Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 834: Shock

Song Qingshu's eyes straightened instantly. Although he enjoyed the sweet and soft lips of Gobi very much, he pushed them away, looked down at her and asked in a deep voice, "What are you doing?"

Gebi smiled slightly: "I'm just asking you to take revenge."

Song Qingshu heard a black line: "My brother Tang Kuo and I got married with Jin Lan. It is for you to take revenge for him. Why do you need any compensation? You are like this...how can I behave like this?"

"The son of Yi Bo Yuntian is willing to help Wu Gu La revenge is the son of noble character, but my wife can't be too ignorant of good and evil, let the son take such a big risk in vain." The natural reserve made Gebi's cheeks become hotter and hotter. What is strange is that she is extremely calm at the moment.

"Madam, you really don’t need to be like this. You have your ideas, and I also have my principles. If I really wanted to take advantage of the danger to get you, I would have used revenge to threaten you long ago. Believe me, this kind of thing. I haven't done it before," Song Qingshu couldn't help but see the resentful eyes of Nan Lan, Luo Bing and others, "So I really want to help you."

Song Qingshu's face was stalwart and upright, as if he could feel the faint brilliance of justice radiating from his body. Who knew that he was defeated by Gobi with a single sentence: "That night...Aren't you taking advantage of others?"

Gebi also had a fever in Yujian: "The son doesn't have to be busy rejecting it. In fact, the reason why I want to do this is that besides avenging my husband, there are other considerations."

"What considerations?" Song Qingshu looked embarrassed.

Gebi's red lips slightly opened, and he hesitated for a while before he blushed and whispered, "I still want to leave a trace of blood for Orochia."

Song Qingshu was stunned after hearing it: "Brother Tang Kuo is already..."

"That's why I'm looking for a son." Gebi was ashamed and anxious, thinking that this man looks clever on weekdays, but now he is so slow to react.

"Uh, but even... even if the wife is pregnant with a child, it has a half-cent relationship with Brother Tang Kuo?" Song Qingshu felt that his head was not enough.

Gobi looked up at him: "Do you remember what he promised me on the way to Pucha's house?"

Song Qingshu recalled it carefully, and suddenly his expression changed. He remembered that after she had suggested that the children of the two must be named Tang Kuo. At that time, he thought that his identity had not been exposed 2222, m.≠.co∧m, so he didn't want to agree to it. Come down.

"As long as the child is born with the surname Tang Kuo in the future and we don't go out, everyone will naturally treat them as the descendants of Wu Gu La." Gobi continued.

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "Are you letting my son follow someone else's surname?" Although he has had skin-to-skin relationship with many women over the years, he has traveled through it. In addition to being in troubled times, he needs to run around. He subconsciously I don’t want children, so I refine my Qi every time I have **** with a woman. In most cases, the shots are just empty bullets. Of course, I often stand by the river and don’t have wet shoes. Occasionally, once or twice. It's also possible to forget, such as before and Huang Rong... Under that kind of scene, he still has no thoughts about how to refine Qi.

If Gobi conceived, it was probably his first child, and of course he was a little reluctant.

Gebi couldn't help but give him a blank look and blushed: "The concubine has to remind the son, that the concubine is someone else's wife. Now the son can enjoy the boundless beauty without any responsibility. This is a good thing. Where can I find it? Didn't you agree to such a request?"

"Uh~" Song Qingshu felt that she was a bit too much when she was like this. Typically, he would sell well when he got a bargain. "Well, but you have to promise me one thing too. If the children grow up and hope to recognize their ancestors, You can't refuse either."

Gebi hesitated, thinking that waiting for the child to grow up will take at least ten or twenty years. This time is enough to deal with the people around him, and when the child grows up, he can still give birth to grandchildren. There is always a way to pass the incense of Tang Kuo's family.

"it is good!"

Song Qingshu then realized that something was wrong: "Uh, why did we start discussing the children's affairs? I obviously didn't want to take advantage of others.

Gebi glanced at him bitterly: "My son, my concubine has recommended pillow seats to such an extent. Are you still like this, do you want to embarrass your concubine?"

Song Qingshu looked at her carefully. Gobi was already beautiful, but now she wears a snow-white filial attire that complements her skin. I don’t know if the clothes are whiter or the skin is whiter, plus the tear marks on her cheeks. Great beauty, Song Qingshu felt soft, stretched out his hand and held her in his arms, and said softly: "Actually, I don't want to get a wife through this kind of transaction. This always makes me feel like taking advantage of others."

Gebi sighed quietly, "I didn't see you so serious that night."

"You dare to make fun of me!" Song Qingshu's face blushed, and he subconsciously slapped her on her hips. With a snap, the two of them were both startled.

"I...I'll go back first." Gebi suddenly felt a little panicked.

