Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 816: The little princess of Song Dynasty

So Song Qingshu is not crazy. After all, this errand is a bit too unbelievable. What exactly does Empress Pei Man want to do?

"Could it be that the harem was fighting for favor? She saw that the two little court ladies were too beautiful and worried that she would be seen by the real emperor. She became obsessed with them and caused her to fall out of favor. So she found someone to break their bodies in advance and let them lose. Qualified to be favored?" This was the first thought that came out of Song Qingshu's head, but it was quickly denied by him. The feud between Jin Xizong and Queen Pei Man has long been a well-known thing. Man had long since fallen out of favor, not to mention that she had such a bad influence. Jin Xizong knew that she might not be able to keep her position as queen.

"What are you doing stupidly? Could it be that you are too excited to think of being a man?" When Empress Pei Man said the word man, her voice was full of teasing.

&~, ≡.☆.♂p; "It's really exciting. I thought it was a very difficult thing to do, but it was so easy." Song Qingshu has an idea in his mind. Now that it is not clear because of lack of information, Then I just don't want to, let's just wait and see the changes.

"Of course it's easy for a man, but is it for you..." Empress Pei Man's eyes fell between his legs, intentionally or unintentionally, and with a chuckle, she handed over an object, "If it doesn't work later, just use this help you."

Song Qingshu took it and took a look. Wasn't it the thing that Queen Pei Man used to solve by herself before?

"This woman is not too dirty, can this kind of thing be used in random ways?" Song Qingshu secretly contempted, but since Pei Man didn't find that he was a fake eunuch, he was happy to continue to pretend to be, and took the things by hand.

"It's almost time, they should be here soon. Later, you will try to speak as little as possible, so as not to reveal any flaws, the palace will take care of it." Empress Pei Man reminded herself not at ease.

Just as Song Qingshu nodded, there was a noise outside. Soon two girls in palace costumes walked in and saw Song Qingshu, who was wearing dragon robes sitting on top, quietly glanced at each other, and then both knelt down. : "See the emperor for slaves, and long live my emperor! See the empress, thousand years old, thousand years old, thousand years old."

"Look up, let me take a look." Song Qingshu is indeed curious, exactly who these two little palace ladies are sacred, and Empress Pei Man needs to deal with them carefully.

Empress Pei Man, who was sitting at the bottom of the head, gave him a surprised look. It was not that Song Qingshu showed any flaws. On the contrary, he pretended to be so alike. The tone of calmness and unquestionable order was almost talking to the real emperor. It's exactly the same, not right, the real aura is a little worse.

Empress Pei Man was a little grateful. She picked and picked this little **** to carry out the plan, but at the same time she was also secretly wary that this little **** was too capable of imitating. If she didn't know in advance that he was a fake, she might have done so. Being cheated by him, such a person must never stay...

"Yes!" When the two little palace ladies heard Song Qingshu's words, they timidly agreed, and then raised their heads.

Song Qingshu heard their voices beautiful and tender, and his first impression was a big bonus. When the two women raised their heads, he also saw their faces clearly:

Two snow-white faces, I don't know if it is because of fear or shyness. There is a faint blush on their faces. In addition, the eyebrows are small and the mouth is small. They really have bright eyes and white teeth. I see pity.

The two girls are fourteen-five years old, and their faces are somewhat similar. Not surprisingly, they should be a pair of sisters. The sisters are both beautiful children. They are timidly leaning against each other. They really look more and more beautiful.

But Song Qingshu was even more surprised than this, but the two girls he had seen before. They were held by the yellow shirts to the Jiaotai Hall. The two of them hid on the beam, and the two they saw were following Empress Pei Man. , Later, the stunning little palace lady who made Wei Wang salivate.

"Aren't they the people in Pei Man's palace?" Song Qingshu's heart was stunned, wondering if Pei Man deliberately sent the two of them to test me to see if I can carry out her final plan?

Song Qingshu suddenly understood that for half a day, today is just a qualifier, and only after passing can he be qualified to accept the real task.

"What's your name?" Song Qingshu thought that if this is the case, the uncle will accompany you in a good play.

"Slaves, Zhao Hu'er~"

"Maid Zhao Yuanyuan~"

"Yuanyuan, which Yuanyuan?" Song Qingshu thought that there was Chen Yuanyuan in ancient times, and Gao Yuanyuan in later generations. By coincidence, he had all seen them. They were all peerless beauties. This little girl is called Yuanyuan, just by name. A little bit more color.

"Returning to the emperor, the slave servant's name was taken from the "Chu Ci" Xin Chanyuan and she was sad, and she didn't know what she was doing." The little court lady replied.

Song Qingshu heard it loudly for a while, just like listening to the heavenly book, the only thing that can be sure is that she is not Gao Yuanyuan's circle, and she can't help but feel a little disappointed.

"What do you mean by this sentence?" Song Qingshu asked casually. Anyway, he pretended to be Jin Xizong, the emperor of Jurchen, and he never heard about the world as a literary talent, and he must be half a catty with himself. He definitely doesn't understand such a literary saying. He doesn't show anything.

