Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 856: The third force

In the early morning of the second day, Pu Cha Shijie was patrolling the coat yard. Since the incident of King Wei happened that night, the guards in the palace suddenly became several times stricter than usual.

Suddenly a guard ran in from the outside and whispered a few times beside him. Pu Cha Shijie's eyes suddenly widened like cows: "What, that **** dares to bully my sister? It's almost death!"

After that, he hurriedly ran outside the palace. When he ran to the entrance of the clothing courtyard, he suddenly hesitated, but when he thought that Princess Qiguo and Pusan ​​Hutu were sitting here, he had nothing to worry about. The wind rushed out.

These few of them have special identities in the coat yard, and they don't need to ask for instructions on doing anything like ordinary soldiers. They all want to leave and stay, and they don't need to ask for leave. Of course, several of them are extremely well-measured people, and they are also loyal to duty on weekdays, and they will never be as lazy and slippery as ordinary people.

Pu Cha Shijie didn’t leave for long, but Pu San Hutu, who was working in another room, also received a note. He couldn’t help but his expression changed drastically when he saw that there was something wrong with his mother. He hurriedly ordered a few words to his subordinates. Leave in a hurry.

After a while, Wan Yanping, who was interrogating the prisoner in the room, also received a letter. Originally, she was very dissatisfied with the interruption of someone coming in suddenly, her face was as cold as ice, but when she saw the letter, it was her brother-in-law. Written to her, inviting her to meet at the old place outside the city, Wan Yanping suddenly smiled, at that moment it was as if the ice and snow had first melted, when did the subordinates around them see this devil-like boss showing this kind of daughter's home , Everyone was stunned.

As soon as Wan Yanping raised her head, she noticed the eyes of her subordinates, her cheeks became hot, and she deliberately raised her face: "What are you looking at!" Although she was stern, her tone was no longer as fierce as usual. feel.

Thinking of her brother-in-law inviting herself to meet at the old place outside the city, Wan Yanping couldn't help thinking of the scene of the two making each other down the valley that night, and soon her cheeks became hot and her heart swayed: This brother-in-law, unexpectedly asked me to go there...

Although I feel a little sorry for my sister, Wan Yanping feels less guilty when she thinks that her sister has done something to sorry for her brother-in-law.

After hesitating for a while, Wan Yanping stopped the case at hand temporarily. Although the emperor was eager, but compared with the lover's meeting 5◇5◇5◇5◇, m.︽.co¢m, this case is a little bit It doesn't matter if you drag it.

At this time Song Qingshu and the girl in the yellow shirt were hiding among the dense leaves of a big tree near the Huanyi Yard. Watching the three of them leave one after another, Song Qingshu said with a smile: "Wan Yanliang's plan has succeeded, Ouyang Feng and the others are coming soon. Got it."

The girl in the yellow shirt did not answer him. Instead, she looked at Wan Yan Ping's brisk pace when she left: "I've heard that Wan Yan Ping, the head of the Huan Yi Yuan, is a cold-blooded female demon, but now she is a young girl. Huaichun looks sweet and expectant, without knowing who her lover is?"

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and he smiled wryly: "How do I know this."

"Is it...?" The woman in the yellow shirt deliberately stretched the syllables and glanced at him with a smile, "But if I remember correctly, this Wanyanping should be someone's sister-in-law, brother-in-law and aunt Son, tusk, some people are really good means."

Because of what happened to the sisters back then, women in yellow shirts hate men who disrespect women the most. When they first met Song Qingshu at Shaolin Temple, because of Song Qingshu’s reputation as a **** in the rivers and lakes, women in yellow shirts had nothing to do with him. Good feelings can also be disgusted.

Who knows that this time by mistake, the two of them stayed together in the Golden State Palace. The woman in the yellow shirt had to admit that she had a prejudice against Song Qingshu before. Although this man was greedy and lustful, he was very capable, and he was also very good. ...Not bad, so at this time, the tone of the woman in the yellow shirt is more joking, but she is not as angry as she used to be.

Song Qingshu didn’t mind when he heard the girl in the yellow shirt. Instead, he teased: “Brother-in-law and sister-in-law are the dreams of all men, of course. This is the nature of human beings. Hu'er and Yuanyuan’s two nuns are also my aunts. Where's the son."

The girl in the yellow shirt didn’t expect to catch fire, she couldn’t help but sipped: “I haven’t settled the account with you about you pretending to be their brother-in-law, huh, even if I want to marry someday, I won’t marry you. Playboy, want to be my husband in the next life."

Song Qingshu shrugged indifferently: "I will be fine in my next life, anyway, I have enough love debts in this life, and I will be able to keep you in the next life for sustainable development."

When the yellow shirt woman heard such a reply, she didn't know why she only felt a blockage in her heart, and she turned her head to the other side, her face suddenly not looking good.

"Are you angry?" Song Qingshu leaned over, "Actually, we are not unrelated in this life..."

"What's the relationship?" Although the woman in the yellow shirt didn't want to talk to him, she couldn't help her curiosity.

"When I marry Hu'er and Yuanyuan in the future, you will be my eldest sister-in-law." Song Qingshu hid away and stared at her with a cheerful smile.

"Who wants to be your sister-in-law?" The woman in the yellow shirt blushed immediately, "It's terrible."

"This can't be for you, anyway, Hu'er and Yuanyuan have already identified me." Song Qingshu said cheeky.

"Hmph, they are only young and haven't had much contact with the world. When they return to Lin'an City, they don't know how many princes and grandsons, young talents are waiting for them to choose, you too overestimate your own charm?" Huang The girl in the shirt snorted softly.

Song Qingshu shook his head indifferently: "The relationship between me and them has reached that point. How would they go to find other men." Thinking of the thin and soft lips of the two girls that night, Song Qingshu felt the belly A fire started.

The face of the woman in the yellow shirt changed slightly, and her voice rose up: "What did you do to them?"

Song Qingshu hurriedly reached out and pressed her lips, and said in a deep voice, "Quiet, the following situation has changed."

The woman in the yellow shirt turned her head and was shocked to find that the guards of the coat-in-the-wool courtyard seemed to have been attacked by an evil spirit, one by one collapsed to the ground.

"What's the matter? Hmm..." The woman in the yellow shirt realized that the other party's hand was still on her lips, and hurriedly knocked out his hand.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I don't know. These people seem to have been poisoned. Could it be that Ouyang Feng is here?" At this time, he couldn't help but feel fortunate that Wan Yan Ping was transferred away, otherwise he would be infected with this inexplicable poison. , The ghost knows whether it will be dangerous.

"No, it's not Ouyang Feng!" The woman in the yellow shirt saw a group of men in black filed in, and when she encountered a guard who had a little resistance, she killed them, her pretty face turned pale.

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