Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 868: Plot reversal

"Why, do you feel distressed when you see me hit her?" The woman stopped and stared at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu stared at her closely, and began to mobilize the true energy in his body, trying to kill the two white lotus demon girls even after suffering a life-long serious injury.

As if seeing through his thoughts, the woman stretched out her hand and gently pressed it on his chest, and whispered in his ear: "Don't be impulsive."

"You?" Suddenly hearing this familiar voice, Song Qingshu's expression was extremely weird, and Zhao Min on the side also opened his eyes wide, looking surprised.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense with them, the Golden State Cavalry is coming soon, first tie them up and take them away..." Tang Saier walked over anxiously, but just halfway through the conversation, she suddenly froze, because The woman suddenly shot her, sealing her acupuncture points all over her body.

With her martial arts, even Song Qingshu's cultivation level, it is impossible to subdue her without spending dozens of tricks, but how can she be guarded that her companions will attack her? This is just one move.

The remaining members of the White Lotus Sect were dumbfounded when they saw this scene before them. Their first reaction was that the two saints were in conflict. After all, the struggle for power within the White Lotus Sect was still quite fierce, and the two saints were in a competitive relationship.

However, Tang Saier had been a saint for many years, and the other one had only recently emerged. Of course, these people supported Tang Saier more emotionally, and after recovering, they raised their weapons to rescue her.

"what are you doing!"

"Release the saint!"


But what responded to them were dark concealed weapons, but seeing these stone-like hidden weapons was shameless, and there was no accuracy at all, none of them hit them, all of them landed on the ground nearby.

The group of people laughed, but before the laughter was over, there was a terrible roar and heat wave in their ears, and then they didn't know anything.

Looking at the explosion scenes in front of him, Tang Saier's face changed drastically: "Thunderbolt and Fireball! Are you from the Emei faction?"

The woman took off her veil, and then uncovered a thin layer of mask, revealing a pretty face that was ashamed and ashamed. It wasn't Zhou Zhiruo who had gone away.

"It's you!" Zhao Min on the side immediately quit, and his teeth tickled with hatred when he thought of being slapped twice by her just now for no reason.

"Shut up, the Golden Cavalry is coming soon, take first

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) They leave here. When Zhou Zhiruo finished speaking, she put up Song Qingshu's arm and helped him to walk along the side road.

Zhao Min was immediately dumbfounded: "You let me carry this woman? Don't do it, I will help Song Qingshu, and you can carry it yourself." Since she was a child, she has never served others like this.

"I'm Qing Shu's wife, who are you?" Zhou Zhiruo slightly raised her chin like a jade.

Zhao Min suffocated her breath. She choked out of breath with a single word. After a long time, she recovered: "Huh, what's so great about being a relative. If you are married, you can divorce your wife." Although she said so. Now, but seeing Zhou Zhiruo taking Song Qingshu farther and farther, she still set up Tang Saier to follow.

They quickly found a cave nearby. Seeing Song Qingshu's cold sweat, Zhou Zhiruo took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat with distress, "Is it uncomfortable."

Song Qingshu's mouth trembled, but after all he didn't say anything.

Tang Saier couldn't help but sneer at this time: "Of course it's uncomfortable. I was hit by the life and death talisman.

Zhou Zhiruo raised her eyebrows, and gave her a crisp slap with her backhand: "Bring the antidote."

Tang Saier's veil had already fallen off during the previous fight, and a red mark soon appeared on her white face, and she glared at Zhou Zhiruo: "I didn't expect that the dignified head of the Emei faction would actually condescend and surrender to a demon like us. Be a saint from the outside world, ha ha."

"Bai Lianjiao belonged to my father originally, what's wrong with me taking back my father's belongings," Zhou Zhiruo snorted coldly, "Don't change the subject, hand in the antidote quickly."

"There is no cure for the life and death talisman, wait for the widowhood." Tang Saier looked away.

But her expression quickly changed. Seeing Zhou Zhiruo untying her clothes, Tang Saier was shocked and angry: "What are you doing?"

"If you don't give the antidote, I can only take off your clothes and check them one by one." Zhou Zhiruo answered naturally.

Tang Saier looked up at Song Qingshu, his face was blue and red: "Stop, I'll give you the antidote!"

"It wouldn't be enough." Zhou Zhiruo unlocked the acupuncture points on her body. She had already used the special acupuncture technique in the Jiuyin Scripture. Although Tang Saier could move her limbs at this moment, she was weak and couldn't adjust it at all. Any infuriating.

Tang Saier took out a porcelain bottle from her arms and threw it in front of her, then sat aside with her knees in her arms, no longer

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Take a look at her.

When Zhou Zhiruo took out the antidote and was about to feed Song Qingshu, Zhao Min reached out and stopped her: "Wait, let her try one first."

Seeing the two women staring at him, Tang Saier snorted, took out one and swallowed it directly, Zhou Zhiruo breathed a sigh of relief and took out the antidote to Song Qingshu.

"How about it, is it better?" Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min stared at Song Qingshu nervously.

Song Qingshu let out a long sigh: "The itchiness in the body has finally stopped."

Tang Saier said at this moment: "Since his poison has been cured, you can let me go."

Zhou Zhiruo said blankly: "Do you think I will let you go?"

Tang Saier didn't look surprised at all on her face, on the contrary, she had such an expression: "You will let me go."

"You are quite confident." Zhou Zhiruo laughed blankly.

"Of course," Tang Saier moved his eyes to Song Qingshu, "because what was just now is not a real antidote to life and death. It can only temporarily relieve the numbness. When the bottle of analgesic is used up, his The numbness will make a comeback more than ten times."

Zhou Zhiruo's expression really changed: "Hand over the real antidote, and I can spare your life."

"Do you think I still believe you?" Tang Saier curled his lips in disdain, "Hey, don't take my clothes off!"

Zhou Zhiruo was not moved, but instead gave Zhao Min a look: "Let's search together." Zhao Min was stunned and joined in.

"I don't really have an antidote on me." Soon his coat fell to the ground, Tang Saier was really anxious, and his face flushed red.

"No need to search her," Song Qingshu coughed. "She has no cure."

Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min looked back at him with doubts: "How do you know."

"Because the life and death talisman itself is insoluble." Song Qingshu replied in a deep voice.

Tang Saier's expression changed drastically, and Zhou Zhiruo looked back at her suddenly: "You lied to me!" As soon as the voice fell, five crystal-like jade fingers clasped her throat.

"Nine Yin White Bone Claws!" Tang Saier's pupils shrank. After fighting with the yellow shirt women for so many years, how could she not recognize this martial arts, for fear that the other party would break her neck instantly, she said hurriedly, "Although life and death talisman There is no cure, but I know someone can cure it!"

(End of this chapter)


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