Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 913: Misunderstanding

Seeing that things had not developed as much as he had imagined, Wan Yanliang almost vomited blood in depression, and immediately turned ugly: "Now I want this king to go easy, but I'm afraid you will kneel down and beg me to come back. Humph. , Since you are so ignorant, the king’s conditions should be improved a bit. If you want to save your husband, it’s not enough for you to accompany you by yourself. Call your sister. Your sisters will serve the king together, this king. Will think about it!"

The reason why Wan Yanliang dared to be so unscrupulous is that he knew that this was not a glorious thing for Gobi, and that she would subconsciously conceal it as a woman's instinct; secondly, he had just received the news because of Because of Tang Kuo’s pleading, Wanyanquan has ordered that Gobi is not allowed to enter the palace again, even if she really wants to ask the emperor to sue; it is a foregone conclusion that King Changsheng will be removed, and he will launch a coup soon. After taking Yan Qi, he was just a princess, and he didn't have so many scruples.

&▼▼▼, ¢.≥▽.¢p;Wan Yanliang trembled uncontrollably at the thought of the gentle and charming sister and the charming and hot sister at the same time.

Wan Yanping outside the door couldn't hear anymore, and she drew her sword and rushed in with a sigh.

With a bang, Shan Ali Chuhu, one of the four guards next to Wan Yan Liang, appeared in front of the owner and blocked Wan Yan Ping's attack with a knife.

Wan Yanping's wrist was aching, knowing that she was not the opponent's opponent, so she had to stare at Wan Yan Liang bitterly: "Clothed beast!"

Gebi frowned and shouted directly: "Come here!" Soon a large number of Tang Kuo's guards swarmed outside. Gebi pointed at Yan Liang and said, "Coax him out."

Wan Yanliang laughed: "You don't have to worry about the guards of the mansion, this king will go by himself, remember the conditions that this king made with you just now, and call your sister to be with you at that time, hahahaha..."

Seeing his arrogant appearance before leaving, Wan Yanping was trembling with anger. She tried to rush over several times, but her sister secretly grabbed her arm.

"Sister, would you let him go like this?" Wan Yanping couldn't help but ask when Gebi dispelled the guards, and there were only two sisters left in the lobby.

Gebi sighed: "Wan Yanliang is accompanied by the four major guards, all of whom are masters out of a million. There is also a royal guard guard on standby outside the house. If you really want to fight, we can't keep him. If it arouses his fierceness, it will be against you and me."

Wan Yanping also knew that what she said was reasonable, but she always felt aggrieved in her heart. The two princesses were forced to be so embarrassed by a collateral prince. What kind of world is this!

"It's all to blame for the emperor's faintness and incompetence, and fortunate this kind of treacherous people!" Wan Yanping said angrily.

Gebi also looked lonely: "The emperor's character is a bit feminine at first, and he has become more and more serious in recent years, and he doesn't even care about the kinship of the flesh and blood."

"He only has that seat in his heart. For fear that others might threaten him, the last time King Wei was wrongly killed is fine. How innocent King Changsheng is, don't let him take the opportunity to get involved. Now even the brother-in-law..." Wan Yanping said more and more. Getting more angry.

Except for a few people who really laid out, most people in the capital were confused by the recent changes. In the eyes of the two sisters, it was the emperor who executed King Wei himself, but the account was placed on King Changsheng. They wanted to come. If I want to go, I can only think that Wan Yanquan has become denial of his throne for his throne, and will get rid of all those who threaten him, even his own son and younger brother.

Thinking of all this, the two sisters were silent for a moment. After a while, Wan Yanping remembered what Wan Yan Liang had just said. After hesitating for a long time, she still tentatively asked: "Sister, what Wan Yan Liang said just now... Is it real?"

Gebi nodded: "It's true."

"What!" Wanyan Ping suddenly felt a thunderbolt in her ears, thinking that the brother-in-law she had always admired was actually buying his wife and begging for glory in order to melt wealth, and thinking that her dear sister was actually humiliated by the animal under her body. All thoughts are ashamed, and the whole world seems to have no color.

Noting the pale face of her sister, Gobi also realized that her words had caused her misunderstanding, and hurriedly pulled her to sit down: "Ping'er, it's not what you think, listen to me..." Then she said that night The thing is talking about.

Hearing the brother-in-law stealing the beam and changing the pillars and using a brothel woman to deal with Yan Liang, and then Li Daitao stiffened, making him steal the chicken and not eclipse the rice, Wan Yanping's face suddenly became very exciting: "Sister, did you say that Yan Liang not only didn't take care of it. Your cheap, the princess was put to sleep by her brother-in-law?"

Gebi nodded with a blushing face. She has always been gentle and kind. If it weren't for revenge for her husband, she would not agree to such an obscene and insulting method.

"Brother-in-law is good!" Wan Yanping looked excited, "Wan Yanliang almost didn't **** me off just now. My brother-in-law happened to be very angry for me." She was born in the royal family and was used to seeing the palace. What happened was a bit different from ordinary women, and I didn't think it was wrong for the person you like to have **** with other women, let alone the beast's wife!

Gebi didn't expect her sister to react with such excitement. She didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only smile awkwardly.

Wan Yanping's expression suddenly changed, and her face became hesitant. Careful Gobi quickly noticed her sister's abnormality and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you, Ping'er?"

"Sister, there is something I've been holding back in my heart, and I don't know if it's inappropriate to talk about it." Thinking of the scene that I bumped into that morning, Wan Yanping felt a little upset.

Gebi smiled softly, holding her hand and looking at her: "Ping'er, you and your brother-in-law are the closest sisters in this world, so what else should you say?"

Wan Yanping gritted her teeth: "Okay, since you mentioned brother-in-law, then I want to ask my sister a question, did you do something to sorry brother-in-law?"

Gebi's expression changed. Thinking of the time he lived with Song Qingshu, it would be fine if he didn't know his identity before, but after seeing through his identity, the two have been living a normal couple's life, although she has been She numbs herself with the reason of revenge for her husband, but recently she has become more and more aware that her body is already sorry for her husband, and her heart seems to be starting to sorry for him.

Thinking of this, she sighed quietly: "Yes, I did something to sorry your brother-in-law."

Hearing that she did not deny, Wan Yanping also had a complicated expression: "Sister, why are you so confused? Brother-in-law has always treated you very well. Why do you do such a thing? And it's no matter if you find someone else. Why do you find someone who is big with me? Jin is the enemy's anti-thief?"

First more

Today (15th) at 12 noon and until 12 noon on the 19th, there will be a double monthly ticket event on both sides. During this period, all monthly tickets voted will be doubled. One vote counts two votes.

During this period, I will definitely try my best to add more. I hope I can work together with everyone to see if I can make a breakthrough on the monthly ticket list. After all, after so long, the highest is only hovering in the 20th place. I really want to experience what is in the front. What a feeling.

In order to let the readers also get corresponding feedback, so that the author will be more motivated, and at the same time, the author will not be exhausted.

Temporarily agree on a standard:

From now on, two basic changes will be made every day. After the double monthly pass starts at 12 noon, one chapter will be added for every 50 additional monthly passes in this book.

Because I didn’t have any similar experience before, I was always worried that you would vote for too many monthly tickets (let me go to the good side for a while), which would cause my codewords to be exhausted

For example, in the unlikely event that there are any readers, my manuscript will definitely not make ends meet.

Therefore, I need to explain to you in advance that if there are too many monthly passes and the update speed cannot keep up, the chapters owed will be recorded, and I will try to make up in the shortest time.

Thank you all for your support!

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