Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 811: Unexpected invitation

Pu Cha Qiucao was there blankly, as if he hadn't heard Qing Yang Guo's refusal. When she finally recovered, her eye sockets instantly turned red, and she wiped her eyes and ran away without looking back, and the air was still faint. He heard the sound of sobbing.

No one in the court expected such a change to happen, and they stared at each other with wide-eyed eyes. Pu Cha Ahute's face was even more ugly, but after all, he was so mature and respectful, and did not express anything. Instead, Pu Cha Shijie saw his sister suffer. Feeling wronged, I couldn’t stand it immediately. Meteor strode up to Yang Guo and said in a cold voice: “Suwen Yang brothers are well-known masters in the Han martial arts, but the Han people have always been weak. No one knows how much water this master’s name is... …In the next Pu Cha Shijie, I want to see Brother Yang’s brilliant tricks, and see if it’s not worthy of reputation!"

Yang Guo glanced at him indifferently, without the slightest intention to challenge: "It was a vain name, so how can it be too much? No need to compare, I am not your opponent." ∵∵∵, ≥.↖■.$

Listening to him admit defeat, Pu Cha Shijie didn't mean to be happy at all, because from the other party's words, he didn't really admit defeat, but didn't want to fight himself.

"It's not comparable, you won't know until you compare it." Pu Cha Shijie was not polite, and slammed it up with a punch.

Yang Guo's heart sighed. The opponent's punch has not yet reached his body. The maniac fist wind has forced everyone next to him to retreat. Many people can't even open their eyes. Seeing Pu Cha Shijie's eyes are red, it is obviously a hateful shot, Yang Guo He didn't dare to bet whether the opponent would take the opportunity to kill himself in the palm of his hand if he didn't make a move. In desperation, he had to wave his palm to fight.

The fists met, Pu Cha Shijie's figure was shocked, and Yang Guo took a few large steps to stabilize his figure.

"A lot of strength!" Yang Guo moved his tingling wrist. Among the people he encountered, the disciple of the King of the Golden Wheel, Dalba, was already a natural supernatural power, but the one in front of him was even above Dalba.

"What a top player in the world, nothing more than that." Pu Cha Shijie said coldly.

Although Yang Guo was a little lonely by the successive blows, he was still the arrogant and unruly person in his bones. Being so agitated by Pu Cha Shijie, he immediately aroused the arrogance in his heart: "Mutual each other."

Pu Cha Shijie was furious when he heard the words, and shouted: "Come again." The whole person rushed to Yang Guo again.

"How can I say it and I started fighting, today is a good day for Xiaocao, what should I do if something happens?" Seeing the two of you coming and fighting together, Gebi couldn't help but frown.

Song Qing comforted: "Don't worry, they are all masters. They have their own measures and there will be no problems."

"Which one of them do you think can win?" Gebi suddenly looked back at Song Qing.

Song Qing didn’t want to have him, and subconsciously replied: “Pu Cha Shijie is born with supernatural power. He should have learned the extremely high-level internal skills when he breathes, so every time he makes a shot, he has the power of a dragon and an elephant. Although Yang Guo’s is broken One hand looks weak and weak, but his palm strength is cultivated in the wind and ocean tide. In terms of palm strength alone, it is not under Pu Cha Shijie, plus he has been involved very much. What a brilliant martial arts, I am more optimistic about Yang Guo when it comes to fighting."

Seeing him talk and talk, Gobi's face darkened, and she sighed quietly in her heart, but when Song Qing turned her head back, she put on a smile again, as if nothing had happened.

"Today's situation seems to be the same as you predicted." Gebi opened his mouth in surprise. The battle between the two in the court has tended to become fierce, but she can tell even if she doesn't understand martial arts at all.

Although Pu Cha Shijie's palm strength is strong, Yang Guo's light-weight exercises are extremely clever. He made ten moves, Yang Guo could almost dodge seven moves, and the remaining three moves can be calmly resolved, but Yang Guo's counterattack can only be used by him. The tricks are forced, one will lose the other, no matter how powerful he is, he can't bear it.

"It's a hero who can only hide and hide. He has the ability to decide the victory or defeat with me." Pu Cha Shijie was also depressed in this battle. After taking a look at the gap, he yelled out of the battle circle.

Yang Guo didn't pursue it. Hearing his invitation to fight, it also aroused the young man's mind, and he simply responded, "Okay!"

Pu Cha Shijie took a deep breath, straightened his waist, his whole body creaked, and his whole body's momentum rose sharply before he even out his palm. The people around him could take a breath of air when he came out. What a shock.

In contrast, Yang Guo simply put his palm in front of his eyes and closed his eyes at the same time, and the whole person fell into a kind of extreme tranquility.

"Xiaojie gave a full palm, even the director of Daxingguo didn't dare to take it hard. Brother Yang was too underestimating the enemy." Gobi subconsciously squeezed the silk scarf in his hand and said with some worry.