Song Qingshu saw a shy lady dressed in filial obedience, and couldn't help but sway her in her heart, and pulled her back: "What kind of demeanor is the madam just now, how come you are afraid now?"

"The son..." Gobi's voice was even more flustered.

"Call your husband." Song Qingshu said unquestionably.

Gobi gave him an angry look: "You are not my husband, don't shout."

"But just now the wife asked me to continue impersonating your husband." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Gebi was anxious: "Have we been like this?"

Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and whispered: "Madam just proposed to have a baby with me, and the child needs the surname Tang Kuo, but if Tang Kuobian disappears at this time, you have become pregnant. Wouldn't everyone be pregnant? Know that you have wild species in your belly?"

Gebi hugged a fan fist in a bad mood: "How can anyone describe his child like this in the world."

"Does the madam agree that I am the father of the child?" Song Qingshu was also full of hearing.

Gebi's red lips were slightly open, as if he wanted to say something but stopped, and finally he stopped: "Yeah."

Song Qingha smiled, hugged him up and walked to the head of the bed, scared Gobi Huarong pale: "The sky is bright."

Song Qingshu glanced at the slightly white window, and said indifferently: "It's still early, it's too late."

Gebi's chest was fluctuating: "But... but I'm still wearing this suit, if the son wants to, wait until the concubine's body guards the filial piety for the bones and then... I'll give it to you."

Song Qingshu looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms, with a wicked smile on the corners of his lips: "You can feel more in this dress."

Gebi was stunned, and immediately understood the other party's thoughts. He couldn't help but feel ashamed and anxious: "Are you worthy of your righteous brother like this?"

"Don't you know that Brother Tang Kuo took the initiative to send you to me, how can I care about this?" Song Qingshu said, "Brother Tang Kuo, if you are enlightened in the sky, watch it carefully. From now on I will take good care of her, protect her, prevent her from being hurt, and make her happier than before..."

Before Song Qingshu was finished, Gobi reached out his hand and covered his mouth: "It's alright, don't mention him at this time."

"You obviously mentioned it first." Song Qingshu looked funny.

Gobi blushed immediately, buried her face in his arms, and didn't look at it again. Song Qingshu smiled happily, holding her step by step to the bedside, during which Gobi never refused again.


Wan Yanping was shocked, shocked that the emperor's brother actually killed his only son Wei Wang, and the Huayiyuan began to investigate the matter. She was busy for most of the night, and sneaked out of the palace when she was free. She wanted to tell as soon as possible. Regarding the elder sister, at the same time remind her brother-in-law, let him act heartily during this time, so as not to accidentally touch the emperor's brow.

The subordinates in Tang Kuo’s mansion are already familiar with Wan Yanping. In recent years, she has been visiting from three to five places. In addition to being the mistress’s sister, these subordinates have subconsciously regarded her as the half master of the mansion. So she didn't stop her from entering Tang Kuo's Mansion at all, and those servants didn't need to inform her and let her go to her sister and brother-in-law by herself.

Because of what happened to her brother-in-law in the mountain stream that night, Wan Yanping always felt a little sorry for her sister. During this period of time, she avoided their husband and wife intentionally or unintentionally, and kept using the work in the clothing yard to paralyze herself until today. She decided to come to Tang Kuo Mansion for a big deal.

After entering Tang Kuo’s Mansion, she hesitated. During this period of time, her elder sister and brother-in-law had conflicts and were living apart. It was a question of who to find first. After thinking about it, she decided to go to her sister first, because she was always worried that she would go to her brother-in-law first. What flaws will be seen by my sister.

Who knows that my sister is not in the house, so she has to go to the brother-in-law’s room, feeling uneasy along the way. I don’t know if my brother-in-law misses me during this period. In case he wants to make himself affectionate later, would she refuse or refuse? Don't refuse...

When she was about to reach her destination, Wan Yanping suddenly heard strange sounds in her ears. Now as a person who came by, how could she not know what it was?

After listening carefully, she heard the voice from her sister, and she couldn't help feeling a little bit sour. It turned out that their husband and wife had already reconciled.

But Wan Yanping quickly despised herself, her sister and brother-in-law reconciled herself, obviously, she should be happy! Thinking about it this way, her mood really improved a lot.

Originally, she planned to turn around and leave to the living room to wait for the two of them to finish and then come back, but suddenly there was an uncontrollable curiosity in her heart: I don’t know how my sister and brother-in-law are affectionate, how is it different from me...

Although she is a sister, she inevitably got more thoughts. Wan Yanping hesitated for a long time, and finally walked to the window lightly, and at the same time secretly admonished herself, just take a look, and leave after a glance!

She tremblingly pierced a hole in the window, moved her eyes together, and saw her sister's charming and unparalleled appearance, and she couldn't help feeling lost. Her sister was indeed much more beautiful than me.

Suddenly, Yan Ping's body became stiff: "Who is this man on my sister!" —

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