is a trend of being blue and blue. In Daxing Mansion, there are no knowing how many men secretly play the idea of ​​the mother and daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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