Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 808: Princess Hailing

In order to quell the episode of the assassination, it took a lot of time for the two to get away from the officers and soldiers on patrol, and finally arrived at the main house of the Pucha family without any risk.

Not long after entering the door, Pucha Ahute received news and greeted him: "Nephew, I heard that you met an assassin on the road?"

"Thank you, Pu Cha Shi is worried, we are not hurt." Song Qingshu replied with a smile. He had done his homework before he came. Pu Cha Ahute had a relationship with Tang Kuo's father who died in the battle, so he called him. The uncle of the world is also taken for granted.

"Don't worry, my nephew, I am a good friend with the city guard general. I will ask him to send more people to investigate the matter, and find the assassin to give you a satisfactory account." Pucha Ahute patted him on the shoulder. To show comfort. &⊕⊕⊕, ¤.≤←.↖p;

"Thank you, Uncle Shi." Song Qingshu smiled, and he didn't take this kind of polite remarks to his heart. Since that assassin dared to assassinate the prince, how could he be easily found out by these soldiers? And speaking from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want that assassin to be caught at all.

"Hurry up, please come in, everyone else is almost there." Pucha Ahute personally took the two in. Pucha Qiucao's coming-of-age ceremony was actually completed in the ancestral hall in the morning, and it was more like this at night. A grand banquet.

Different from the Jiangnan Han style, Pu Chajia’s banquet is more inclined to the Jurchen customs. It is held on a vast lawn, with a raging bonfire in the middle, and the flames greedily lick. The whole roasted lamb on top is filled with the air. This kind of mouth-watering meaty fragrance and all kinds of joyous singing.

Song Qingshu and Song Qingshu were placed in the first place. After all, Gebi was a princess, and Tang Kuobian was one of the three patriarchs. Although there were some foreign powers in the middle, there were very few who could surpass their husband and wife in the face.

Song Qingshu randomly glanced at the people who were sitting in a better position than the two of them. Most of them didn't know him, but it was not difficult to judge the identity of these people from the position arrangement and age characteristics.

In addition to the people in the master Pucha’s family, there is an elderly person in the uppermost position. At that time, everyone is eligible to sit in this position. Only the Taibao, the leader of the three provinces, the Shang Shuling, the general marshal, is in charge of the Kingdom of Jin. Wanyan Zongxian of military and political power!

Song Qingshu's eyes narrowed. This Wanyan Zongxian, who was also the King Gaitian mentioned by Zhao Fujin before, thought that he would let Zhao Gou's biological mother, Queen Mother Wei and his wife, Queen Xianjie serve in the same bed, Song Qingshu was secretly angry, even though he was not Song People, but as a Han, he inevitably feels the same hatred.

"This old immortal, looking at a highly respected appearance, is secretly full of male thieves and female prostitutes. At such a large age, he is not afraid of having a myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage."

Song Qingshu looked upset and looked down again. Not surprisingly, the people sitting under him were Prime Minister Zuo, Wang Cao, and Wanyan Zongmin, who also served as Deputy Marshal Zuo. He and Wanyan Zongqian, Zongwang, Zongbi, etc. The celebrities who made the people of the Northern Song Dynasty frightened were their own brothers, but these great brothers passed away one after another, and the people of Taizu's line fell on him. Wanyanliang was also Taizu's line, and he had to be called respectfully in front of him. Uncle emperor.

But what made Song Qingshu pay more attention to was the appearance of King Cao beside him, who was in his early thirties, but with a pair of phoenix eyes and watery gazing around, he was not the master of peace at first glance.

"Old husband and young wife, if there is no problem, it would be strange." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and at the same time was filled with emotion. This king and concubine of Cao was named Pucha Alan, a sister of Pucha Ahute, compared to her married to the court. The second in command, Mrs. Tang, Tang Kuobian's younger sister, could only marry a small Jiedushi. This shows that although they are the three major families of the Kingdom of Jin, the strength of Tang Kuo's family has weakened to what extent.

Sitting next to Cao Wang Zongmin should be the prime minister Wanyan Zongben. Not only is his official position similar to that of Zongmin, he also has a similar status in the family. Zongmin is the speaker of Taizu's first line, and Zongben is from Taizong's first line. Matter person.

Song Qingshu couldn't help thinking that the young girl who was beautiful in the morning had a beautiful face. Her grandfather Zong Pan was the person who spoke to the Taizong family. It's a pity that there was a politics. The failure of the struggle led to the execution of her grandfather and father. It's Zongben's turn to be the person in charge of Taizong's line.

Saying that Cao Cao is here, Song Qingshu was about to focus on the festival. Suddenly, he found that Zong himself had a beautiful head. Who was it if it wasn't the festival? Noting Song Qingshu's eyes, the girl glared at him fiercely, making Song Qingshu look inexplicable: When did I offend her?

Song Qingshu didn’t bother to delve into the girl’s thoughts, and continued to observe the crowd. The top position on the other side was an acquaintance. The king of Changsheng who had dealt with in the Qiuxianglou before, but Song Qingshu glanced at him, and his eyes were all caught by the people beside him The woman is attracted, she should be Princess Taoyao Changsheng.

Before, I often heard people talk about the beauty of Princess Changsheng, and even the current Emperor Jin Dynasty also named her "Mrs. Peach Blossom". Song Qingshu did not understand why there was such a strange title before, but now I see a real person and immediately understand it. With peach blossoms on his face, his eyes are sentimental, and the corners of his lips are slightly curled up, as if there is a faint smile at any time, which makes people throbbing with a glance.

"This appearance can definitely be equal to Gebi!" Song Qingshu secretly admired, but thinking of Gebi by her side, wouldn't it hurt her heart if she kept staring at other women?

Looking back at Gebi, she found that she didn't pay attention to herself at all. Instead, she stared at the campfire in the field and was in a daze. The light of the fire shining on her beautiful and innocent face made her even more brilliant.

"What's wrong with her?" Song Qingshu was puzzled.

"Brother Tang Kuo, I'm really sorry!"

Song Qingshu looked up and saw Wan Yan Liang approaching Shan Jing and his wife. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "It seems that the prince's carriage is really hard to ride."

Wan Yanliang was also a little embarrassed: "Hmph, this king swears that he must catch the assassin and vent his anger for Brother Tang Kuo!"

Song Qingshu sneered secretly. It's true to vent your anger. After all, there is a martial arts assassin watching at any time, and you may not be able to sleep peacefully.

"Brother Tang Kuo, this is the second time you saved this king's life," Wan Yanliang suddenly showed a playful smile. "Don't worry, this king will definitely abide by the previous promise. When will Brother Tang Kuo be ready? Yes, pick whatever you want."

Princess Hailing on the side was confused: "What do you choose?"

Wan Yanliang smiled: "It's nothing, just let Brother Tang Kuo pick the treasures in this palace."

Princess Hailing pursed her lips, completely unaware that her husband was referring to herself: "This is natural and should be the case. What will happen to the concubine when the time comes. Don't be polite even if you speak."

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