Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 820: Oolong

Even though he had prepared himself, Song Qingshu was still taken aback by this fierce knife. He could feel it very keenly. The knife carried a stern and intense murderous aura, and he didn't know how many people he had killed before he could develop it. This momentum. If he was attacked by this knife unsuspectingly, he didn't know if he could escape.

With a little toe, he stepped back several feet, and looked at the cut on his chest where the clothes were cut by the knife. Song Qingshu was deeply moved: "This world is really a hidden dragon and a tiger. I didn't expect that any unknown guard in the Golden State Palace could have this. With skill, if your Excellency goes to the arena to make a splash, you will surely be famous. Wouldn't it be better to be a slave in this palace?"

Compared to Song Qingshu, the guard was obviously more surprised. He didn't expect that he would be evaded by the little **** with a single blow. He reacted quickly and quickly said in a deep voice, "You're not Xiaoxingzi, who are you?"

"Just like you, those who have no names and no surnames." Song Qingshu has seen various villains die of talk in various film and television works in his previous life. Although he does not consider himself a villain, he still agrees with the truth that he can't be overwhelmed. .

"No matter who you are, you have to die tonight!" The guard didn't talk nonsense, swiping a knife and struck Song Qingshu.

Realizing that this man was too lifeless on the knife, Song Qingshu did not dare to take his fingers and pinch it carelessly. He stepped on Qixing, and his whole figure became blurred. The other party stabbed thirteen times in a row, and even the corners of his clothes were not touched. .

The guard was secretly surprised, knowing that his sword technique was very strange. One of these thirteen knives was stronger than one. Every time he swiped a sword, his momentum would add one point. By the time of the thirteenth one, he was invincible!

Over the past few decades, he has killed many people with this knife technique. There were many masters of martial arts above him. In his opinion, those masters on the rivers and lakes have a problem, that is, they pay too much attention to fame and face. , Those masters were out of arrogance and insisted on insisting on his knife skills, and they were defeated in the end.

But the little **** in front of him seemed like an unknown prophet. He didn't accept his sword skills at all. He slashed all thirteen swords into the empty space, but instead caused him to suffer backlash from the sword's energy and internal injuries.

Knowing that he could not kill the mysterious **** in front of him, the guard was very simple, and ran into the darkness in a moment of indulgence.

Song Qingshu was stunned for a moment. The man was in a posture that I wanted to go every day, but he turned around and fled the next moment. This style of painting has become too fast.

When he was about to chase, he suddenly realized something, and then withdrew his steps, quietly looking at the back of the man who had escaped.

The guard was originally afraid of his light work, and was overjoyed when he saw that he didn't chase him. But at this moment, a very cold wind suddenly came next to him, which was so urgent that he couldn't avoid it.

Fearing that being entangled by this person would cause Song Qingshu to chase him, he did not want to stay, and hurriedly swiped his plan to use the counter-shock power of the opponent’s weapon to escape, but the imaginary counter-shock power did not come. On the contrary, a sharp pain came from his wrist, and he turned his head in amazement to find that there were five more blood holes on his wrist!

Looking up quickly, I saw a stunning woman with a pale face close to her.

"Is she a ghost or a fairy?" This was the last thought in the guard's life...

The girl in the yellow shirt solved the escaped guard, and walked towards Song Qingshu with her clothes fluttering, with a smile on her face: "It is rumored that the Golden Snake King has martial arts, but when I saw it today, it was a bit of a misnomer."

Song Qingshu smiled disapprovingly: "Rather than dying in the hands of a stinky man like me, I believe this person is more willing to die under the slender hands of a fairy. I am a kind person, so how can I let him go away with hatred."

"You don't have to change your way to flatter me... Uh, where are your eyes looking!" The woman in the yellow shirt was still a breezy look, but she soon found that Song Qingshu kept her eyes on her ass. Looking up, the whole person suddenly exploded.

"I want to see what a fairy's flattery looks like, um, it's really different from a normal flattery." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

The chest of the woman in the yellow shirt rose up and down violently. I don't know why she found that she always couldn't keep the indifferent temperament in front of this man, and was half-dead by him every time.

"Since someone is going to kill you, it seems that you still have something to gain from going to the queen?" The previous lesson is particularly memorable. The woman in the yellow shirt has also learned to be clever, so she simply stopped quarreling with him and just changed the topic.

Seeing her not answering, Song Qingshu felt a bit boring, but when he talked about business, his expression became serious: "It is too early to say whether there is any gain, and I still need to return to Taihe Temple to confirm."

The woman in the yellow shirt showed an incredible expression: "You still think about that kind of thing at this time?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted to the fact that the other party thought he was looking for empress Pei Man to have an in-depth exchange of his body, and couldn't help but feel depressed. This woman was obviously so filthy, why did she want to be so dirty? Is my appearance so anxious?

He didn't bother to explain, and simply followed her words and said with a grin: "It's normal for a man to think that kind of thing, and it is a problem if he doesn't want to. Who makes you unwilling to do that kind of thing with me, if you are willing to sacrifice, How can I take that queen into my heart?"

