Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 805: An exciting exchange

The smile on Wan Yanliang’s face instantly solidified. He originally presented Tang Kuobian with one or two concubines to make the other party owe him favor. Only in the future will he have a chance to separate the feelings between their husbands and wives and find a chance to start. Knowing that the other party had chosen to choose, they had chosen Tu Shanjing!

There are many concubines in Hailing Prince’s Mansion. It’s not at all distressing to sacrifice one or two Wan Yanliang casually, but Tu Danjing is different, not to mention that Tu Danjing has the support of the Tu Dan family behind her. Even if she doesn’t, she is also her own hair. Wife, although he is outside, he still loves this elegant and quiet wife, how can he give her away.

"Since Tang Kuo argues for being so ignorant of good and evil, don't blame this king for being cruel." A trace of murderous intent flashed in Wan Yanliang's eyes.

Song Qingshu laughed at this time and said, "Although there are many glamorous people in the Hailing Prince's Mansion, before the princess's unique and elegant temperament, it is glamorous. It is a blessing for the prince to have such a good wife."

Seeing that he hadn't mentioned anything about attending the bed, Wan Yanliang couldn't help frowning, and didn't know what he meant for a while, so he followed his words and replied: "Brother Tang Kuo, you are betraying me on purpose. The first beauty of the Kingdom of Jin is a wife, so Yanfu doesn't know how many men envy the capital."

Song Qingshu suddenly glanced at him thoughtfully: "I wonder if this includes the prince?"

Wan Yanliang smiled. Fortunately, he was agile in his daily life, and soon recovered: "This king is also a man, of course I am envious. I only hate Gebi for being my sister. If not, the king had to be with Tang. Brother Kuo competes."

"The prince is joking. We don't seem to have as many rules as the people of Song Dynasty in Dajin Country. What's wrong with it as long as it's not your own brothers and sisters?" Wan Yanliang was shocked when he heard it, but Song Qingshu changed the subject, "The prince invited us over today. It's that simple to go to a banquet."

Wan Yan Liang was shocked and inexplicably surprised: What did Tang Kuobian mean by that sentence? Why did he suggest that it doesn't matter if he isn't his siblings, isn't it...

Thinking of Tang Kuobian's unconcealed praise and favor for Tu Shanjing before, Wan Yanliang suddenly jumped in his heart: Does he want to swap his wives to play?

This kind of drama is widely circulated in the capital aristocratic circle, but it is not on the stage, and Wan Yanliang has also heard about it, but in his identity and status, if you want to play with other people’s wives, there are ways, where you need to pay for your own wife. cost? But this time is different. As the emperor’s own sister, Gobi could not use many methods on her before, not to mention that Gobi is the number one beauty in the Kingdom of Jin. As long as she can get her, even if she pays a little price, it is not unacceptable... …

Wan Yanliang looked up at the two women in the garden in the distance. He didn't know what Gebi and Tu Danjing were talking about. Suddenly they laughed so much that the silver bells of laughter came along with the breeze. After scratching his face, Yan Liang's heart was restless, and at that moment he seemed to be able to smell the delicate fragrance of the other's body.

"Lord, prince?" Song Qingshu glanced over Wan Yanliang's expression, implying that he had already given it out. If the other party really makes such shameless request, I promise to let him know what it means to lose madam again. Soldiers!

Hearing Song Qingshu's yelling, Wan Yanliang finally came back to his senses. Although beauty is important in his heart, career is also important, so the **** in his eyes soon turned into Qingming.

Wan Yan Liang and

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Did not answer Song Qingshu's question, but asked separately: "I don't know what Brother Tang Kuo thinks of the current situation in Korea and China?"

The situation between North Korea and China?

Song Qingshu didn’t know what he meant, so he organized a vocabulary and replied in a proper manner: “In the past few years, the Mongolians rebelled on the grasslands. The court did not pay attention to it because of the use of troops against the Southern Song Dynasty, and was finally attacked by Mongolia. , Lost a large part of the country, but now the emperor is wise, Shang Shuling and the two prime ministers are all old and respectable, and there are young and promising generals like the prince in the army. After years of recuperation, the national power of the Golden Kingdom is also booming, and gradually Restored most of the strength of the heyday..."

Before finishing talking, Wan Yanliang stretched out his hand and interrupted: "Brother Tang Kuo, this king treats you as his own, so why do you use this kind of rhetoric to perfuse me?"

"My king's view is the exact opposite of yours!" Wan Yanliang put his hands behind him, looking at the distant northern sky, and said solemnly, "Although Jin Guo has worked hard to govern in recent years, his national strength has recovered a lot, but the Mongols are everywhere. After conquering one country after another, our national power can be described as the best in the world. Fortunately, the Mongols are currently mainly focused on the west, so our Central Plains countries even have a faint upper hand when fighting against it. We can wait until Mongolia completes the west. After the conquest, the main force will be transferred to the Central Plains. That is the beginning of the real disaster."

Looking at Wan Yan Liang's back, Song Qingshu secretly sneered in his heart: If someone who didn't know saw him like this, he might really think he was a loyal man who cared about the country and the people!

