Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 919: Late night invitation

Seeing her promise, Song Qing couldn't help but open his words, and waved to them before leaving: "I'm going now, you continue, continue."

Pu Cha Shijie saw his cheeky face that he was cheap and cheap, and he almost didn't get angry. If he hadn't considered that the other party was the coach of the operation, he might have rushed to let him know what a big fist is. .

Wan Yanping stood aside and the corners of her mouth twitched, wishing to reward him with a whip.

"Do you like a man like this?" Pu Cha Shijie asked incredulously, pointing to Song Qingyuan's back.

Wan Yanping replied coldly: "I don't like him."&,∷.≤@.▼p;

"Isn't he your brother-in-law, don't you admit it at this time?" Pu Cha Shijie felt that his heart was about to break.

Wan Yanping also had a very headache. Now this brother-in-law is actually Song Qing pretending to be, so she can’t just yell to outsiders. After thinking about it for half a day, she didn’t figure out how to explain it, so she didn’t explain it at all. ."

Seeing her non-invasive attitude, Pu Cha Shijie was also helpless, so he had to change the subject: "Are you really going to his tent at night?"

"Of course." Wan Yanping thought that Song Qing had specifically asked her to ask questions before, but because he walked away, he didn't ask her questions. It should be for this to ask her to meet at night. Of course, she was not interested in explaining this to an outsider. .

"Are you really going?" Pu Cha Shijie suddenly became anxious. "What kind of decent are you who are alone in the middle of the night!"

"He is my brother-in-law and my relative, what happened to me to talk to?" Wan Yanping asked in confusion.

Pu Cha Shijie was choked to death. After a long time, he suffocated a sentence: "There is nothing to say during the day. You have to say it at night. It is clear that he is unruly towards you."

"Even if my brother-in-law is really unruly to me?" Wan Yanping looked at him strangely, "I don't mind." After speaking, he didn't bother to talk to him, leaving Pu Cha Shijie in a mess in the wind. .

"I don't mind...don't mind..." With Wan Yanping's last words lingering in his ears, Pu Cha Shijie immediately received a bit of critical damage.

Soon night fell, and Wan Yanping walked around in her tent. Although she was very chic in front of Pu Cha Shijie, she would inevitably think about things when things came. What should I do if I really do things to me? Am I resisting or not?"

On the one hand, thinking that the two have already had skin-to-kin relationship, the meaning of resistance does not seem to be great, but on the other hand, she has another voice in her heart. She only regarded him as her brother-in-law before, but now she knows that he is not a brother-in-law. Of course he can't let him go anymore.

Wan Yanping finally made up his mind and hid a chastity guard in a short skirt, thinking that if he really moved his feet, this girl would cut him with a single knife! Thinking about this, she stretched out a lot, got up and walked out.

Song Qing was watching in the tent, and suddenly heard the hesitation of footsteps outside the door, she couldn't help but laughed: "Is it Ping'er, are you afraid to come in after all here?"

"Huh, who's scared." After being demolished, Wan Yanping simply rushed in, "Also, don't call each Ping'er, are we familiar?"

Song Qing showed a look of thinking, and nodded after a long time: "I have touched every inch of your body. From this point of view, we should be quite familiar."

Wan Yanping didn't expect him to be such a rogue, and she was trembling with anger: "It's okay if you don't mention this, you lied to my body, I haven't settled accounts with you yet!"

"Which people are there going to the Chongyang Palace this time?" Song Qing changed the subject wisely.

"What?" Wan Yanping didn't react to such a big jump in the other party's topic.

Song Qing repeated the question again, and then added: "This question is very important. It is related to whether I can successfully avenge your sisters."

Despite the extreme anger in her heart, after hearing him speak so seriously, Wan Yanping had no choice but to reply: "There is me here in Huanyiyuan. The Pu Cha Shijie you saw in the evening, and Pu San Hutu; then Zuo Deputy Du You have seen it before checking on Pucha Ahute. He took some of his men, as if his daughter Qiucao was also in the army. I heard that he was out to relax, but I didn’t see it; other than that, it’s over. Yan Liang also sent his confidant, Shan Zhen, with a team of men and horses as the supervising army."

Song Qing nodded, that's right. If he is Wan Yanliang, he must not be relieved that this group of people will be out of control like this. They sent Tu Shanzhen, the head of the four major guards, over. It seems that it is also for the sake of this. Prepare for the sudden return of this army to Beijing.

Seeing Song Qing remained silent there, Wan Yanping couldn't help but snorted, "Hey, have you finished asking your questions."

"There is one last question," Song Qing looked at her with a smile on his face, "If I remember correctly, you used to wear sturdy trousers, but now you have put on such a beautiful skirt. To show it to me?"

Wan Yanping stayed for a while, then her face flushed. To be honest, she didn't even realize this. What was hesitant just now was whether to come over. Who would have thought that she would change her skirt without knowing it?

"You're so stinky, this girl can't wear it to herself." Wan Yanping said with a blush.

"That's really a shame," Song Qing shook her head, "Speaking of which, I miss the girl who was so obedient to me."

"Bah, that's when you are in danger. If you didn't pretend to be my brother-in-law, how could I treat you like that." Thinking of all the enthusiasm of herself lying under him that night, Wan Yanping couldn't wait to have a drill Go in.

"But when your brother-in-law is dying, he has given his woman to me. If you don't believe me, your sister has blood as evidence," Song Qing replied, "Since you think you are your brother-in-law's woman, you are now me. Beautiful woman."

Wan Yanping was circumvented by him. She also knew that the blood he mentioned was a fact. Although she knew something was wrong, she didn't know how to refute it for a while, so she said angrily: "You are a strong word."

"How can this be considered an unreasonable word?" Song Qing laughed. "From a legal point of view, your ownership belongs to me. From the actual situation, your body is already mine. Of course, from the current point of view, your heart For the time being, it’s not entirely mine, but I am confident that it won’t be long before I can get your heart."

Wan Yanping smiled angrily: "I have never seen such a brazen person."

Song Qing said dismissively: "Thin-skinned men are destined to be less favored by women. Thinking about it carefully, I'd rather be a brazen person."

"Bah!" Wan Yanping felt that she had to be dizzy if she stayed any longer, so she planned to turn around and leave.

"Where are you going?" Song Qing called to her.

"Of course I went back to rest." Wan Yanping looked at him inexplicably.

Song Qing shook her head: "Stay here to accompany me tonight."

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