"Shameless, nasty!" The pale face of the woman in the yellow shirt was more gorgeous, but she was not really angry. During this period of time with Song Qingshu, she also roughly understood the other party's temper. The more the other party said this, the more demonstrable she was. She just misunderstood.

"Are you interested in accompany me to the Taihe Hall?" Song Qingshu thought about how the yellow shirts were trying to rescue their sisters, so she could meet Zhao Hu'er and Zhao Yuanyuan.

"Aren't you afraid that I will disturb you and the queen by my side?" The yellow-jacketed woman's lips showed a faint smile.

"It doesn't matter, I have a special hobby, and if a woman is watching by the side, it will be even more excited." Song Qing replied without changing her color.

"Bah!" The woman in the yellow shirt secretly regretted that it was too unwise to talk to him about this topic, and she made up her mind that she would never say a word with this **** if she didn't have to.

Seeing the girl in the yellow shirt flying towards Taihe Temple without saying a word, Song Qingshu also worried about what happened to the two little girls who stayed there, and no longer wasting time, so she rushed to catch up with her light work.

In Taihe Hall, Empress Pei Man covered her nose with a handkerchief, wiped out the fragrance by the bed, looked at the two girls who were unconscious on the bed, a sneer appeared at the corners of her mouth: What a pity, two beautiful women...

Stretching out his hands to pinch the necks of the two women, their hands gradually exerted strength, and even though the two girls were in a coma, their faces still showed pain.

When Queen Pei Man was about to put on force, she suddenly felt her wrists numb, and her hands suddenly softened.

"Who?" Empress Pei Man looked back in amazement.

"Did you forget me so soon?" Song Qingshu walked in with a smile on his face.

"Why are you?" Empress Pei Man subconsciously glanced behind him, "Where is Lu Li?"

"It turns out that that person was Lu Li. Unfortunately, he was caught to death by this fairy." Song Qingshu revealed the figure of the woman in the yellow shirt behind him.

The woman in the yellow shirt almost couldn't hold back to give him a bit. That person obviously died under her nine-yin white bones!

Empress Pei Man's face finally changed, looking at the figure of the woman in the yellow shirt, she suddenly exclaimed: "You are the assassin that day!"

"Huh." The woman in the yellow shirt acquiesced.

"Then who are you?" Empress Pei Man didn't exclaim or scream. After all, she is someone who has seen the world, knowing that they can appear here silently, and they are definitely masters of the masters, facing this kind of Master, as long as he has a sign of opening his mouth, he can instantly restrain himself from the convenience, so why bother to humiliate himself.

Song Qingshu took off Xiao Xingguo's mask: "Finally, I don't have to pretend to be an eunuch. To be honest, this thing is not so comfortable to wear. Okay, we can get to know again. Under the surname Song Qingshu, I have seen the empress."

"Are you the golden snake anti-thief?" Queen Pei Man opened her mouth wide in surprise, and immediately realized something was wrong as soon as she said it. After all, she is now under the control of others, and it will be troublesome if she annoys the other party.

"Uh, it's under." Song Qingshu didn't mean to be angry at all.

Only then did Empress Pei Man have the opportunity to look at each other carefully, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, heroic, completely unlike the anti-thief with a face full of flesh and blood in the imagination, but more like a young master Pian Pianjia.

Suddenly remembering something, Queen Pei Man's heart jumped: "That night...that night was you?"

"Huh?" Song Qingshu quietly glanced at the woman in the yellow shirt, and nodded in embarrassment, "The lady was kindly invited that night, but she had to be disrespectful."

The woman in the yellow shirt sipped secretly: "The adulterer and the adulteress!"

Queen Pei Man suddenly giggled: "If you knew it was you, I don't have to worry about it these days."

"Manny, your mood is not right now, shouldn't you show more fear?" Song Qingshu quietly looked into her eyes.

"If it falls into the hands of other people, this palace may really be afraid, but if it falls into the hands of a lover, why should this palace be afraid?" Empress Pei Man's voice was full of different meanings.

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, and the girl in the yellow shirt next to her was too lazy to listen to them flirting and cursing. She walked directly to the bed and saw the appearance of the two girls. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Hu'er, Yuanyuan!"

When she was rescued that year, although these two younger sisters were still in their infancy, they entered the Golden State Palace during this period. She had already visited Huanyiyuan for countless times, and naturally recognized the two of them, so the last time she saw Wei When Wang is frivolous and rude to the two women, she will be angry.

The woman in the yellow shirt checked the pulse of the two of them, knowing that they were just fainted by the smoke, and just breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately saw the messy marks on the two of them, and the two dazzling reds on the sheets. Hua, her eyes became cold all of a sudden, she turned her head and stared at Queen Pei Man and asked: "Who did it?"

Song Qingshu secretly screamed, but Empress Pei Man had already turned her gaze to him: "Of course it's the romantic and suave Young Master Song."

"I'm going to kill you beast!" The woman in the yellow shirt couldn't hold back anymore, she directly sacrificed the cruel Jiuyin white bone claws, and attacked Song Qingshu with a deadly move.

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