But Song Qingshu quickly woke up. Although this Wanliang was lustful and shameless, and he was secretly disapproving, it didn't mean that he didn't want his country to become strong or even dominate the world.

"So Dajin Country must become stronger before the Mongols complete the Western Expedition!" Wan Yanliang suddenly looked dark. "It's a pity that the situation in the court looks prosperous on the surface, but in fact it is already at stake."

"How do you say this?" Song Qingshu knew that he was alarmist, but still cooperated in pretending to be surprised.

"Let's take what you said just now. You said your Majesty is wise and martial." Wan Yanliang paused, with a look of disapproval on his face, but soon concealed the past, "This is true, but the emperor is addicted to alcohol. As fate, in recent years, the physical condition has gotten worse and worse, and it is very easy to get angry, killing the minister at every turn, these are not good signs."

Song Qingshu's expression moved: "The prince said that the emperor's body is about to die?" He was not originally from the Kingdom of Jin, let alone coming from later generations, and of course he has no respect for the emperor.

Wan Yanliang was also a little surprised by his directness. He hesitated for a while and did not answer the conversation. Instead, he changed the subject and said: "Now the Tang Kuo family is the weakest among the three major families in Beijing. I don't know what Tang Kuo brother thinks about this?"

Do you want to play with Enwei? Song Qingshu sneered secretly, but pretended to be distressed: "It's not just the weakest. This year, many people in the family are dissatisfied with me as the patriarch. How long I can remain as the patriarch is a question."

Wan Yanliang is overjoyed, thinking in my heart that you know it, it's free of the king's words.

"Then, does Brother Tang Kuo have any plans for this situation?" Wan Yanliang asked as if inadvertently.

Song Qingshu Huo Ran got up and saluted: "I also hope that the prince will give me some guidance."

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) "Brother Tang Kuo, what are you doing?" Wan Yanliang hurriedly supported him, a trace of triumph flashed in his eyes, "You and I meet life and death, so why are you so polite. Forget it, I just Let me tell you something to confide in. If there is anything offending, I hope Brother Tang Kuo doesn't mind."

"I dare not dare." Song Qingshu thought in his heart, after this, what Yan Liang wanted to do, it was immediately clear.

"When the king is his own, Tang Kuo is his own, so he tells the truth, but these words are out of my mouth and in your ears. I hope not to be known by others." Wan Yanliang paused and added another sentence. , "Not even Gobi."

"Not even Gebi?" Song Qingshu exclaimed.

Wanyan bright spot nodded: "Brother Tang Kuo is a hero in the world. I should have understood who caused the current difficult situation." Looking at Song Qingshu with a gloomy expression, he continued: "There are clouds in the ancients. With great wisdom, Gobi is the number one beauty in my Dajin Country. If you marry her, it is equivalent to setting up countless enemies."

Song Qingshu opened his mouth and deliberately showed a wry smile: "If you can get the favor of Gebi, these are nothing."

"Your husband and wife have a deep affection, and this king has always admired it." Wan Yanliang said, "It's just that Tang Kuo, the husband is alive, so you can't be powerless for a day. You must have experienced the hardships in these years. Could it be you Would you like to hide in this gentle country for a lifetime?"

"This..." Song Qing wrote hesitatingly.

Seeing that his expression became loose, Wan Yanliang hurriedly added fire: "Even if Brother Tang Kuo is willing to be plain, it's impossible to live with Gebi for the rest of his life."

"How do you say this?" Song Qingshu was also very curious, what kind of means could Wan Yanliang have.

"Brother Tang Kuo remember the oiran in Qiuxianglou," Wan Yanliang continued when he saw Song Qingshu nodded. "She was also a golden branch and Yuye back then. She was married to Cai Jing's son. On nobleness, marriage is not under the current song, but The result? Her husband has no ability and can't protect his wife. He can only watch his wife become the plaything of other men. A lesson from the past, is Brother Tang Kuo not vigilant?"

Song Qingshu sneered secretly, and it was you who made the most powerful shot at Gobi, and in the end you even pretended to look like a saint.

"Then what should I do?" Song Qingshu asked very cooperatively when the acting was about to perform a full set.

"Let go of your children's personal relationships and strive to gain greater power. Only power is the most reliable thing in this world." Wan Yanliang said in a deep voice.

Song Qingshu hesitated: "How to gain more power?"

Wan Yanliang smiled slightly, but didn't answer, took the teacup and leaned against the chair, slowly drinking the tea.

Song Qingshu knew that he was playing the trick of wanting to get caught, his heart was as calm as water, but his face was anxious: "I hope the lord will teach me."

"Why does this king teach you?" Wan Yanliang said calmly.

"Uh~" Song Qingshu knew that he was deliberate, so he choked somewhat uncomfortably.

Wan Yanliang laughed: "Brother Tang Kuo, although you and I now call each other our own people, in fact, everyone knows that we have never been our own people, and many of the words are words of death. How dare to talk to you casually?"

(End of this chapter)

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