Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 841: Wife ion powder

There was a strange tranquility in the main hall, and the following senior leaders of Jin Guo looked at each other, silently ‘exchanging’ their inner opinions. [A lot of good-looking novels] -79-

"Wang Wei was killed? I heard you right, right!"

"Yes, King Wei is the only heir to the emperor, how could the emperor kill him?"

"Is there anyone behind this making'waves'?"


After hearing the news, only two of the people of His Highness were sad on the surface, but their slightly raised corners of their mouths betrayed their uncontrollable joy. One was Wang Wanyanyuan, the Changsheng Wang, and the other was King Hailing. Wan Yanliang.

Chang Sheng Wang Wanyanyuan is certainly worthy of joy. He has always been at odds with Wei Wang, and he is the younger brother of Jin Xizong. Once Wei Wang died, the emperor had no other heirs. According to the patriarchal clan system, he was the best candidate to inherit the throne. Can he be unhappy when he is emperor?

As for Wan Yan Liang, although he is the eldest brother in the third generation of Jin Guo, it is a pity that his father is the son of Taizu, so when considering inheritance rights, no one counts him, but Wan Yan Liang thinks he is civil and martial. All-rounder, surpassed other cousins ​​in all aspects by a lot, so he was full of desire for that seat. If King Wei was still alive and he succeeded to the throne, he would have difficulty making waves. But now, King Wei is dead. In the end, whoever falls to the throne, isn't it all based on his own ability?

Today is really a happy event. First, the king of Wei died. At night, he has to enjoy the country’s “color” and the fragrance of the sky... Wan Yanliang hurriedly squeezed his face, lest he laughed and touched the emperor’s Moldy.

Next, Jin Xizong began to discuss with these high-level Jin countries how to settle the matter, how to stabilize the court, and how to deal with the affairs of King Wei, including the reasons for the burial, the cause of death announced to the outside world, etc. Wan Yanliang absentmindedly agreed. , The mind has already flown to the date tonight.

Song Qingshu returned to Tang Kuo's mansion. Hearing that he was going to dinner Yan Liang in the mansion tonight, Gobi trembled with anger: "No! I will never invite the murderer to the mansion."

Song Qingshu also knew that it was a bit embarrassing for her. After all, she already knew that Wan Yanliang was her husband's murderer, and she had to smile in front of the other party. It is estimated that few people in this world can do it.

But now Huanyiyuan has begun a secret investigation into the murder of Wang Wei. Sisters Zhao Hu'er and Zhao Yuanyuan must be the first to be censored. With their naive ‘sexual’, I’m afraid it’s hard to keep a secret.

The only thing Song Qingshu feels gratified is that Empress Pei Man is a person who does great things. She must have also received news in the palace, and the yellow shirt "girl" is on the side to help. It should be able to protect the two girls in a short time. But what a major event Wei Wang was killed, Song Qingshu guessed that Empress Pei Man could delay at most a few days, and she would not be able to protect herself any longer, let alone protect the two little girls.

Song Qingshu must solve the problem of the coat house within a few days and rescue the princess and Song Yuanqiao and others imprisoned in the coat house as soon as possible. Wan Yanliang was the solution he thought of.

But now that everything is ready, he only owes Dongfeng. He must first enter Wan Yan Liang's core circle before he can implement the subsequent plan. How can he break into that circle? Wan Yan Liang has already given the answer to "make friends" with Gebi. Change to Shan Jing.

Song Qingshu couldn’t tell Gobi about saving the princess imprisoned in the coat of arms. After all, the other party is the sister of the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. It’s hard for her not to think about her own country, and from her standpoint, there is nothing at all. The reason to help.

"I know this makes you very embarrassed, but what do you think if you can avenge Tang Kuo's little brother today?" Song Qingshu thought of another way to persuade her.

"What a revenge method?" When he heard that revenge is possible, Gobi suddenly came to the ‘Jing’.

"In fact, it is difficult and difficult to avenge brother Tang Kuo. It is simple and simple. It can be roughly divided into two methods," Song Qingshu paused and continued, "The first method is simple and straightforward. There are countless masters around, but today I invite him to the mansion. It should be the weakest guard around him. As long as you nod your head, I will assassinate him for you at night. With my martial arts, the chance of success is still great. ."

Gebi shook his head: "This is too risky, and even if you succeed, if you succeed in assassinating a dignified prince, Jin Guo will definitely be very angry, and will inevitably send countless masters to chase you, and it will also cause a war between Jin Guo and Golden Snake Camp. I can't be so selfish and make you sacrifice so much."

"In fact, I can accept this sacrifice. The only regret is that I will never have the opportunity to stay with you again." Song Qingshu sighed deliberately.

"Who wants to stay with you?" Gobi was so embarrassed by his words.

"Although you don't admit it, you just thought about me subconsciously. Seeing that I was too adventurous, you would rather give up revenge for your husband for the time being." Song Qingshu moved and hugged her fragrant shoulders.

Gebi avoided subconsciously, his face was a little unnaturally said: "You misunderstood, I am a person with a soft heart, even if it is a cat or a dog, I will not let it sacrifice, let me say that you are the second kind. Methods of revenge."

Seeing her hurriedly averted the subject, Song Qingshu did not continue to'force' her, and replied: "The second method of revenge is a bit more troublesome, but it can make Wanyanliang's wife dissipate, ruin, and never stand up!"

Gebi's eyes brightened upon hearing: "How can we achieve this effect?"

Song Qingshu replied slowly: "Wan Yanliang, as a prince, can enjoy the glory and wealth of his children and grandchildren if there is no accident, but there is a situation that can deprive him of the destined glory in his blood."

Gebi is not a fool either. When he was reminded like this, a word suddenly flashed in his mind: "Rebellion?"

"Yes, as long as Wan Yanliang is involved in rebellion, it will be extremely miserable if it fails." Song Qingshu recalled his contact with Wan Yanliang during this period and said in a deep voice, "If I expected it to be true, he is now plotting to rebel. "

"But we don't have any evidence." Gobi was born in the royal family, and he is also very clear about this set of procedures. Wanyanliang is highly powerful and has the trust of the emperor's brother. It is impossible to convict him for some chaotic things.

"That's why I was deliberately approaching him during this time. If nothing else, I will be able to win his trust completely after tonight." Song Qingshu smiled strangely.

"Why?" Song Qingshu's smile made Gobi a little hairy in his heart.

Song Qingshu didn’t answer him directly, but instead said: “Publishing his rebellion to the public will only ruin him, and tonight’s thing is to let his wife disperse, and it is considered to be the first to take care of Tang Kuo’s brother. interest."

"Wife ion is scattered?" Gebi is even more "fascinated" and "confused". Princess Hailing and Wan Yanliang have always had a good relationship, so how could they lose their wife in one night.

"Because it's fake to invite him to dinner tonight, I'll exchange'privately' with him...it's true." Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and said a word,'getting' Gebi's white neck twitched. The ground immediately became red.

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