Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 872: Two women fighting

Song Qingshu frowned slightly. Although the reason was as Zhou Zhiruo said, this request could be described as a minimal price. However, he knew that Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min had fought with each other for many years, if he was the husband in front of Zhao Min. , Slap Zhou Zhiruo twenty slaps, where to put Zhou Zhiruo's face in the future?

At this moment, Song Qingshu’s head was about to explode, and he used to dream of building a big harem, but the two women turned themselves into a daze. The blessings of the people are not easy to enjoy.

t "Miss Zhao, if I remember correctly, you also promised me a condition. In that case, how is the balance between the two of us?" Song Qingshu took out a golden hairpin from his arms, which was originally given. Zhao Min took it off her head on the way to seek medical treatment, as evidence of Zhao Min's promise.

After seeing the thing in his hand clearly, Zhao Min's heart trembles: "Have you been carrying this golden hairpin?"

t "Yeah." Song Qingshu nodded, and handed the golden hairpin over, "Miss Zhao, don't embarrass me, okay?"

"You actually used my promise to save Zhou Zhiruo!" Zhao Min did not answer, but bit his lip and stared at him.

t "I can't really slap her twenty." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

t "Okay, don't regret it." Zhao Min's voice turned cold, and she reached out to take the golden hairpin. She made up her mind. After taking the golden hairpin back, she would find someone and throw it away. .

However, she took a vacancy in her hand. It turned out that Zhou Zhiruo took the golden hairpin first step. She carefully looked at the golden hairpin in her hand and said with a playful expression: "Oh, it turned out to be a token of love."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "Zhenruo, stop making trouble, this is just a testimony."

Zhou Zhiruo looked at him with a smile, until he was a little guilty, and put the golden hairpin back into his arms: "Take it away, it's rare for this demon to owe you a promise. It's a shame to just use it like this."

t "But..." Song Qingshu hesitated.

t "It's okay, only twenty slaps, I can still bear it." Zhou Zhiruo closed her eyes after finishing her words, raised her chin, revealing her white and greasy cheeks, as if letting him do it.

Zhao Min saw that the golden hairpin was tucked back into Song Qingshu's arms again, and his red lips opened, but after all, he didn't say anything.

t "Twenty slaps..." Looking at the tearable face in front of him, Song Qingshu was not willing to start. Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in his heart, and he thought of the best of both worlds.

t "Well, Miss Zhao, I promise you." Zhou Zhiruo's eyelashes trembled when she heard Song Qingshu's words, but it was her own choice, and her heart quickly returned to peace.

Song Qingshu looked at Zhao Min: "Are you satisfied if I slap her twenty slaps?"

t "Not bad." Zhao Min stayed and didn't expect that he would actually be beaten. Although she was also happy to see Zhou Zhiruo being beaten, her mood suddenly became complicated when she saw that Song Qingshu was really going to be beaten.

t "That's good." Song Qingshu raised the palm of his hand and hooked Zhao Min's heart. Even though Zhou Zhiruo closed his eyes, he could roughly feel his movements, and couldn't help feeling resentful in his heart: let you hit it. Fight so hard...

Song Qingshu's hands fell heavily, but they didn't fall on Zhou Zhiruo's face. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and hugged her waist and pressed her on his thigh.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Zhiruo didn't know why, Zhao Min also looked confused.

t "Hit you." Zhou Zhiruo's chest

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Yu squeezed his thigh, and the soft touch made Song Qingshu's heart shake, then his hand was raised high, and then he slapped her ass.

Zhou Zhiruo gave a cry, her whole body trembled involuntarily, and her pretty face flushed red: "You...how do you fight here!"

Zhao Min beside t was also dumbfounded: "No, Song Qingshu, you shameless!"

Song Qingshu said of course with a face: "I'm not shameful, you just told me to slap Zhiruo twenty slaps, but didn't say exactly where to slap." As soon as his voice fell, he slapped Zhou Zhiruo's buttocks again. Hey, it's soft and soft, and it feels really good.

t "Don't make trouble." Zhou Zhiruo's skin was red and water was leaking out, and she hurriedly struggled to get up. Although she knew Song Qingshu was helping herself, she was too ashamed to be spanked in this position in front of Zhao Min. Up.

t "Don't move, it will be over soon." Song Qingshu lowered his head and said softly in her ear.

Zhou Zhiruo felt the gentleness in his words, and there was a hint of sweetness in his heart. It seems that this is not so embarrassing?

But after all, she was embarrassed to look at Zhao Min’s expression, buried her head deeply in Song Qingshu’s arms, and tried her best to close her lips, so as not to make any shameful noises that would make Zhao Min laugh, and occasionally she couldn’t help but bite into it. Song Qingshu went on.

Seeing the two of you and me snuggling together, Zhao Min suddenly felt uncomfortable. He wanted to avenge Zhou Zhiruo, but after half a day, he spent a precious request. As a result, the two of them seemed to be there instead. **general.

"You are not ashamed to do this." Looking at the affectionate look of the two people in front of him, Zhao Min couldn't help but brow.

