Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 818: Forgery

Hearing Song Qingshu deliberately bit the pronunciation of the word love, Empress Pei Man outside the wall curled her lips disdainfully. She was just a eunuch. She was really outspoken. Even if you want to love you, you are powerless, right? Hmph, if I can use the thing that my palace gave him. Thinking of the size of the thing, a weird smile appeared on Queen Pei Man's face. By then, these two unmanned girls, the rest might just be painful.

Queen Pei Man was of course not worried about the two girls inside. When she got up, she wished that the more painful the other, the better, so that the louder they screamed, and she could go in in time to arrange the next things, so as not to drink northwest wind outside here. ...

Song Qingshu hugged the two girls onto the phoenix couch and put down all the surrounding curtains. The frivolous smile on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a solemn look.

The two young girls were shocked and embarrassed in their hearts, but when they suddenly saw him change his previous temperament, they couldn't help but stare blankly.

"To make a long story short, I will ask you two questions first, and your voice will answer me." Song Qingshu lowered his voice.

"The slave servants follow the order." The two girls thought in their hearts that the other party was the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, and they thought it was something that made the other party unhappy, and replied somewhat fearfully.

Song Qingshu instantly noticed their thoughts, and did not break it. This was conducive to his questioning: "Do you know a woman named Zhao Fujin?"

The two girls hesitated for a moment, and subconsciously replied: "She is our fifth sister. Did she offend the emperor in any way? Please also ask the emperor to take our sister's sake and don't embarrass her."

Seeing their panic on their faces, Song Qingshu laughed blankly, without explaining, and continued to ask: "What is your nineteenth sister's name?"

"Sister Nineteen?" The two girls glanced at each other, their eyes were at a loss for a while, and Zhao Hu'er said after a while, "It seems to have been heard from Sister Fifth before that Sister Nineteen was rescued by a mysterious person during the escort. My sister’s name... at that time, my sister had been there, but it took too long for me to remember."

"Can't remember?" Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and he couldn't help but feel it. Although the response of the woman in the yellow shirt had understood everything last time, she is now in a crisis of imperial palace. Queen Peiman found ∽∽∽∽, m.≡.co≦m Xibei goods, that’s bad, so he needs to confirm the identity of the other party.

"I remember!" Zhao Yuanyuan's expression suddenly lifted, "I was on the side at the time, and the name of Sister Nineteen seemed to be Ying...Ying what?"

"Yingluo?" Zhao Hu'er finally remembered when she was reminded.

After confirming the identities of the two women, Song Qingshu sighed in secret and quickly said to them: "Listen, I am a friend of your fifth and nineteenth sisters. This time I came here to save your sisters specially..."

"Friend?" The two girls showed horror, "Aren't you the emperor?"

It's no wonder their brains can't react, no matter how big their brains are, they can't understand how the Emperor Jin Guo is a friend of the fifth sister and the nineteenth sister, and why can they save them?

"Of course I am not the emperor. This is a long story. It's probably because the queen wants someone to ruin your virginity, and I managed to get her trust and was sent by her to perform the task." Song Qingshu said quickly.

"Huh?" The two girls blinked, and finally understood, they were about to scream subconsciously.

Song Qingshu's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he instantly covered the mouths of the two women, turning the screams that were going to resound in the night sky into bursts of sobbing. I cursed secretly in my heart. Fortunately, there is this kind of bridge in the TV series, otherwise I won't be scammed to death by you two Nizi.

"You are also princesses of a country anyhow, not country women. Are you not sure if you should call them at this time?" Song Qingshu's tone was extremely rude. "When I understand, I blink and I let go, but the ugly thing is Up front, if I had to call again, I would have turned my face and refused to recognize people."

Seeing the eyes of the two girls blinking like stars in the sky, with a pitiful expression on their faces, Song Qingshu's anger disappeared for most of the time, and she could not help but sigh secretly: People are indeed visual animals, and the tolerance of good-looking people is higher. a lot of.

After releasing the mouths of the two women, they did not scream, but subconsciously grabbed Jin next to them and stopped them in front of them, hurriedly covering their bodies exposed to the air.

Song Qingshu sneered: "When I faced the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, I didn't see you like this. Now that I know that I am your friend, I'm more reserved?"

Although he sympathizes with these women who have lost their families, but poor people must be hateful. In those days, these concubines, princesses and princesses were captured thousands of people, but facing the humiliation of the golden men, there were only a few people. I have the courage to choose to end my life, and the rest is to survive, and would rather be insulted by unknown soldiers of the Golden Kingdom.