The little palace lady opened her mouth slightly, just about to answer, the little palace lady named Zhao Hu'er next to her quietly tugged at the hem of her dress, Zhao Yuanyuan suddenly woke up, her face changed slightly.

Although their actions were secret, Song Qingshu could see clearly and could not help wondering: "Why didn't you say it?"

"The slave girl dare not say." Zhao Yuanyuan's pretty face turned pale, obviously a little annoyed that she just talked.

"Go ahead, I forgive you for your innocence." Song Qingshu took a sip of the tea on the table leisurely.

The Empress Pei Man next to her was even more surprised. This gesture was completely imperial. Just now, after both parties asked and answered, she could not intervene at all. Is this person really just a little eunuch?

The little palace lady named Zhao Yuanyuan bit her lip, and finally replied in a low voice: "This sentence means ‘the heart is lingering and worrying and infinitely sad, and I don’t know where to stay’."

Before Song Qingshu could react, Empress Pei Man became angry first: "What an infinite sorrow, what a nowhere to stay, your mother gave you this name, making it clear that you miss your homeland and disrespect me! Humph, Could it be that you have forgotten the lesson learned from Empress Li?"

"Niangniang forgive the sins, Niangniang forgive the sins!" The two little palace ladies turned pale, and squatted their heads to ask for sin.

Song Qingshu heard a black line, and was slanderous in her heart: Niang Xipi, you ancients just talked around and liked to quote the classics. If you didn't know this allusion, wouldn't you hear it in the mist?

When the Southern Tang Dynasty was annihilated by the Northern Song Dynasty, the last emperor Li Yu and Xiao Zhouhou surrendered to the Northern Song Dynasty together. Because Zhao Guangyi’s **** ghost called Xiao Zhouhou to enter the palace to have fun from the mountain, Li Yu had no choice but to have a green head. In the end, he wrote the famous phrase "Will you be sad, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward", but because of this poem, Zhao Guangyi thought he missed his homeland and was restless, so he immediately gave him the poison.

And the names of the two little girls in front of them obviously also show the longing for their homeland and the anxiety about the status quo, how similar to the former Queen Li!

"Zhao Hu'er, Zhao Yuanyuan, both of them have the surname Zhao..." Song Qingshu's expression changed, and he felt a little strange before. The naming style of these two little palace ladies and the cultural literacy shown by them are by no means what ordinary little palace ladies can have. Until Pei Man suddenly became angry and threatened them with what happened to Empress Li, he finally realized that these two little nizis are so outstanding, and they talk very well. I am afraid they are the princesses of the Song Dynasty in the dressing courtyard. No wonder they were at the beginning. The women in yellow shirts will rush out desperately when they see them being frivolous by the king of Wei.

"If the Northern Song Dynasty is still there, they should still be high-ranking princesses?" Looking at the two little palace ladies who were kneeling on the ground and trembling, Song Qingshu was full of emotion and had to marvel at the miracle of fate. Zhao Guangyi insulted Empress Li like that. How can you expect that one hundred years later, your offspring will have the same experience?

Seeing that Queen Pei Man was still reprimanding the two women, Song Qingshu coughed: "Okay, okay, I just said I forgive them for their innocence."

"Thanks to the emperor for your kindness." The two little palace ladies hurriedly bowed their heads to thank you.

And Pei Man, who was next to him, looked at Song Qingshu with a **** expression. His tone just now was almost the same as that of Xi Zong back then: "Huh, this dog minion is pretending to be an emperor and is addicted. Let you be proud of it for a while, wait. After finishing the plan of this palace, slowly clean up you."

"Since the emperor has spoken, this palace will not be held accountable. As long as you serve the emperor well, and you may not be happy when the emperor is happy, you will pardon your sisters and they will not have to suffer the hardship of the wind and dust." The queen looked at the two little palace ladies and said.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, listening to Empress Pei Man's tone, it seemed that she was using the older sisters in the Huanyiyuan to coerce these two little girls and let them willingly serve the emperor...

Seeing the two little girls with willingness and the determination to sacrifice in their eyes, Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: He was so naive, he was still counting money for others after being sold, and he didn't know that what he saw tonight was not the emperor at all.

Queen Pei Man was also very satisfied with the reaction of the two women, her eyes fell on their clothes: "Someone should have taken you to a bath just now."

The two little girls face reddened, and they replied in unison: "I have bathed~"

"That's good, take off the outer robe now." Empress Pei Man said, causing Song Qingshu to almost spray out a sip of tea.

Song Qingshu just focused on speculating about Empress Pei Man's plans. Only then did he notice that the clothes worn by the two little palace ladies were not like ordinary court ladies' clothes, but instead looked like... how to put it, a bit similar to the hot spring kimono of later generations in Japan.

The two little palace ladies looked at each other and saw the decisiveness in each other's eyes. With a bare hand, the large robe outside lost its restraint and fell directly to the ground.

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