Song Qing explained with a smile: "Yang Guo's trick is called Desperate Ecstasy Palm. The key lies in the coordination of the mood. The external performance is not that important, but the power is extremely powerful. I am more worried about Pu Cha Shijie. "

He was also shocked to see. After not seeing it for a while, Yang Guo's cultivation level has actually improved so much. At this time, the faint aura that ordinary people can't see is nothing more than ordinary people can't see it. How can he not see it? come out? With Yang Guo’s combat power as the center, he seemed to fall into an absolute silence within three feet of him, and even the flow of air slowed down a lot, as if he was not standing in the air, but in the thick water. .

"I'm afraid it was this time that I learned of my own life experience, and my mood was more in line with the mood of Desolate Ecstasy Palm, which made such a big improvement." Song Qing secretly guessed.

"Desperate Ecstasy Palm..." Gebi muttered these words silently, her expression suddenly became extremely lonely, if others watched closely, she now appeared to feel very similar to Yang Guo.

Song Qing's attention at this time was all on the two people in the field, only Pu Cha Shijie yelled, the whole person seemed to be transformed into a savage bull, rushing towards Yang Guo with great momentum, and Yang Guo suddenly opened his eyes. At that moment, the people nearby even had an illusion. Yang Guo's eyes seemed to burst out with a great look, his fists intersected, and his energy was scattered. The nearby people fell one after another, and the wine glasses and fruit plates on the next table were all cracked. .

Different from the last time, it was not Yang Guo who retreated. He only heard Pu Cha Shijie yell, and the whole person involuntarily crossed a parabola and hit a big tree in the distance. Pu Cha, who had been watching nearby. Qiucao was startled, thinking that his brother made the shot for himself, and hitting the tree at such a fast speed, wouldn't he be seriously injured on the spot? As soon as her mind moved, she rushed up, trying to push her brother in the sky next.

Seeing this scene, Yang Guo's face changed suddenly, with a little tiptoe, and the whole person came first to grab Pu Cha Qiucao before the two touched, his body twisted in mid-air, and he moved a foot out of thin air to hide. Drove Pu Cha Shijie who hit him.

Being held in his arms by Yang Guo, surrounded by a strong man's breath, looking up at the handsome face close at hand, Pu Cha Qiucao's face suddenly turned red.

"What are you doing, let me go, I want to save my brother." As if he could feel the strange eyes of everyone around him, Pu Cha Qiucao was so ashamed, he struggled all at once, and at the same time he raised his pink fist and moved towards Yang's chest hammer. .

"Your brother is fine." Yang Guo said lightly.

"Huh?" Pu Cha Qiucao was unclear. So, following his gaze, he saw that his elder brother ran into the big tree, but he got up from the ground as if he was okay.

"Don't worry little girl, brother, I don't have any injuries on my whole body. The palm strength of this surname Yang is no different." Pu Cha Shijie, as the number one master of the young generation of the Kingdom of Jin, also prides himself on being born with supernatural power, and now he is heading for it. The palms on the ground were stunned by Yang Guo's palm. It was inevitable that he couldn't help feeling a little bit on his face. When he heard his sister yelling to come and save himself, the old face blushed, and he subconsciously responded.

Who knows that just after he finished speaking, he heard a creaking sound behind him, Pu Cha Shijie turned his head in horror, and found that the big tree that had been hit just now broke off, and is now slowly falling to the ground. .

Even people who don’t understand martial arts can tell that Yang Guo had been merciful just now, and moved his palm to the tree by hitting an ox from across the mountain. Otherwise, if the palm is strong, he would even have to count that tree. Trees that hug each other will be broken in the middle. How can human flesh and blood stand it?

Pu Cha Qiucao also understood. Just now, he rushed to pick up his brother. It was actually very dangerous. If Yang Guofei hadn't come to save him, he might have been killed on the spot.

"It turns out I was wrong on him." Pu Cha Qiucao quietly glanced at Yang, a Fang's heart beating faster than before, but it was a pity that the other party had let go of her and walked back silently.

Thinking of the warm embrace just now, Pu Cha Qiucao couldn't help but feel lost, "I knew I shouldn't be struggling."

"Hahaha, each of the two wise nephews is brilliant in martial arts. This martial arts competition is really exciting and wonderful, especially when the hero of Yang Xian’s nephew saved the beauty in the end, it is also a good talk!" Wanyan Zongxian who sat at the top took the opportunity to stand up and applaud To round up the embarrassment of both parties before.

At the beginning of his speech, the rest of the people also echoed, and soon after Yang Guo rejected the embarrassing atmosphere of Pu Cha Qiucao, Pu Cha Ahute also took the opportunity to speak, not mentioning the previous incident, the storm. With such a big event turning small things into nothing, many people in the court breathed a sigh of relief in secret.

Everyone acquiesced that tonight’s protagonist, Pu Cha Qiucao, had already danced, and then it was time for the rest to dance freely.

After knowing that the rest of the people were going to dance, Song Qing couldn’t help but numb his scalp. Unlike the Han people, this prairie nation is good at singing and dancing regardless of men and women, but he doesn’t know the Jurchen dance. In the previous life, he didn't know how to dance or anything.

"Don't come to me for dancing or something." Song Qing glanced at Gebi, and prayed secretly in his heart.

But things in the world are so impermanent. You can do whatever you are afraid of. Just as Song Qing finished praying, a crisp and tender voice came from her ear: "Uncle Tang Kuo, can I ask you to do a dance?"

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