Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 854: Special Dragon Claw Hand

The woman in the yellow shirt was suddenly shocked. When she went out, she was worried that she would be seen by people in the palace and cause unnecessary trouble, so she felt it with a gas machine and made sure that no one came out at the door, but now she ran into someone, which proves that the other party is absolutely Is a master of masters.

Her hand was faster than her thinking, and the surface of the five slender jade fingers appeared with a gleaming color and directly grabbed the throat of the person coming and going.

Song Qingshu was also very depressed. Originally Wenxiang Nephrite was in his arms, he still wanted to make fun of a few words. Who knew that when the opponent shot it, it was a cruel nine-yin white bone claw, the angle was extremely sharp, and it instantly appeared in his throat.

With the cultivation base of the yellow-shirted woman, there are only a handful of people who can escape from such a short distance. It's just that her luck is not good enough, it happened to be Song Qingshu. &→→→bar, ⊙.★≯.≧p;

Song Qingshu didn't have time to think about it in a hurry. He raised his head back, and when the opponent's claw fell into the empty space and made Zhen Qi slightly uncomfortable, he raised his hand and swept the opponent's elbow numb point, and the yellow shirt woman had both hands. Suddenly softened, Song Qingshu didn't dare to neglect, knowing that Jiuyin White Bone Claw's follow-up offensive wave after wave, how dare to let the other party continue, and without hesitation, he buckled his hands on the other's chest.

"Eh?" All these movements were subconscious instincts of Song Qingshu, and he didn't realize what was happening until an astonishing softness came from his hands.

"It's you!" The woman in the yellow shirt had already seen Song Qingshu's appearance at this time, and her whole body suddenly froze.

"Sao Rui Saorui, this is a complete misunderstanding." Song Qingshu hurriedly released his hands and raised them.

"I'm going to kill you!" The woman in the yellow shirt broke out, attacking him with a frosty expression.

Song Qingshu dodged and shouted: "Miss Yang, it was really a misunderstanding just now. I really didn't mean it." Who knows that the other party didn't pay attention to him at all, and chose some powerful martial arts in the "Nine Yin Scriptures" to attack.

"What's going on?" Zhao Fujin in the room hurried out to check when he heard the movement. He was stunned when he saw his sister and Song Qingshu in a group.

Seeing her, Song Qingshu seemed to have seen a savior, and his whole figure fled behind her and said quickly: "Your sister is going to kill me."

The woman in the yellow shirt made her face sinking like water, ignored him, and continued to attack him. Who knew Song Qingshu was extremely shameless, putting her hands on Zhao Fujin's shoulders, changing her direction from time to time to make shields.

The girl in the yellow shirt knew that her sister did not understand martial arts, and for fear of hurting her, she stopped hurriedly, staring at Song Qingshu with anger in her eyes: "The surname is Song, you are also a master of the generation, why are you so shameless and capable of coming out? Have a nice fight with me."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not afraid to fight with you. It's just that we beat us to death. It's really meaningless."

"Yingluo, what the **** is going on?" Zhao Fujin also snorted when he was too big on the spot.

"I..." As soon as the woman in the yellow shirt opened her mouth, her cheeks were a little red. At this time, she could still feel the tingling sensation on her chest and couldn't help but snorted, "Ask him yourself!"

Facing Zhao Fujin's puzzled eyes, Song Qingshu hurriedly explained: "There was a little misunderstanding between me and Miss Yang just now... well, that's it, but my hand accidentally caught... caught Miss Yang's chest."

Zhao Fujin also turned his eyes straight at hearing. No wonder his sister was so angry, a girl with a yellow flower, who was touched on her chest by a man, anyone should be angry, but she also believed in Song Qingshu’s character during this time of contact, knowing that he would never deliberately Doing such a nasty thing, I became a peacemaker for the two of them: "Yingluo, Master Song said that it was not intentional, and I apologized to you, so don't take it to heart."

"Fifth Sister~You don’t know martial arts, so you were deceived by him," the woman in the yellow shirt stomped her foot. "I’m not the kind of person who makes trouble out of nowhere, if he...he would really accidentally bump into it, thinking about it. For the sake of the friendship of the day, I will not pursue it. But just now, at the time of the flashing, every one of his moves just restrained my tricks, obviously they were carefully designed to deal with me, and finally...the last one, so what? It may be unintentional."

Song Qingshu finally understood why she was so angry, and could not help but smiled bitterly: "Miss Yang, you really misunderstood. Yes, I did create these combos a long time ago, but it's not to deal with you, but... It’s some boudoir games that Zhiruo and I played. You also know that she also has nine-yin bone claws. Sometimes she is bullied by me and can’t help but scratch me with nine-yin bone claws. Of course, I’m not to be outdone. I created such a milk-grabbing dragon's claw hand to break her, eh?" Seeing the weird eyes of the two women, Song Qingshu smiled wryly, "The name is a bit vulgar, but don't care about these details. Miss Yang just now. You attacked me suddenly, and I had no time to react in a hurry, but I just subconsciously shot back... This accidentally offended the girl, I swear, I really didn't mean to offend you."

The pretty face of the girl in the yellow shirt was red for a while and white for a while. In fact, after calming down at this time, she knew that Song Qingshu did not lie to her, but she was very angry when she thought that she had suffered such a big loss, and even hated Zhou Zhiruo: hum , This woman is really not ashamed, she actually blasphemes, used to flirt with her husband.

Seeing her not speaking, Song Qingshu continued: "If Ms. Yang is still unwilling, I can ask you to catch it back, so one catch for another, don't we owe each other?" He straightened his chest as he said.

"Go to hell!" The woman in the yellow shirt was almost fainted by him, and Zhao Fujin on the side also gave him an annoyed look. This son of Song is also true, can this account be calculated like this.

"Okay, okay, everyone shook hands and made peace. No one is allowed to talk about this in the future." Zhao Fujin saw that his sister was angry, but did not intend to do it anymore, so he took the opportunity to change the subject, "Song son, you rushed into the palace in such a hurry. Is there something to find us?"

"Yeah," Song Qingshu nodded, "I got news that I knew that Huanyiyuan was investigating that night, and worried about the safety of Hu'er and Yuanyuan, so I came to the palace to have a look."

Speaking of business affairs, the voice of the woman in the yellow shirt also returned to normal: "Last night, the Huanyiyuan just tortured everyone in the Wei Palace and the guards of the Taihe Hall that night. Hu'er and Yuanyuan were of special status and were temporarily kept by Empress Pei Man. She came down, but I am afraid that she will not be able to protect herself in another day or two. Once the people in the clothing store find out that Wang Wei did not drink when he entered the palace, then they will be in danger."

"You were so anxious just now, where did you plan to go?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

Hearing what he had just mentioned, the woman in the yellow shirt gave him an angry look before repliing: "I plan to go to Queen Pei Man to discuss how to deal with it."

Song Qingshu glanced at her up and down, with a weird expression: "Then why do you want to dress like this?" It turned out that the girl in the yellow shirt is now dressed as a court lady. Compared with the cold and frost in the ordinary day, she now looks much more delicate and charming.

Being a little uncomfortable by Song Qingshu's gaze, the woman in the yellow shirt turned reddishly and hurriedly turned her side: "After the incident that night, the guards of the Temple of Taihe were much stricter, with three steps, one guard, five steps, one post, and one post. No flies can get in, so I dress up as a court lady and try to see if I can get in."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "You will definitely not get in like this. Others can tell at a glance that you are a fake."

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