Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 866: Scheming

The woman in the yellow shirt no longer worried about Song Qingshu’s safety, took a deep look at him, and then turned her head to greet her **** team to leave. She knew that she hadn’t been completely out of danger now, and only by bringing these people back to the Southern Song Dynasty safely would it not be possible. Live up to the hard work of others.

Until the yellow-shirt girl and her group disappeared into the distance, Bai Lianjiao group finally recovered, Tang Saier became angry and said: "What are you doing in a daze, let me continue shooting arrows."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly. Although he was able to stop these crossbows, this move was pretty and beautiful, but it took a lot of internal energy. He was not stupid enough to stand here and be passively beaten, letting the opponent keep shooting arrows to kill himself. See When the Bailian Cultists began to fill their crossbows again, Song Qing's hand sank down, and the arrows that were fixed in the air turned around, and flew backwards in the horrified eyes of everyone.

The Bailian Cultists were in panic and shock, and didn't have much defense at all. They were caught off guard by his move. Hundreds of people kneeled in an instant. Only a few martial arts managed to escape being crossed by crossbows. The end of the game was passed by, but almost everyone was embarrassed. Seeing their panic and uneasy, I am afraid that they have no combat effectiveness.

Tang Saier's heart was dripping blood. This time he brought all the elites from the teachings, plus the strong crossbows obtained by the Holy King from the barracks. I thought it would be foolproof to deal with the group of people in Jianshan Academy, but I did not know that I encountered the freak of Song Qingshu. .

"Your Excellency is such a martial artist, who is definitely not an unknown person in the martial arts. Why do you pretend to be Zhao Yingluo's concubine and try to be a member of the teaching." Tang Saier trembled all over, and her voice was no longer soft and charming.

"When did I say that it was her concubine? It was you who took it for granted when you came here, blame me?" Seeing that most of the Bailian cultivators had lost their fighting power, and only two saints were left, Song Qingshu was not in a hurry, and smiled. She talked about daily life. The longer the time delay, the more beneficial it will be. It is best to wait until the golden cavalry chases and meet with Bai Lianjiao. Not only can they let their dog bite the dog, but they can also push the incident to Bai Lianjiao to save future troubles. .

"Who are you!" Tang Saier's face became even more ugly after hearing a lot of his gags.

"In the next Song Qingshu." So far, there is nothing to hide. There are so many people on the court today, and the people of the White Lotus Cult will find it after they go back.

"Golden Snake King Song Qingshu!" Tang Saier was shocked. In the past two years, Song Qingshu

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Qing Shu is the most popular figure in martial arts, but he did not expect his martial arts to be even higher than the legend!

"Golden Snake Camp and our White Lotus Sect well do not violate the river water. I wonder why your Excellency is embarrassed with us?" Tang Saier had no choice but to take out the White Lotus Sect to suppress him. Although the Golden Snake Camp is gaining momentum recently, it is compared to hundreds of years. The White Lotus Sect was still a little bit short of its background.

Song Qingshu said strangely: "The girl is a little bit joking. It's obviously I'm walking on the main road, and then you people from the White Lotus Sect pop up, and then there is another shot. If you say that you are embarrassed, it should be the White Lotus Snake camp. "

Tang Saier was suffocated, knowing that she was indeed unreasonable this time, but if she left in a dingy manner, how could she still gain a foothold in teaching in the future?

"I don't care who is who is and who is not today. Your Excellency has hurt so many brothers in this sect. It is impossible for this sect to let it go," Tang Saier stepped forward and arched his hand. Teach the Golden Snake King's brilliant tricks!"

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Tang Saier replied blankly: "Although your martial arts are high, you may not be invincible in the world."

"Would you like your companion?" Song Qingshu glanced at the other saint who had been silent by her side. He always had a strange sense of familiarity with this mysterious saint, although he hadn't seen it before. other side.

"No, I'm enough!" As soon as Tang Saier's voice fell, a ribbon shot out from his sleeve and went straight to Song Qing Scroll.

"This weapon is also unique." Song Qingshu glanced, not evasive, letting the ribbon wrap around his waist.

Tang Saier smiled, and hurriedly reached out to reclaim the ribbon, trying to disturb his center of gravity, but unexpectedly, there was no movement at all. On the contrary, a strong force came from the ribbon, and she staggered into Song Qingshu's arms. Pounce.

She exclaimed and tried her best to stabilize her figure, but the gap between the two of them was too great, her efforts had no effect at all, and the whole person threw into Song Qingshu's arms with almost no hesitation.

At this moment, the panic on her face disappeared, replaced by a weird smile on the corners of her lips. I don’t know when, two gleaming short Emei thorns in her hand, she threw herself at Song Qingshu’s arms. The force in the middle pierced his waist quickly.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) But her smile quickly condensed, because Emei thorn did not penetrate into the opponent's body as expected, but was firmly clamped by his fingers.

"Tsk tusk tusk, you little girl is so cruel, you go up to the waist of someone's waist as soon as you shoot, I have so many confidantes, if you break the waist, their lower body...Oh, no, what about the happiness of the second half of life?" Song Qingshu looked at Tang Saier with a smile but not a smile, Zhao Min, who was not far away, couldn't help but sipped: "What kind of idiot."

Tang Saier, a white lotus saint, didn’t give her all her skills for nothing. Seeing that her hands were controlled by the other party, her upper body sank, one long leg turned forward from behind, and lightly nodded to Song Qingshu’s forehead. Go, don't look at this foot as if it's just like a dragonfly, but once it hits a person's forehead, he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die.

On one side of Song Qingshu's body, a slight margin escaped her toes. At the same time, while her old strength was exhausted, she opened her arms and put her legs under her armpits. The two of them had an extremely ambiguous attitude. The posture leaned together.

Tang Saier turned pale, and hurriedly wanted to withdraw her feet, who knew that the opponent's arm was holding her like an iron hoop, unable to move at all.

Song Qingshu couldn't help blowing a whistle: "The flexibility of your saint is really amazing."

Not far away, Zhao Min took a sip, and walked directly to a big tree. He was invisible and unpleasant. The other saint of Bai Lian taught her eyes down and couldn't see her expression clearly.

"Let go of me!" Tang Saier knew that his posture was very ashamed at this time, and couldn't help being ashamed and angry.

"After finally catching you, how can I let it go?" Song Qingshu smiled, "Besides, if my dignified Golden Snake King is scared by a saint of yours, I will let him go. Doesn't it mean that the Golden Snake Camp is not comparable to it? Did you teach Bailian?"

"Can't you let it go..." Tang Saier tried to raise her head hard, and suddenly a black light shot out from her mouth.

Song Qingshu was about to answer, suddenly a warning sign occurred in his heart, and the whole person hurriedly moved three feet before avoiding the hidden weapon in her mouth dangerously and dangerously.

Tang Saier took the opportunity to jump a few feet away and looked at him with lingering fears.

Song Qingshu was utterly amazed at this moment: "No wonder Yingluo said that you are scheming. If I hadn't reacted quickly enough, I'm afraid I would have been planted in your hands."

(End of this chapter)


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