Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 917: Leaving Beijing

Wan Yanliang has always planned and acted later. Without full confidence, he would never do anything. Therefore, a group of people have been distressed about this matter during this period, although they have taken the opportunity to show Pu Cha by taking advantage of the affairs of the clothing courtyard. Shijie, the time is too short, this friendship is far from enough to pull Pucha Ahute's veins onto his chariot.

Thinking of this, Yan Liang hated Yang Guo. The reason why he spent so much energy retrieving Yang Guo from the people, let him recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors, and then push him down to a central office like Shang Shusheng. I want to win over the king of Zhao Wang and Yan Honglie, and the second is to use Yang Guo’s marriage to Pucha Qiucao, the daughter of Pucha Ahute. At that time, because Yang Guo is a member of his camp, Pucha Ahute will not look at the monks. Looking at the Buddha's face, even if you don't help yourself, you will have a high probability of staying neutral. Who knows that Yang Guo actually escaped and made his efforts to waste!

Therefore, at this time, I heard that Tu Shanjing had a way to transfer this loyalty ∷↘wán∷↘∷↘roba, ↗.□. With the power of the royal family, how could Wan Yanliang not be excited?

Tu Danjing recalled everything Song Qingshu had told her before, and the corners of her lips rose slightly: "The prince went to the Golden Snake Conference before, didn't he bump into a Mongolian in an inn?"

"Not bad." Wan Yanliang's face suddenly became gloomy, and when he ran into Zhao Min and his party, although the legendary Shaomin princess was very shocked, there were so many masters in the Mongolian subordinates that he was so embarrassed that he almost couldn't return. Come, so this memory is really unpleasant.

"I remember that the prince mentioned that he saw the relationship between the three core disciples of the Chongyang Palace and Mongolia?" Tu Shanjing asked.

"The three generations of Chongyang Sect disciples Yin Zhiping and Zhao Zhijing, there is news that Yin Zhiping is the next candidate to be the head teacher." Wan Yanliang's heart moved, as if vaguely caught his wife's thoughts.

Tu Shanjing smiled and said, "Isn’t there a ready-made reason? Collusion with Mongolia is the most taboo crime in the whole country. Let Tang Kuo defend the crime and lead his troops to recruit the Chongyang Sect. This can bring the emperor to the next level. , Secondly, I can take the opportunity to mobilize the main power of the Pucha Ahute family. By then, will the entire capital be under the control of the prince?"

"Wonderful!" Xiao Yu couldn't help but shoot the case. "The princess's plan is like killing two birds with one stone. It clearly solves our headaches, and it is wonderful to be able to show kindness to the princess by the way."

"Okay, just do what the princess said." Wan Yanliang was also overjoyed. "In the past, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty had an eldest grandson and a virtuous empress, but now the king also has a good wife like the princess.

He compared himself to Tang Taizong, and Tang Taizong was still a figure who usurped the throne and conspired. His mind was already clear, but this was his confidant, and no one had any unusual reactions.


After Wan Yanliang entered the palace, a decree came out from the palace. Because the Chongyang Palace was suspected of colluding with Mongolia, the special Shangshu Zuo Cheng Ma Tangkuo went to Zhongnanshan to investigate the matter and asked the Chongyang Sect to accept the imperial edict. . In view of the large number of congregations in the Chongyang Palace, the reputation in the martial arts is very large, and at the same time sent Wan Yan Ping to lead the master of the clothing courtyard to assist, and sent the former left deputy to check on Pucha Ahute and three thousand forbidden troops in case of emergency.

The tone of the imperial decree was severe, and at the same time, the urging was tight, so that the relevant people waited for the imperial decree to leave immediately, Song Qingshu thoughtfully: It seems that Wan Yanliang can't help but want to do it.

Because Song Qingshu was in the prison, he needed a series of procedures. When he was ready to leave the city, other people had already been waiting outside the city. Seeing Wan Yanping was among them, he couldn't help thinking: Huanyiyuan passed the last time. The vitality of the incident had been severely damaged, but Wan Yanliang had never expected that Wanyan Liang would distract the remaining strength of the coat of arms, and he was indeed cautious enough.

Gobi also waited there, and saw him running over with a look of excitement and threw in his arms: "Husband~"

At the same time, he lowered his voice and said, "Qing Shu, you must be careful on the way. It is Wan Yanliang's idea to send you to the Chongyang Palace this time. He must have no good intentions."

Song Qingshu thought that this was my plan in the final analysis, but now that time is tight, he has no time to talk to the other party, so he can only comfort him: "Don't worry, with my ability, Wan Yanliang can't harm me. I am a little worried about you, although I have sent someone to protect you secretly, but you must be careful yourself. Don't go out during this time. Strengthen the guards in the mansion and wait for my return."

"Yeah!" Gebi stopped talking, looked at Wan Yanping who was not far away, and a sly smile appeared in his eyes, "Remember to take good care of Ping'er for me."

"Okay, I will definitely protect her thoroughness." Although Song Qingshu thought Gobi's tone was a bit weird, he didn't think too much.

After all, Yanping coughed: "Brother-in-law, everyone is waiting for you, let's start!" She deliberately bit the pronunciation of the word "brother-in-law" and winked at Gebi.

After the excitement of seeing him at first, Gobi remembered that they were being watched by thousands of people. He couldn't help but flushed his cheeks and pushed him away.

Song Qingshu also felt a little embarrassed. After saying goodbye to her, he hurriedly caught up with the large group, leaving only Gobi to stay in place and quietly wave goodbye to the fading figure.

At this time, Wanyan Zhongjie, who was hiding in the dark, snorted: "The one who has no conscience, didn't expect to say goodbye to us when he left."

Pucha Alihu couldn't help but laughed: "Let you read more books as a little girl, these words with no conscience are almost flirting, how can the girls shout casually, can you still eat you? Aunt's vinegar won't make it?"

Wanyan Chongjie raised his mouth and said, "I used to hear people in the capital say how good the relationship between my aunt and my uncle is, but now it seems that it's just that, because my aunt's heart is fastened to another man's body so quickly."

"Young Master Song is a talented genius, born again to be Yingwei extraordinary. It is normal for your aunt to like him. Don't look at him. I'll go back first. You take good care of your aunt." Pucha Alihu warned. .

"I know." Wan Yanliang waved his small hand impatiently.


After the army left the capital, Song Qingshu first greeted Pucha Ahute for a while, and then took a chance to call Wanyanping to her side: "Ping'er, come here, I have something to ask you."

Wan Yanping leaned forward on horseback with her mouth open: "One bite, one Pinger, am I familiar with you?"

Song Qingshu was startled: "Are you still angry with your brother-in-law?"

"Bah!" Wan Yanping tweeted, "I really treat myself as my brother-in-law."

"So you know it." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. If he still can't react, he might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill him. "I'm really sorry for what you did before, and I will be responsible for you."

"Who is rare you are in charge!" Wan Yanping's face turned red, "This matter will be settled with you in the future. Let me tell you what is wrong with you?"

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