Thinking of the stone stele of Madam Jingkang Chastity in the palace, Song Qingshu became more and more angry, and directly stretched out his hand to pull off the quilt in front of the two of them: "I'm here to cover something. On the contrary, is it the Han Chinese to look down upon?

The eyes of the two girls turned aggrieved: "You misunderstood this hero. The reason why we were willing to...be willing to serve Emperor Jin Guo was to win his favor and decree to forgive our sisters, they ...They are about to be sent to the brothel outside to pick up...the guests, so we just..."

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed. He also knew about sending the Princess of Song Dynasty to the brothel. This was how Zhao Fujin had been sent out earlier.

"Forget it, you can cover if you want, but you are not allowed to wear clothes for the time being. Empress Pei Man will come in for a check later." Song Qingshu casually threw the quilt on the couch onto the two women.

The two girls squeezed their bodies into the bed and asked with a blushing face: "Dare to ask what is the relationship between the hero and the nineteenth sister, why did you take such a big risk to save us?"

Although they are naive and innocent, they are not stupid. Fifth sister Zhao Fujin has been in the clothing courtyard for these years, so there is no chance to meet any friends. The only possibility left is the nineteenth sister who was rescued by a mysterious person.

Although Song Qingshu kept saying that he was here to save them, everything was too unbelievable. Over the years, they had learned not to trust anyone easily, so the necessary temptations were also necessary.

It's a pity that they didn't experience the real ordeal. They were thinking about what was written on their faces, and seeing the doubt in their hearts, Song Qingshu opened his mouth and replied: "I am your nineteenth brother-in-law, and Yingluo pesters me every day to save you. , I was too annoyed and had to agree." The reason he did this was to establish a trusting relationship with these two girls as soon as possible, so that he could arrange things later. Empress Pei Man had been listening outside the hall, and it was obvious that they had left. There is not much time.

"Nineteen brother-in-law?" The two girls glanced at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes, but they quickly thought of something, and they couldn't help but become red. "Since you are our brother-in-law, you shouldn't even look at it just now. we……"

"Two grandmothers, your attention is very problematic. Is it time to discuss these things?" Song Qingshu was going crazy, "What does it matter if I look at it? Will there be a piece of meat missing? Compared to being taken by the brother-in-law, it's still a lot of fat and water does not flow into the field of outsiders. Do you want to be watched by Emperor Jin Guo?

"Of course not!" The two girls replied in unison, and quickly realized that they seemed to be willing to be seen by Song Qingshu. They didn't know how to argue for a while, and their cheeks went flush.

"Forget it, don't talk about these useless things." Song Qingshu said quickly, "Since Queen Pei Man sent me to destroy your body, then she will definitely come in for a check later, so we have to deal with her."

"Huh?" The two girls looked at each other, and Zhao Hu'er sighed, "Brother-in-law, how do I feel that you are trying to take advantage of us."

Song Qingshu sneered: "Hmph, I want to take advantage of you so much trouble? If I didn't have anything just now, you would have taken the initiative to give in."

"Sorry brother-in-law, we misunderstood you." Zhao Yuanyuan said apologetically, "Anyway, our sisters also decided to sacrifice themselves to save other sisters. It would be better to give it to the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin... it is better to give it to you, you... come on."

Seeing her raising her neck, Song Qingshu's nosebleed did not come out, and she couldn't help but dejected: "Can you not be so novel in your brain? I just want to hide from Queen Pei Man, when will I occupy you? Can it be cheaper?"

"Huh?" Zhao Yuanyuan blushed her cheeks and shrank her head into the bed.

Zhao Hu'er, who was next to her, held back her smile, pursing her lips and asked, "Brother-in-law, what should I do then?"

"It's actually very simple," Song Qingshu cleared his throat. "It's impossible for her to take your legs to check later when she checks..." These words caused the two girls to sip together.

"What she checked is your Luohong, and Luohong is simply too good to forge. Then you will pretend to be broken. It is estimated that you will call so many times. Empress Pei Man is limited in her mindset. There is no doubt."

Thanks to so many dog-blood TV shows in the past life, this kind of bad idea can only come to light.

"That..." Zhao Hu'er raised her hand conscientiously, "Luo... how should Luo Hong fake it?"

Song Qingshu couldn't help being dumbfounded: "Do you want me to be innocent, do you want me to teach this kind of thing?"

"I don't really know~" Zhao Hu'er pouted, her expression extremely aggrieved.

At this time, Zhao Yuanyuan also stretched her head out of the bed, and Song Qingshu looked at her: "Don't you know?"

In response to him was a blank shook of his head, Song Qingshu couldn't help but rub his forehead with his hand: "It's a real life! Well, since you don't know how, brother-in-law will teach you all!"

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