"It's up to you. Anyway, you let Qingshu hit it." Zhou Zhiruo, who was in Song Qingshu's arms, replied in an annoying voice, but her voice was a little softer than the usual coldness.

"Adulter and adulteress!" Zhao Min stomped and ran out without looking back.

"Where are you going?" Song Qingshu asked subconsciously.

"Return to Daxing Mansion." Zhao Min's voice became increasingly blurred, apparently leaving with determination.

"The road is not peaceful, or I'll take you back later?" Song Qingshu hurriedly shouted. On the road, it is the Golden State Iron Horse and Bailian Sect. She may be in danger by herself.

"No need!" Zhao Min paused, and continued to add, "Keep on playing, twenty slaps and one slap are not too few!"

If it weren't for Song Qingshu and Zhou Zhiruo who are both profoundly skilled people, it would be difficult to hear Zhao Min's words clearly. The other party has already been a long distance away from here, and his voice is almost inaudible.

Song Qingshu and Zhou Zhiruo looked at each other, "Do you want to fight?"

Zhou Zhiruo bit her lip and stared at him with big watery eyes: "Whatever~"

Song Qingshu's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but slapped her twice. The water in Zhou Zhiruo's eyes became stronger: "Qingshu~"

Although the two are husbands and wives, they can get together less and more together, and there was a misunderstanding before, and it didn’t take long for them to really reconcile. Zhou Zhiruo’s sweet voice was like a spark on the dry grassland, and it burned in an instant. There was a raging fire.


"it's here?"

"Do you think it's a bit inappropriate? Or let's go back to Daxing Mansion and find a room..."

"No... right here."


I don’t know how long it has been, Zhou Zhi

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) If you sit up from the haystack, your two long smooth legs are leaning on one side, and the previous flush remains on your cheeks. While tidying up your clothes, the other is white. Song Qingshu glanced at it: "After you practice that kind of exercise, there are not many women in this world that can withstand your tossing. No wonder you are everywhere."

Song Qingshu smiled wryly: "No way, Tantric Kungfu is a bit evil. Once you start practicing, you can't stop and you will be wronged."

Zhou Zhiruo sighed quietly: "Actually, sometimes I think, if you were the innocent Song Qingshu before, how good it would be to treat me wholeheartedly..."

Before Song Qingshu had time to reply, she shook her head: "If you want to be Song Qingshu, I don't think I will like you. It seems that everything is destined."

Song Qingshu's heart was deeply moved, and he held her in his arms: "Zhiruo~"

Zhou Zhiruo put her face on his shoulder and said quietly, "I can ignore you when you find other women. I only have one request, that is, I can't find Zhao Min."

"Uh~" Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, it seemed that the resentment between the two women was really big.

Zhou Zhiruo continued: "The demon girl has the worst heart, she loves to steal a man from me. I have been robbed by her once, and I don't want to be robbed by her again."

Song Qingshu felt pity upon hearing it: "Don't worry, there won't be a second time."

Zhou Zhiruo gave a hum, sorted out her messy hair, and said softly, "Qing Shu, I'm going back to Jiangnan."

Song Qingshu frowned: "Shall we leave as soon as we meet? Stay with me for a while, and I can take you around Jin Country."

Zhou Zhiruo smiled and shook her head slightly: "Although Tang Saier has been poisoned by you, she is very cunning. If she returns to Bailian Sect and says something that shouldn't be said... I don't want to waste my efforts this time. ."

Song Qingshu was silent immediately. He knew that Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min had two extreme temperaments. Zhao Min was strong on the outside and soft on the inside. He could abandon everything for the sake of love and belonged to the romantic school; Zhou Zhiruo was soft on the outside and strong on the inside. By the time Ah Jiu and Xia Qingqing both brought their own generous dowries, how could she, as a wife, be willing to be compared? What's more, Bai Lianjiao was still her father's foundation, and now it fell into the hands of others...No matter from that aspect, it is hard for me to persuade her to go back.

"Will you go now?" Song Qingshu was a little bit reluctant.

"Well," Zhou Zhiruo nodded, "Tang Saier should not be far away at this time, and if I delay for some time, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with her."

"Well, you must be careful in the White Lotus Sect. Whenever you are in danger, keep yourself safe." Song Qingshu warned uneasy.

"I know, my good husband." Zhou Zhiruo suddenly leaned over and kissed him, and then walked out happily, turning back while walking, "Don't hook up with Zhao Min~"

Since crossing this world, what I have seen more is Zhou Zhiruo's frosty side, and now seeing her showing her little daughter's posture, Song Qingshu can't help but feel a little silly.


At this time in the Golden State Palace, Jin Xizong looked at Wan Yanping and the others who were kneeling on the ground and furious: "A dignified coat of clothing, the coat of clothing I rely on the most, but when people want to come, they can leave. Mao Keng? As the backbone leaders, you are not in the palace at the critical moment. What use is there for you? Come on, all of them are dragged down and cut!"

(End of this chapter)

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