Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 930: Pinnacle of life

When Yan Zongxian received the emperor's word to let him enter the palace to see him, he didn't have any suspicion, because the emperor told him several times during this period that he wanted to abolish Empress Pei Man and set up Mrs. Tao Hua, the wife of King Chang Sheng. For the new queen.

This is of course very wrong in Wanyan Zongxian's opinion. In fact, it is also appalling to simply take the younger brother-in-law into the harem, but it is not a big deal if everything is done secretly. I think Wanyan Zongxian also let Zhao Gou's birth mother Wei and his wife Xing Queen mother-in-law back then. Is there any kind of pedantic character in this respect that two people share the same bed?

The reason why he opposed it was that the emperor's killing of King Changsheng had already caused a lot of criticism. If he openly accepts his wife as his wife, the ordinary people will be in an uproar. Even the princes and nobles will find it difficult to accept such things.

During this period of time, he has been thinking about how to persuade the emperor to change his mind. He just thought of an ingenious way. He felt that he would definitely be able to persuade the emperor this time. He was thinking about going to the emperor quietly after tomorrow morning. He received the imperial imperial edict, and he entered the palace unsuspectingly.

As a result, as soon as he entered the palace, he was arrested and executed by the people of Wanyanliang. Before he died, he didn't know that drastic changes had taken place in the palace. He thought that he had persuaded the emperor to change and angered the emperor. Before temporarily, he said to the people around him: "Who can speak for me, I don't feel sorry for my death. I can only think of the Lord and helpless ears!" I hope these words will reach the emperor's ears, so that he will not be obsessed with understanding.

As for Prime Minister Zuo's Wanyan Zongmin, what he received was not the emperor's will, but the emperor's secret edict. Because of his many years of marriage, he has a close relationship with the family of Queen Pei Man. Over the years, he has been a strong support of Queen Pei Man in the court. The two have joined forces internally and externally to control the Jin Kingdom for a long time, although After Wan Yanquan took office, their power was affected, but this ally relationship has always been unbreakable.

Therefore, when he received the words from Empress Pei Man from the palace, he didn't have any suspicion. Like Wan Yan Zongxian, he plunged into the palace unpreparedly, and was executed by Wan Yan Liang.

It can be seen that Wan Yanliang’s plan was so thorough, and even these details were taken into account. That’s why he solved the first and second in command of the Jin Guo military and political affairs without any effort. In this way, in the entire court, No one threatened him.

When Yan Liang got the news from his subordinates and knew that the two had been dealt with, his last worry finally disappeared.

Now that the general situation has been set, there is still a while before dawn, Wan Yanliang's heart moved, and he looked towards the Hall of Renzheng: "You can take advantage of this effort to taste the delicate bodies of those beauties."

Just now, Wan Yan Liang was busy issuing orders one by one to control the whole situation, and sent people to place Queen Pei Man and Dai Qisi in the Hall of Ren Zheng. At this time, the two women were sitting on the dragon bed holding hands and looking at tears. After a long time, Empress Pei Man sighed regretfully: "I didn't expect that we were fighting, but in the end the dog thing that Wanyanliang was cheaper."

Dai Qisi frowned: "I have never argued with you, but you unilaterally treat me as an enemy."

Empress Pei Man was stabbed by her and couldn't help but angrily said: "I haven't argued for anything? I don't know who is going to provoke the emperor every time? Even the emperor has been thinking about changing the queen recently."

"After the change?" Dai Qisi showed a look of surprise, and when she asked how it happened, she couldn't help but lose her voice, "I knew he had moved his mind to set me up, why should I do it in such a hurry. "

Thinking that she was taking great risks to control the emperor, Dai Qisi regretted it. If she knew about it, she would never choose such a radical method. With her It’s not difficult for Wan Yanquan to make up her mind with her beauty and charm. As long as she becomes a queen, she can justifiably influence Jin Guo's decision-making.

"You **** are ashamed to say," Empress Pei Man said bitterly, "If you hadn't counted on the emperor, and there was Daxing the country, how could Wan Yanliang, a group of chaotic courtiers and thieves, succeed in killing the emperor so easily?"

"Which **** are you scolding?" There was a murderous look in Daiqisi's eyes. She had always believed in her chastity, so how could she tolerate her calling herself with such insulting words over and over again.

"What about scolding you?" Empress Pei Man snorted coldly. "Should not pose here as a chaste woman, with a bright temper, we will not be able to escape being insulted by him later, and we will still pretend to be there. What outfit."

Daiqisi's breathing suddenly became hurried. If she hadn't been restrained now, she would have killed the woman in front of her, but when she thought that what she said was likely to happen, she felt a deep feeling. Powerlessness.

I have been walking between King Changsheng and Emperor Jin Guo for these years, and I can still maintain my innocence. Is it destined to be inevitable today? Chiba, my husband, if you are alive in the sky, please tell me what to do?

Suddenly, Dai Qisi's heart flashed, and she looked straight at Queen Pei Man: "Why are you so calm, I can't feel your worry at all?"

Queen Pei Man's expression changed: "Is there?"

Dai Qisi's thinking became clearer and clearer: "Of course! You behaved very strangely when you appeared before. You fell into our hands, and you were not afraid at all. Instead, all kinds of threats to us, and then Wan Yanliang appeared, I I subconsciously thought that you and him were in the same group, but now it seems that you rely on someone else."

Empress Pei Man’s face changed, and finally snorted: "What is it, but that person is my dependant but not your dependant. You will wait obediently for Wanyan Liang to sleep, maybe you will serve him well. Now, he can finally reward you with the title of concubine."

"Shut up!" Dai Qisi turned pale when she thought that Wan Yan Liang might lie on her body and do those disgusting things. "Let your patron save me by the way. Otherwise, wait for Wan Yan Liang to come in. I will tell him everything, and no one will be able to leave then."

Queen Pei Man suddenly furious: "You bitch!"

At this time, Wan Yanliang's voice rang from the door: "What are these two beauties doing? With such a big anger, it seems that this king will give you the fire."

Daiqisi ignored him and continued to look at Pei Man: "Last chance!"

Queen Pei Man bit her lip, and nodded after all: "You are ruthless."

"What are the two beauties talking about?" Wan Yanliang was confused, but his attention was quickly attracted by the appearance of the two women. Daiqisi sat there lightly and angrily, like a The meticulously carved jade statues are as smooth and luminous, and every part of her body makes people feel the urge to caress them carefully. Although Queen Peiman is not as damaging to the country and the people as Dai Qisi, she is also a famous beauty in the Kingdom of Jin. Er, with the addition of the superb queen status bonus, the attraction to men is not lower than that of Dai Qisi.

Wan Yanliang looked left and right, and didn't even think about which person to start with. Finally, he was really confused: This king is really confused. Is it necessary to choose? Two women come together!

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