Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 828: Planning

"The emperor, the emperor~" The quiet night was broken by the anxious voice of Queen Pei Man.

"Niangniang, what happened?" Outside the Hall of Renzheng, a gloomy **** suddenly appeared and stopped in front of Empress Pei Man.

"It turned out to be the master general. I have an urgent business to see the emperor." Empress Pei Man was also a little jealous of the eunuch, because he was the emperor's first master Daxingguo, who pretended to be Xiaoxingguo before Song Qingshu, and he had nothing to do with him. Daxingguo served the emperor, and the **** who served the queen was named Xiaoxingguo at will by her.

"The emperor finished drinking and just fell asleep. Is there anything that can't be said tomorrow?" Daxingguo didn't mean to let it go.

Empress Pei Man was overjoyed, Xi Zong’s good wine is famous, every time she inevitably gets drunk before giving up, she specially chose a day when Hee Zong drank, because of one When people are drunk, their judgment is not so clear, and they are very easily emotional...

"This matter is related to King Wei. King Wei suddenly broke into my bedroom in the middle of the night, intending to plot a crime." Empress Pei Man has been planning for a long time, and this fashion looks like a lingering fear, without revealing the slightest flaw.

Daxingguo's expression condensed, the matter was very important, and he did not dare to call the shots: "Niangniang, please come with a slave." He quickly took her into the Hall of Ren Zheng.

"What? This rebellious son!" Jin Xizong slammed the sober soup cup to the ground.

When a person wakes up after a sound sleep, his mood is definitely not much better. What's more, when he wakes up after being drunk, his head is dizzy, and it is even more evil.

"Today, the concubine has already fallen asleep. In the middle of the night, Wang Wei suddenly broke in with a smoky drunkenness. Intent... Intent..." Empress Pei Man lowered her head and sobbed. If Song Qingshu was here, she would definitely give a thumbs up. Praise for the superb acting skills.

"The emperor, how is it right and wrong? I'm afraid we have to go to the Taihe Temple to understand what happened?" Daxingguo was loyal to the emperor, knowing that Jin Xizong was a little confused now, and hurriedly reminded.

"Put the Taihe Hall!" Although Jin Xizong's body is a little bad, his temper has always been great, and he always kills the ministers at every turn. At this moment, seeing the murderous spirit in his eyes, Daxingguo is shocked.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) endless.

The group hurried to Taihe Hall, and was suddenly stopped by the guards outside the hall: "Who are you waiting? This is the queen's palace, no one can enter." Jin Xizong hurried over, without showing the emperor's ceremonial guard, plus Because of the dark night, these guards did not recognize him.

"Blind your dog's eyes, and don't look at who this is?" Daxingguo was furious, and a big mouth slapped the guard up.

At this time, the surrounding guards saw Jin Xizong and his party clearly, and they were shocked and fell to their knees: "Long live my emperor, long live long live!"

Jin Xizong squinted at the guard just now, and the chill in his eyes became more intense: "If I remember correctly, you seem to be under King Wei's."

"Yes...Yes..." The voice of the guard couldn't stop shaking.

"Humph!" Jin Xizong snorted coldly, then raised his leg and walked into the hall.

"The emperor... the emperor, you can't enter..." The guard bit his head and stopped in front of Jin Xizong. He was the confidant of King Wei. He knew that King Wei had entered Taihe Hall not long ago. From time to time, some unbearable voices were heard inside. , He immediately knew that King Wei might have caused a catastrophic disaster, but he couldn't persuade him for this kind of thing. He could only strengthen the guards and block the news inside and outside the hall. Unfortunately, he didn't know that Queen Pei Man had already bought some of his soldiers.

Seeing Jin Xizong's sudden visit now, the head of the guard blew up. He could no longer think normally, but subconsciously reacted to repay King Wei for his kindness. There was only one thought left in his head. Don't let him at this time. The emperor saw the scene inside.

"Bold!" Da Xingguo came out suddenly, slashing his chest with a palm, "Dare to stop the holy driver, come, take this person first!"

Jin Xizong's expression was even more gloomy, and without even looking at the guard, he hurriedly walked towards Taihe Hall. Before reaching the door, he faintly heard the presumptuous voice of King Wei from inside: "Little beauty, come and laugh to this king. One." At the same time, there was the voice of a girl crying.

Jin Xizong was startled, who was the girl inside? However, his doubts were quickly replaced by anger, and he lifted his foot and kicked open the gate of Taihe Temple.

Daxingguo, who has been staying close to Jin Xizong, glanced in the hall, and his heart

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Zhong sighed inwardly: Wang Wei might be difficult this time...

On the queen's phoenix couch, two young girls were scattered and untidy, crying while avoiding the devil's claws of King Wei.

Jin Xizong took a deep breath, stood at the door and did not go in, turned to the queen and asked with a gloomy expression: "Who are these two women?"

The queen pretended to look there, and suddenly showed a shocked expression: "They...they are the two Song dynasty princesses whom the emperor has been calling for. The concubines thought that they would soon serve the emperor. Bring them around and teach them some court etiquette first, who knows...who knows..."

As if seeing them, the two little girls on the bed staggered out of the bed, one after another stretched out their hands like queens: "Manny, save us."

Empress Pei Man took a look, her eyes were straight. According to her design, the two girls should not wear clothes, but Song Qingshu was obviously reluctant. The two girls were still wearing clothes, but they were deliberately torn. , Leaving the snow-white skin on the thighs and waist looming, watching the blood spurting, in fact, nothing was revealed.

At this time Wang Wei also chased down from the bed: "What are you running? This king hasn't played enough yet."

The two girls turned a blind eye to Jin Xizong, and hurriedly replied: "Your Highness, don't do this, we are the women of the emperor."

"If the emperor is not the emperor, the king will be the emperor in the future." Wei Wang laughed.

Jin Xizong's face became darker and darker. Just about to say something, Empress Pei Man first stopped in front of the two girls and opened her arms to protect them: "Wei Wang, you are too presumptuous!"

King Wei greedily glanced at her bulging chest, and subconsciously said: "It's big, it's really big, it must be very cool to pinch it."

Empress Pei Man was secretly delighted, but her face was ashamed and indignant: "King Wei, please respect yourself, this palace is your mother!"

"Cut, you're not my biological mother, wait for that old immortal burp, according to our prairie rules, are you still my woman? Then I can play with you as I want, and you have oppressed our mother and son all these years At that time, this king will let you kneel on the ground like a **** and lick me..."

(End of this chapter)

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